I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity and I'll admit, it used to bother me very much. They used to ask me "So Ashlee, when are you gonna have sex so you can join the rest of us in conversation?" and it made me feel like some kind of leper or something. But you know what? I stopped caring. Most of them are raising babies on their own, or are in just plain old bad shape. The ones who were in "serious" relationships, are bouncing around in singledom, having random hook ups and getting high, drunk, and laid every chance they get.
I'm glad I didn't give it up just to not be a virgin anymore, it made me feel like a scarlet letter, and then I stopped letting it. I had plenty of opportunities to lose my virginity, and I didn't take them because they didn't feel right. The guy wasn't someone I felt connected to, and I didn't feel like I was valued. i felt like a piece of meat; all these guys wanted from me was sex. And I wasn't having it.
And I met my boyfriend online, but through a mutual friend. The first time we met, it was in a very public place, in mixed company. This made it totally safe and I was comfortable. i felt like i was simply making a new friend amongst my old ones. And we chitchatted on the phone for weeks before our first meeting. And then met more frequently, and finally hung out on our own, still in a public place, until we established a relationship. He's the first and only person I've ever had sex with it, and I'm not gonna lie, I didn't wait very long, we were only a "couple" for about 3 days (i know! i know! lol) but it felt right. I didn't have those same uncomfortable feelings that I had with the others guy who tried to get with me.
And the next morning I didn't feel like a different person. It wasn't a big deal. And I'm glad I made the choice I made, and to this day, I have no regrets.