Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Sorry - the pictures SUCK! It was too hard to hold my purse, turn the phone sideways & then snap the shot. I was a nervous wreck because you are not allowed to take any pictures in this mall. I went out under the natural skylights to take them.

Incandescente is at the very bottom almost at my wrist. And right next to is is Palpitante.

Row of 5 far left is Pimpante, Excentrique, Coromandel, Incandescente, Passion (love Passion)
Row of 3 above that is Determinee, Exaltee (pretty but I have lots of this color) & then Rouge Profond lip liner (beautiful) & the pink right above that is the Fuschia lip liner.

The top swatch is the lip liner Orange Intense


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Hi guys! I haven't been on forever and missed u all!! I had my baby girl about 8 days ago. She's s precious and I'm so in love, can't be separated from her for a minute even, hehe! She arrived 4 days before my due date and is perfectly healthy and breastfeeding well....and not letting mommy and daddy sleep at night :D

I didn't get a chance to read all of this thread but I know this collection is out in Canada as my sister saw them at the Bay (she works for Dior now). My mom is taking me out next Friday shopping (first time out since giving birth) and I want to grab a couple of these. Based on the earlier swatches Palpitante and Secret are on my list. How do you think those two will look on my skintone? (currently pretty light, like NW22). Secret reminds me of Nars Sex Machine which I adore and Palpitante is the most sophisticated of the brights IMO.

Hope you all are keeping well....miss my Chanel ladies :)


Well-known member
Hope you all are keeping well....miss my Chanel ladies :)
SO good to see you again! How sweet is that baby girl! Awww

I have Sex Machine & Secrete may be close in that family maybe a bit more rose.

Palpitante has this amazing shimmer in it that the other don't seem to have.


Well-known member
Oh wow, I've been thinking of you and wondering if you had the baby! So happy all went so well for you

Thanks for the great pics elegant!


Well-known member
Congrulations shadowy! Little Sofia (loving the name by the way!) is soooo beautiful. As soon as I read you already had her, I went to your blog and read your last post and watch the pictures =)

Elegant, thank you so much for those great swatches. I cannot make up my mind about which of them get first when they arrive here. Maybe I'll just have to get more than one


Well-known member
Hi guys! I haven't been on forever and missed u all!! I had my baby girl about 8 days ago. She's s precious and I'm so in love, can't be separated from her for a minute even, hehe! She arrived 4 days before my due date and is perfectly healthy and breastfeeding well....and not letting mommy and daddy sleep at night :D

I didn't get a chance to read all of this thread but I know this collection is out in Canada as my sister saw them at the Bay (she works for Dior now). My mom is taking me out next Friday shopping (first time out since giving birth) and I want to grab a couple of these. Based on the earlier swatches Palpitante and Secret are on my list. How do you think those two will look on my skintone? (currently pretty light, like NW22). Secret reminds me of Nars Sex Machine which I adore and Palpitante is the most sophisticated of the brights IMO.

Hope you all are keeping well....miss my Chanel ladies :)

I am so happy for you !


Well-known member
Congratulations Shadowy Lady, enjoy every moment with your little one
This might sound veryyyy cliché but they do grow up so fast, my daughter already turned 7 months recently
And of course enjoy your shopping spree next friday with your mom, sounds like a lot of fun


Well-known member
Hi guys! I haven't been on forever and missed u all!! I had my baby girl about 8 days ago. She's s precious and I'm so in love, can't be separated from her for a minute even, hehe! She arrived 4 days before my due date and is perfectly healthy and breastfeeding well....and not letting mommy and daddy sleep at night :D

Congrats!! Enjoy that little princess of yours! She has the same birthday as my youngest :) I have 3 girls and they truly have been a joy (well, most of the time -- haha)! Thanks for the update :)

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Thank you all ladies. Sofia's breastfeeding a lot now so I'm not sleeping much but still loving every minute of it! I'll be on mat leave for a year which will be such an interesting experience. I've always worked worked worked, lol! Though raising her would probably be even more work.

Almus - awww thank you. She's named after my fave doll called Sofia (from when I was 4), and also after Sofia Loren; my mom had a big scrap book of her pics when I was a kid. So I grew up with her being my beauty idol.

Elegant - sounds perfect about both then. I shall pick up Secrete and Palpitante. I think my mom is going to get one too. She's warmer toned and lighter than me (like MAC NC20). She doesn't wear bold lips so which one the the lighter ones do you guys recommend for her


Well-known member
Now I am wondering about the RAV being discontinued. I have preordered the new FNO RAV so getting more RAVs should be the last thing on my mind!

Plus I want Incandescente now!

Shadowy Lady!


Well-known member
Congratulations Shadowy Lady, enjoy every moment with your little one :love:  This might sound veryyyy cliché but they do grow up so fast, my daughter already turned 7 months recently :shock:  And of course enjoy your shopping spree next friday with your mom, sounds like a lot of fun :amused:
Congrats Shadowy L! :) and I can vouch for her statement too--my baby girl just turned 13 a few days ago *sob*. They do grow up in a blink of your eyes. And to add a thought to keep with the topic I'm eyeing up Incandescente too, but I'm worried I won't get that Jcrew bright lip greatness lol. Will have to check it out at the counter on me. In the crappy lighting... ;)


Well-known member
I got Incandescente and Coromandel last week. They're both really pretty. I can only wear Incandescente as a stain though because I feel like it just looks too tomato-red against my skintone when I apply full-on. Maybe I'm just a wimp though!


Well-known member
Hi girls!!!

I FINALLY got to see some of these in person today......I ended up passing on Exaltee (toooooo bright for moi, but a really pretty color!), Inimitable (it goes to the wish-list - gorgeous red but I decided to pass for now since I have Palpitante) and Enjoee (it pulled REALLY orange on my lips, unfortunately. I thought it was a gorgeous coral in the swatch, though). I ended up coming home with Determinee, which is a beautiful plummy tone, which looks really fab with Paillettes on top!!

So my collection stands at Extatique, Secrete (my everyday pink), Seduisante, Determinee and Palpitante!


Well-known member
Hmmm. Interesting. I think though because both the FNO and holiday lipsticks are RAVs they're probably still excited about them in general, no? I guess we'll find out...


Well-known member
Can't wait for Star Dust - hope it shows up before the complimentary shipping goes away...... I also pre-ordered Infiedele ls and np, and Provocative np.......Infidele looks amazing!!

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