'Casual Encounters' Craig's List


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Well the problem is that in our society we glamerize sex. I mean granted its fun but seriously some of the crap they have in magazines you gotta wonder what the hell they are thinking. KWIM?

Sometimes people can be so easily influenced

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I used to think Cosmo was some fun piece of trash to read and laugh at, but now, due to seeing how it sadly has influenced so many women's lives about how to date, sex, etc. (the advice is utterly ridiculous), I can't even laugh it anymore. I know it isn't exactly the magazine's fault, but I still can't look at it in the same way.


Well-known member
It's really sad. I think I have to agree with you there. My best friend calls it " The magazine for Tramps" LOL But in all seriousness it's just sad because it does really negatively impact so many womens lives.

I had a friend in college that used to come in with all sorts of stuff and the girl was a real sweetie but she was just acting strangely one day and I went to a bar and saw her just fawning over this guy and when I went over to her and made up some lie for her to leave I walked out with her and demanded to know what the hell she was doing and she said " I'm just trying to get a date-that's how the magazine told me to" and I lost it.

It's a bad magazine, a horrible one.


Well-known member
Honestly, she'd be better off getting a really good vibrator - sterile, impersonal, efficient, and only does what you want. I think she wants someone with experience to "teach" her, when the best way to please someone is to know what you like.

As others have mentioned, this is so dangerous! Plus, on a much lesser note, when she is in her first "serious" relationship, the old reminiscing about how you lost your virginity is bound to come up. Can you imagine explaining this to someone you love in a way that makes sense?


Well-known member

I can hear it now:

Little Sister: So um, when you wanted to um have sex, how did you know it was the right time?

Her: Well uh, I didn't.

Little Sister: But you said you weren't a virgin. How did you know?

Her: Um, well I just went on craigslist.com and met up with some guy and we had sex.

Little Sis: Did you know he was the right guy?

Her: Well everyone at the office said he was.

Little Sis: Did you love him?

Her: No. But the Magazine said I didn't have to


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KJam
Honestly, she'd be better off getting a really good vibrator - sterile, impersonal, efficient, and only does what you want. I think she wants someone with experience to "teach" her, when the best way to please someone is to know what you like.

As others have mentioned, this is so dangerous! Plus, on a much lesser note, when she is in her first "serious" relationship, the old reminiscing about how you lost your virginity is bound to come up. Can you imagine explaining this to someone you love in a way that makes sense?

Plastic is never as good as the real thing =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Plastic is never as good as the real thing =P

I absolutely agree, but it's better than some greasy stranger and potentially dangerous pervert!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I did talk to her about safety, and she'll try doing dating type events (singles nights) and stuff that people do to try to meet people (volunteering like once or twice a month.)

Completely relieved

Good. I was getting worried there for a while.

Question - how up is she on her sex ed and STD info? Im only asking because she wanted to lose it to some random graigslist guy which left me with the impression that maybe shes no up to date on that info...

Please impress on her that whoever she decided to shag, she needs to see recent STD test results, my sister didnt insist on seeing STD results with the last guy she was with, contracted HPV and how has cervial cancer

I would hate to see someone else make the same mistake
Your life is too precious to play sexual russian roulette.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ella_
Please impress on her that whoever she decided to shag, she needs to see recent STD test results, my sister didnt insist on seeing STD results with the last guy she was with, contracted HPV and how has cervial cancer


So sorry about your sister..
HPV doesn't CAUSE cancer, as the makers of the new vaccine would like you to think, but that's a whole other topic. You are SO right about this girl obviously not understanding the dangers, both emotional and physical. The absolute best way to avoid the sexually transmitted nasties is to get to know everyone that you're seeing, have open discourse on the subject up front, see if you LIKE THEM before sleeping with them. I don't think an STD test on paper is necessarily the answer, I mean.. some people fall in love and are willing to take chances with these things. No need to leech all the romance out of sex :p Be smart, don't fuck everything crossing your path. It's pretty simple logic


Well-known member
This whole thing just sounds like the opening of a Law and Order SVU episode...

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. I remember wanting to "catch up" with my friends who were having sex and smoking weed and stuff...but I don't think sex should be something to check off your list as "ok, done that".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
HPV doesn't CAUSE cancer, as the makers of the new vaccine would like you to think, but that's a whole other topic.

What? Everything I've ever heard or read, including information from the National Cancer Institute, the CDC, the NIH and various news organizations unequivocally states that certain strains of the HPV virus cause most cervical cancer cases.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
What? Everything I've ever heard or read, including information from the National Cancer Institute, the CDC, the NIH and various news organizations unequivocally states that certain strains of the HPV virus cause most cervical cancer cases.

Sorry, I don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, and I don't want to make light of cervical cancer, but if you take a look at the numbers of adults with HPV, and the numbers with cervical cancer, and the number of cancer patients who do not have HPV, they just don't add up. The vast majority of adults in the US have contracted some form of HPV with no ill effect. Cervical cancer is a result of poor health which itself is a result of diet and lifestyle choices just like other cancers :/ Furthermore, one might want to consider that the company hawking the new HPV vaccine and their proven "research" has lost millions (billions?) in the past couple years due to lawsuits surrounding their drug Vioxx. The truth is out there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, and I don't want to make light of cervical cancer, but if you take a look at the numbers of adults with HPV, and the numbers with cervical cancer, and the number of cancer patients who do not have HPV, they just don't add up. The vast majority of adults in the US have contracted some form of HPV with no ill effect. Cervical cancer is a result of poor health which itself is a result of diet and lifestyle choices just like other cancers :/ Furthermore, one might want to consider that the company hawking the new HPV vaccine and their proven "research" has lost millions (billions?) in the past couple years due to lawsuits surrounding their drug Vioxx. The truth is out there

But the CDC has stated that only 4-5 strains of HPV cause cervical cancer. So of course there would be a LOT more people with HPV (with different strains) who wouldn't get cervical cancer. The Center for Disease Control has stated that 99% of all new cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV.


Well-known member
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. Even googling "hpv does not cause cervical cancer" brings up no information stating that cervical cancer is not caused by HPV. I would assume that if it were all a giant conspiracy, I would be able to find someone else ranting about it somewhere. So at this point, I'm going to put my belief in the Mayo Clinic, the American Cancer Society and various other highly respected medial entities and keep on believing that most cervical cancer cases are in fact caused by various strains of HPV.

Considering it took Merck and an Australian company (CSL) 15 years to develop Gardasil, I'm not inclined to believe that its development and the recommendation that all girls age 11-26 be vaccinated with it have anything to do with recouping money lost through the Vioxx debacle.


Well-known member
Hah... I remember one of my friends she's with her current boyfriend in an akward relationship of sorts...

She made them both get STD tested b4 she would sleep with him. She's an engineer and a total booky on the outside. And then a E dropping raver on the other lol. Kinda funny.

I can understand her reasoning though... She hates sex with a condom, so rather than using protection, she only has sex in comitted relationships with partners who she knows are STD free. She's been with her current boyfriend for several years now.

It's at that akward point of do I wanna get married (like his mother in law is pushing lol, cuz she wants grandkids lol) or see if there is something else out there...

Which imho says, "DONT GET MARRIED" since if your even having those thoughts, your not ready to do it.

Anyways... Thats another way to be ultra safe...
You dont have to wait till your married, but you can shoose to wait till your in a comitted relationship...

Then again, plenty of scumbag guys cheat on their wives and girlfriends who think they are faithful, and give them STD's since they didn't think they would need protection. So thats not always 100% safe eigther. Sad, i know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. Even googling "hpv does not cause cervical cancer" brings up no information stating that cervical cancer is not caused by HPV. I would assume that if it were all a giant conspiracy, I would be able to find someone else ranting about it somewhere.

Sorry, I didn't mean to rant... I think maybe we're looking at an issue of semantics :p Consider that this is the perspective of someone who is opposed to this particular vaccine and the propaganda surrounding it, and not so much the basic notion that HPV causes cancer. It is not a conspiracy theory, and I probably made it sound that way by injecting the X Files reference, but I just cannot help but say something when people casually mention "oh she got HPV so she got cancer." That is patently absurd. And that's what the CDC and Merck want you to think! Gardasill is not a cureall against HPV (of which there are several strains, at least one of which most of us are infected with at one point or another without incident) and it is not without serious side effects (one study I read before it was approved involved severe birth defects in children whose mothers had been innoculated months before they even became pregnant) and an enourmous majority of women who have the strains of HPV that are associated with cervical cancer will never get it anyway! My feeling is that we all need to be more educated in ways to avoid acquiring STDs, the importance of regular pap smears and ways to stay at optimum health rather than putting more $$$ in a billionaire's pocket to shoot ourselves up with god-knows-what when it "may" or may not work..

Of course I mean no disrespect towards people who have cancer, my heart goes out to them and their families.

End rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I think it sounds like the worst idea ever, not to mention insanely dangerous.
I know I take physical relations a lot more seriously than the average person but I really think she will regret this. I think a lot of people end up regretting their first time or the person it was with, I know I do, but this seems like it will kind of guarantee that. Mostly though, I would be concerned with her safety. You never know what people are capable of. Not to mention the risk of STD's. I'm sure she will use protection but can't you still catch the herp with protection?
I would sit her down and have a sincere talk with her about this situation and possible concerns. If she still wants to go through with it at least you know you've done what you could do.
I hope she's safe!

I completely agree.
she might think it's no big deal, but really, this is something she definitely will regret down the line. Plus, there are way more risks than benefits (I mean, is there even going to be ANY benefits at all in this case?!)

You never know, and there are tons of shady people out there, I'd think that she'd be putting herself up for some serious danger than any good.

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