Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Michelle, I love Joyeuse - I wore it today. It's just the right color pink! I kept it relatively sheer, but it's really build-able too. I ordered a backup

I also got my Dior Addicts today - and I have to say that at first glance, Pink Cherie (a Sephora exclusive) looks an awful lot like Boy. I will try to swatch them tomorrow - I think the weather will be bright enough. My camera hasn't been performing well lately so I'll do my best. I am not too wild about Tokyo, so that one will be going back. But I love Dior Kiss, It Pink, and Pink Cherie.........


Well-known member
Michelle, I love Joyeuse - I wore it today. It's just the right color! I ordered a backup too

I also got my Dior Addicts today - and I have to say that at first glance, Pink Cherie (a Sephora exclusive) looks an awful lot like Boy. I will try to swatch them tomorrow - I think the weather will be bright enough. My camera hasn't been performing well lately so I'll do my best. I am not too wild about Tokyo, so that one will be going back. But I love Dior Kiss, It Pink, and Pink Cherie.........

I LOVE Lt. Pink - its gorgeous on!!! Its a pinker watermelon color on!!!

The other one I got is 778 - Berry Pink - I reallllly love it on too. I didn't get a chance to take pics/swatches yet. That - & the site is making me CRAZY - it is not working.


Well-known member
So glad you ladies are loving your lippies!! I really wish Sephora would get the exclusive Dior Addict shades in store. I want to test them out -- they look so pretty.

I am totally missing out on Joyeuse. But when the Summer collection comes out -- watch out! I am borderline obsessed with the bronzer
I just wanted the blasted Coco Shines and the summer collection to come out already LOL!


Well-known member
^^ Me too!!! So anxious for the RC Shines and that bronzer!! Obsessed is just the right word!

Elegant, yes, it is the most beautiful pink! When I first opened it I was a bit skeptical that I might look like Aunt Fannie, but no, it looked wonderful!

I managed to find a backup of Mighty Aphrodite tonight......I just had to mention something off-topic


Specktra Bestie
Whew! I finally got to look at the RC Shine swatches... I'm kind of scared at how many of them I like. Normally, I'm more of an opaque lip girl, but some of these are really pretty. So far, I'm interested in seeing:

Monte Carlo
Flying Cloud

All this, plus I'm lusting after Taffetas Rose... And Orchidee... And Cambon, which I just fell deliriously in love with today.


Well-known member
I'd love to see some swatches of the plummier coloured Shines...they're colours I'm really don't have any of, and wouldn't wear in an opaque lipstick.

It seems like Australia will be getting these at the same time as everywhere else! My counter already has them, they're just waiting for the testers to arrive.

I also have to add how much I love Flamboyante. I wore it out for the first time on the weekend, and people are still commenting on it.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks, off to watching the video shortly!

Cheryl - look forward to seeing the swatches! Have fun with your new lippies!

elegant - the two lippies sound gorgeous! Enjoy!

kanne - great that you don't have to wait to get the RC Shines!

katred - Cambon is beautiful! I love it a lot! More than Flamboyante, in fact.


Well-known member
I just did an arm swatch, and it's amazing how similar the RC Shines are to Dior! Boy is just a hair more 'coral', or peachy than Dior Pink Cherie, but not by a lot. I will hopefully have a pic for you soon (my camera battery is currently recharging). What's incredible is they look like the same formulation on my arm! Same finish. Chanel has a tad more pigment, but the result is somewhat surprising to me - same degree of 'reflectivity', same level of , and same multi-color sparkle, same 'look'.

They could almost pass for dupes, they're that close!

Pics shortly -


Well-known member
Darn it, Photobucket is acting up again!! I can't get the links to work (it doesn't work for me every time I've tried to link directly to the new Specktra site -- not sure why??).
Cheryl -- wow, funny how the Chanel and Dior are so close! I am really liking the looks of the lipsticks from the swatches I have seen. I think I will love them for summer

H&LGirl -- thanks for the link -- loving the RCS!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks for your review on the Dior l/s and RC Shines. The links are not working for me.

Wow...that is REALLY shiny! Not sure I'd like that on me.
Just watched the video and yes, very shiny and glossy. I feel they wouldn't last very long on me too.


Well-known member
I don't know why it isn't working - I get so aggravated with this site!!!!!

See if this works - I don't know why it has to be so difficult! It's like playing a game of twister!


Well-known member
I don't know why it isn't working - I get so aggravated with this site!!!!!

See if this works - I don't know why it has to be so difficult! It's like playing a game of twister!
Now it's working -- wow, those 2 are close. I really love the Dior "It Pink" -- so gorgeous
Thanks for the swatches!
I am seriously wanting summer to get here ASAP!


Well-known member
I like It Pink too - Amy at Cafe Makeup reviewed it as well - I believe Winthrop posted a link to it somewhere previously, or maybe on the Chanel Spring thread. It really is beautiful. No micro-shimmers, just a gloss-like sheen. And these don't smell like most Dior lipsticks do, which is a plus for me. I normally cannot stand it. These colors are some of the Sephora exclusives, so they're available now. I'm going to consider a couple more since I don't like Tokyo (it's too yellow for me - it's a yellow-toned brown color).

As HG said, this is the trend - everybody's on the bandwagon! And I'm lovin' it!

And yes, where IS Miss Meggy? I wonder what sort of adventure she's having now?

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