Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member

Culte and Destinée are really pretty, I don't know if you have the Roses Ultimes ( just arrived here ), glosses and nail polishes are great too.
The Rouge Coco is typically a ready-to-wear lipstick, I couldn't do without !


Specktra Bestie
Culte shall be mine! I'm also rethinking my decision not to purchase Destinee. It's a frustrating thing that NONE of the Chanel counters near me have good lighting, so I'm always gambling a bit. When I tried it on, I thought it looked a little too brown on me, but every time I see a swatch, it doesn't look brown at all. I'm kind of confused.


Well-known member
Thanks for the swatches, MissQQ. Cult looks gorgeous. Are you planning to get any of the new colors?
Culte shall be mine! I'm also rethinking my decision not to purchase Destinee. It's a frustrating thing that NONE of the Chanel counters near me have good lighting, so I'm always gambling a bit. When I tried it on, I thought it looked a little too brown on me, but every time I see a swatch, it doesn't look brown at all. I'm kind of confused. 
It was not brown on me at all, cannot do brown.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
You're welcome, ladies!
I love sharing them with you, and we can all get excited together.

No, my counter has not received the Roses Ultimes collection. I don't know if I'm getting any of the new lipsticks, but Candeur is calling my name now. I want Saran wrap lips! A friend helped me buy YSL Rose Bergamasque lipstick, I can't wait to get it next week. The dior addict extreme lipsticks launched last weekend but I haven't look at them. Too many lipsticks!


Well-known member
Culte shall be mine! I'm also rethinking my decision not to purchase Destinee. It's a frustrating thing that NONE of the Chanel counters near me have good lighting, so I'm always gambling a bit. When I tried it on, I thought it looked a little too brown on me, but every time I see a swatch, it doesn't look brown at all. I'm kind of confused.
I find Destinee goes on my medium pigmented lips like a browny plum colour...not as purple as it looks in the tube.


Well-known member
While at my Chanel counter today at my local Nordies I asked about the new RAs, and the SA said they're slated to be out in October. She's seen the pamphlet with the new colors but didn't have it with her there. She hadn't heard anything about a reformulation, just new colors being released. She did confirm that 6 of the new colors would be red. I specifically asked if one was a coral-red, since most coral lipsticks tend to be pink, and she said that yes, one of the reds was a corally-red. I'm officially on a lip ANYTHING no-buy until October.

Some food for thought/discussion: What RA(s) do you want to see a comeback? What would be your dream RA that Chanel has yet to release that you'd LOVE to be part of this collection?

Mine: A corally-orange-red. Not an orange red like Audace, not a pinkish red like Flamboyante, but a reddish coral. Maybe Enthusiast? Or heck, a true coral for that matter. A red with gold shimmer would be nice too. Also a nice deep browned rose-mauve, like Zoya's Marcella np. I would buy a BILLION of that.

(by all means, if Chanel actually DOES have colors like that already in the RA formula, do let me know.


Well-known member

sourire is so pretty


Well-known member
Did you try having the various dept stores do searches for you? You'd be surprised at how many older things you can find that way. Elegant & I both got that one by calling the Vegas Neiman Marcus counter. I believe the SA's name is Maria. If she cant locate one try Saks and Bloomingdales. I've had luck with both of them on older things in the past too. Good luck if you try.


Well-known member

sourire is so pretty
I hope it will show up on my lips and gives it a pretty pinkish tone (I have very pigmented lips). If it does, it's coming home with me


Specktra Bestie
I find Destinee goes on my medium pigmented lips like a browny plum colour...not as purple as it looks in the tube.

Thanks JulieDiva, I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I swatched Culte yesterday and was surprised at how brown it looked as well. It reminded me a little of the LE Mac shade Riveting, which I love, but Culte is less purple/ mauve. I don't know if it'll look good on me. I would have tried it on, but the Chanel boutique was pandemonium yesterday. A bunch of teenagers jostling people out of the way of the counters and someone had let her two kids (probably 6-8 years) loose. They were running around, bumping into people, knocking things over, screaming... I felt sorry for the people working there, who seemed to be retreating to the far side of the place...

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I almost picked up Candeur yesterday, and then I stopped myself. My usual counter was giving out the Rouge Coco badges with any lipstick purchase. The badge this time is different from 2 years' ago, it's a printed blue jeans fabric background with white printing of the CC logo and Rouge Coco in the middle. So cute.


Well-known member
^^MissQQ -- I wish they gave those cute badges out here! They should come with purchases too. Sounds adorable :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Yeh, its very cute and makes a good chanel collectible. Not as exquisite as the necklace elegant got though. ;)

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