Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Hey Peeps
I am a very happy camper tonight - I just finished painting my long awaited Foyer project! Fab looking

I am getting impatient too...checking the site tonight.

Michelle, that was so cute about your hubs & the lip balm, that I read it to my hubs & he did the cutest chuckle

Katred, that is just plain gorgeous on you. Its on my list. (but then what isn't)

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
yey Katred u tried on La Sensuelle! It looks gorgeous on you and it was def my fave of the collection.

I know u're gonna go back and get it ;)


Well-known member
Katred -- you look gorgeous! Can't wait to try out the Velvets myself :)

Elegant -- LOL I love my lip balm
Bring on the Baumes! And the Velvets already (sheesh, why is it taking so long??)
Yay for the painting being done! Do you have your chandlier up yet??

Miss QQ

Well-known member
elegant - Congrats on having a fab foyer now! Hope the lipsticks are up soon so you don't have to keep checking the site. :)

katred - La Sensuelle is stunning on you! Lipsticks last about the same time on me, and I don't mind touching up because I'm always drinking or eating something. The RAVs fade nicely, no funny rings which happens with some lipsticks and I strongly dislike that.


Well-known member
Elegant - so glad your foyer is finished and done to your liking!! Congrats!!

Kate, how beautiful you look!! Nothing new there, but that's a fabulous combo on you. I'm happy to hear you like the feel of the velvets - I'm anxiously waiting to try them on my always-dry lips.

Michelle, that's a cute story - everybody laughs at me because I have lip balm everywhere in the house - and usually at least 2 in my purse!! I'm excited for the Baumes too - hope they live up to our expectations!


Well-known member
Cheryl -- lol -- you are just like me with the lip balm! I cannot stand the feeling of dry lips. And my girls are the same -- a gazillion lip balms in their little purses at all times! I'm so interested in seeing what the Baumes swatch like . . .


Well-known member
My Macys has the Velvets today
I probably won't go until tomorrow though because its an hour away & the weather is supposed to be warmer. I'm a wuss when it comes to cold weather. Our son is in NY on business for a few days & I just heard they may get 3-5 inches of snow
I'll guarnetee he didn't pack for that


Well-known member
Yay for the painting being done! Do you have your chandlier up yet??

I think hubs is going to hang it today
I cannot wait to see all the cut glittering glass reflecting all over the walls.

It reminded me of how much I hate to paint

Oh, I got to talk with the crazy chanel lady this should have heard her on the phone giving me the low-down on the Velvets


Well-known member
Thanks for that link! I'm hoping Nordies has them this week.

We've got about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and no power at the moment. Not happy. Thank goodness for generators. What the heck is up with this weather?!

I ordered Enivree, Famous and Empire today as part of my pre-sell. Just couldn't resist. I don't know if I will keep Famous, as I'm picky about reds, but we'll see.


Well-known member
Elegant -- oh my word, as I was typing your name, I typed "Velvet" instead LOL (maybe that can be your new nickname??) -- lucky girl to go get the Velvets. Let us know which ones you pick up!! And how is the crazy Chanel lady doing?? (You have to get the La Elegante velvet)
I hope the chandelier gets up soon -- it will be so gorgeous!
I don't like cold weather either, blah. I am wearing my cute wedge sandals with jeans for as long as possible . . .

Gail -- great swatches! Eeeks, I want so many . . . I wonder if La Distinguee would be too peachy on me?? I really want La Caline, La Rafinee and La Furtive. La Elegante looks so gorgeous in those swatches too. I'm in trouble.

Cheryl -- you didn't last long without Enivree! I wore Pink Peony glossimer on top of Enivree today and it is so pretty (more Spring like than Fall, but who cares, right?). Hope you are loving everything. I hope you get power soon -- no fun.

I went back to Anthropologie today . . . yes, I got more monogrammed mugs
(for teacher gifts). I got a super cute vase for my new bookshelf. That was pretty much the extent of my shopping today . . .


Well-known member
Gail -- sorry, when I posted "hope you get better soon" as a comment on your post, I meant it for a different post. You probably think I am crazy :)


Well-known member
I did some hand swatches of Sensuelle.. and have decided to stay away from the reds. Not because I don't like them.. they are gorgeous with the same exquisite texture.. it's just that now, with a full head of grey hair, I either do pinks/rose/fuschia/berries or nudes.. and it works with my hair and complexion.

if I do a red, it's a Dior Ara Red type.. really red/ r-o ...or any red on top of a Vamp to get a deep dark red burgundy lip.


Specktra Bestie
I did some hand swatches of Sensuelle.. and have decided to stay away from the reds. Not because I don't like them.. they are gorgeous with the same exquisite texture.. it's just that now, with a full head of grey hair, I either do pinks/rose/fuschia/berries or nudes.. and it works with my hair and complexion.

if I do a red, it's a Dior Ara Red type.. really red/ r-o ...or any red on top of a Vamp to get a deep dark red burgundy lip.

Aw... Sorry you decided to pass. Sensuelle is a red with a capital RED, though. It's funny, because when I saw it in the tube, I thought it would be more brown. It's definitely a warmer red, but I think it's a shade that I can get away with. (Colours that are too brown tend to age me. I don't need the help.)


Well-known member
^ I have the other 5 Velvets, which I am in love with
Maybe my chemistry was off today.. lol. Wine at lunch might do it to me


Well-known member
Michelle - LOL so funny. I like Elegant Velvet
I can't believe (yes I can) you went back for more mugs. They're adorable & I looked at them again last weekend too. I am definitely getting La Elegante! That one & Distinguee should be coming soon from Singapore. I am SOOOO mad & bummed out that I missed my delivery of the Brompton Blush today!!! NOOO
Can you hear me crying out loud! I have to sign for them. Aghhhh I actually called the Post Office to see if I could run down & get it which they have done for me before, but no one answered. I am praying that its in one piece. Anyhow, the crazy chanel lady answered the phone with this really crazy weird hello when she knew it was me
Who knows what I'll come home with.

Shypo - I feel so bad for you - stinking bad weather. My DIL & I are both worried about our son. We're hoping that he will be able to leave NY tomorrow. He said he had to buy long johns & another umbrella because his first one broke. I hate bad weather.

Winthrop - thanks dear for all the great links!!! Well that stinks that nobody has the velvets. That makes it even weirder that my macys has them because its in podunkville nowhere usa. He didn't get to put the chandelier up - because we shopped too long this afternoon - at LOWES
for pete's sake

Oh Michelle - so whats wrong with being crazy

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