Chanel Fall 2015


Well-known member
Just an update. I ended up getting Chanel fall as well as Dior anniversary, chantecaille anniversary and the ysl fall palette. I figured I'd probably just buy everything eventually and it is triple points so I'll be earning some Nordstrom notes. I skipped the polishes, the beige gloss and all the liners except ardent. My SA said the orange I'do is beautiful under the chantecaille anniversary palette. She said the bronze shade I beautiful when used wet. I also happened to get the last set. My counter didn't get the blush and since I wanted to make sure I got it, I went running off to Macy's and got the very last blush. In fact, Blue Mercury sold out of the blush in 2 days and they aren't expecting any more. My SA said she hooked me upnwith goodies so I can't wait to get my package!
Awesome haul! It sounds like you really didn't need too much help deciding...enjoy your beauties.


Well-known member

A skip for me but that closeup pic of the palette is


Well-known member
I WISH it swatched just like it looked in that photo. Maybe I will check it out again this weekend. Maybe the tester &/or lighting sucked. The shades seemed so flat.


Well-known member
I think I want the quad (I have green eyes), New Moon and Vert Obscur n/p. There are SO many good makeup things coming out for fall, I'm trying to not buy everything!!
I'm with you, I totally agree. It's so hard not to buy it all!


Well-known member
I WISH it swatched just like it looked in that photo. Maybe I will check it out again this weekend. Maybe the tester &/or lighting sucked. The shades seemed so flat.
I was thinking the same that maybe I should go swatch it again and see :lmao:


Well-known member
:lol: It looks so beautiful in the photos, but it just did not translate into reality. I will look at it again this weekend if my closer Dillards got it lol!
Exactly!! I had really high expectations for the palette but when I swatched it, it just didn't feel that vibrant!! Hmm.... But all these swatches are making me wanna try again lol!! :amused:


Well-known member
You act like you know us or something
Are we that predictable

Quote: Originally Posted by Vineetha

this elegant!!!

Who, me?
Me who was skipping TF summer and went home with the palette one day, Golden Peach a next, and Naked Bronze another day lol
We can hang out in my glass house lol



Well-known member
:angel: Who, me? Me who was skipping TF summer and went home with the palette one day, Golden Peach a next, and Naked Bronze another day lol We can hang out in my glass house lol :cheers:
And who is refusing to accept the existence of Tomford AW15?? :rofl: We can sure hang out in that glass house together!!


Well-known member
Just an update. I ended up getting Chanel fall as well as Dior anniversary, chantecaille anniversary and the ysl fall palette. I figured I'd probably just buy everything eventually and it is triple points so I'll be earning some Nordstrom notes. I skipped the polishes, the beige gloss and all the liners except ardent. My SA said the orange I'do is beautiful under the chantecaille anniversary palette. She said the bronze shade I beautiful when used wet. I also happened to get the last set. My counter didn't get the blush and since I wanted to make sure I got it, I went running off to Macy's and got the very last blush. In fact, Blue Mercury sold out of the blush in 2 days and they aren't expecting any more. My SA said she hooked me upnwith goodies so I can't wait to get my package!
Wow! Great Haul. I was thinking of skipping my makeover and just asking the SA what to do with the orange I'do. Great idea. I may get that Chantecaille set. I've been wanting to explore that brand. I only have one item from it. Oh yeah triple points. Another reason to wait for Nordies. So what did you get from Chanel? Do you mean you got everything except the polishes and liners and gloss? Woohoo!

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