Almus and Birgit, thank you SO much for that offer! I might just take you up on it! I'm really liking the look of Antigone, so that may be something to shoot for. And I am VERY flexible on time, especially if it means a cheaper price
HG, I know - the market sucks right now!! I hope it rebounds soon. As they said on the news this morning, it's really a market driven by headlines right now. I hope the situation in Japan stabilizes soon - I feel so bad for all of those people and the utter devastation. It's just awful.

HG, I know - the market sucks right now!! I hope it rebounds soon. As they said on the news this morning, it's really a market driven by headlines right now. I hope the situation in Japan stabilizes soon - I feel so bad for all of those people and the utter devastation. It's just awful.