Chanel Holiday 2012 - Eclats du Soir de Chanel


Well-known member
Ladies, I know you keep saying Nordies gives the gifts. I always get mine at Neiman's. My sa gave it to me weeks before the event. I got the collection weeks ago. There was just a gift online during incircle.

If there is an incircle going, there is always a Chanel gift. Usualy with a 150-200 purchase and nice things!
You do not have to wait for Norrdstrom. Just saying. :)

But I do know they have great CS and people love them. I am a NM and Bergdorf girl .
What was your gift?

shades of blue

Well-known member
Has anyone noticed that the Notorious blush looks kinda similar to Inglot 420 eyeshadow? But, the finishes are WAY different, so I don't think you could use the Inglot eyeshadow the same as Notorious, but I just thought the colors were sort of similar.


Well-known member
I was at one branch of the Bay yesterday and it wasn't out. I'm wondering if that might have been in Toronto. I find that the big Bays there sometimes get things a wee bit earlier than the rest of us...
Yes, it's out in Canada, at least in Toronto. But they don't have the testers yet. I bought the quad without testing it just because it's so beautiful!


Well-known member
I'm gonna get Notorious, the quad, and Mystery glossimer.
One question, who should I order with if I reallly want the gift with purchase Chanel makeup bag? I remember seeing someone post the gift with purchase link. I'm just not familiar with the rules ect or which site does that? My last chanel order with Nordies did not include gift with purchase.


Well-known member
CartoonChic, based on your avatar, it looks like you have a neutral to warm tone. If you were 100% warm, you wouldn't be able to pull off that fantastic lipstick color you're wearing!

Another great test is through foundations. Neutral foundations that are simply beige or brown (with no yellow added to the mix) will pull ashy or pinkish on a warm skin tone.
I love your blog btw!


Well-known member
Got lucky and found the Chanel JC in Ultra Rose #74:



Well-known member
As of yesterday no holiday collection at my Nordstrom either. I am sure my Chanel MA is getting tired of hearing my voice. LOL


Well-known member
I called mine twice yesterday. The second time I called, she said they got the paperwork for the Holiday Kits, not the Holiday Color :( I forget what colors are in the kit bags.

I want Ultra Rose!!!!


Well-known member
I'm gonna get Notorious, the quad, and Mystery glossimer.
One question, who should I order with if I reallly want the gift with purchase Chanel makeup bag? I remember seeing someone post the gift with purchase link. I'm just not familiar with the rules ect or which site does that? My last chanel order with Nordies did not include gift with purchase.
You will need to contact a Nordstrom and ask if they are doing the Trend Show Gift With Purchase.


Specktra Bestie
Hm... Any word on who will have Ultra Rose in Canada? I hope it's not a Chanel boutique exclusive like Notorious. There are a couple of retailers who get exclusives up here, I wonder if they'd have it.


Well-known member
Right now it's Asia/Australia exclusive according to Not sure if Canada may get those exclusives though? Anyway, as far as the US goes says they have not heard anything definite yet but if we do get it it would be early next year. Maybe we can find it at Izzy's sooner.


Well-known member
Just got off the phone. My Chanel SA at Macy's called to tell me the coll was in. Start calling up your SA's if you haven't yet ladies. The Chanel has landed!!!!!!


Well-known member
Ultra Rose is available here in France. It was launched with 3 others at the same time : Malice, Tumulte and Rouge. I think they were exclusive blushes only available rue Cambon and Av. Montaigne in Paris, then they came here. Rouge is from Byzance, I don't know when Byzance was released in the US or in Canada if ever it was released.


Well-known member
ack! I have been coveting Rouge for a while now but I wasn't doing the makeup last winter so missed it. Is it permanent there? My brother in law travels to France a bit from the UK, where they live, and I might be able to arrange a pick up if it is. However if it is a really hard to locate item getting a male family member, whom I have only met once I might add, to hunt it down might be difficult.


Well-known member
Ultra Rose is available here in France. It was launched with 3 others at the same time : Malice, Tumulte and Rouge. I think they were exclusive blushes only available rue Cambon and Av. Montaigne in Paris, then they came here. Rouge is from Byzance, I don't know when Byzance was released in the US or in Canada if ever it was released.
Yes, we did get Byzance including Rouge sometime last year, I forget exactly maybe there's hope we'll really get Ultra Rose eventually....but we got Malice and Tumulte quite awhile ago already.


Specktra Bestie
Ultra Rose is available here in France. It was launched with 3 others at the same time : Malice, Tumulte and Rouge. I think they were exclusive blushes only available rue Cambon and Av. Montaigne in Paris, then they came here. Rouge is from Byzance, I don't know when Byzance was released in the US or in Canada if ever it was released.
We didn't get any of those here. At least, I think that Byzance was a Chanel-boutique only collection and there's only one in Canada that I know of. Malice and Tumulte were never released at all up here as far as I know. We got the Brompton Road collection months after everyone else, but quantities were very limited.


Well-known member
I got a call from my Saks SA and my Notorious arrived at the store. My gift has also been set aside for me. She's just waiting for the Holiday collection to come in before she ships everything out to me. She says it should arrive "any day now" and I hope that it's today.