Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
I just tried the Bonheur and it's lovely. It looks as little dark in the tube and kinda plummy, but on the lips it's a fresh deep rose color, as if you've just had a loooong makeout session.
BF loves it too, haha. :)
SOLD! ^that is very funny!

Seriously, I am getting that one & Fetiche. Your description of it on sounds perfect!
Well, I don't know how it happened, but SOMEHOW I have ended up with 6 (SIX!) Rouge Coco Shines and I had never even tried Chanel until LAST MONTH (had a make-over at SAKS. If you EVER get a chance to have Ryan Willis do your makeup RUN and make an appointment, he is amazing.) I asked for easy, beachy, bronzy. he used Biaritz, LOVED IT! Two snaps up! All told I have ended up with Biaritz, Deauville, Elise, Monte Carlo, Antigone and Sari D'Eau - and don't even get me started on what else I've bought in the last two months! For reference, I use Capture Total 030, Vitalumiere Aqua in B40, maybe B50 by the end of summer.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Enjoy the RCS! Chanel always get us addicted hard and fast.

HG - Unique looks pretty in the swatch. I don't remember seeing it at my counter, I'll check it out again. I'm loving Sari - more than Antigone at the moment. I will give Antigone a go again.

Any of you noticed your Rouge Allure Laque drying up quickly? I have 3 of them, Ming, Phoenix and Dynasty, purchased in this order. Phoenix was the first to get dry - the sponge applicator turned stiff and I couldn't get much product on. I thought it was because I use it a lot so it was finishing fast. But the extrait de gloss and glossimiers last very long. Is there very little product in the RAL? Then now my Ming is drying up too. I store them upside down for easy identification but now I turn them upright. Haven't check on Dynasty yet..,


Well-known member
^^ I'm not sure if it's too cool toned for me or interacts badly with my lip pigmentation but Antigone isn't a favoriite of mine either. And, to show I am even wierder...I have no RALs. Tried a couple way back and didn't care for them. Am I still allowed to post here?


Well-known member
^^ LOL!!!! YES!!!

Welcome to the fray SarcasticMom!! Wow, what a great haul! And you have my coveted Deauville, which I just can't seem to remove from my list.......drat! Now I have to get it! I got distracted by the Guerlain Rouge Automatiques, so I haven't got Deauville yet....but y'all are also making me want Sari D'Eau - or at least to see how it would look on me......oh boy. Decisions, decisions!

MissQQ, I haven't had problems with my RALs drying out, but I think you are doing the right thing now by storing them upright - maybe they're like mascara - air getting into them and drying them out - the more you use them, the more air gets in......perhaps there is something you could add to the 'tube' to help? HG might have some suggestions - I'm not sure if it's something like mineral oil or something else.......


Well-known member
MissQQ -- I only have 1 RAL -- Ming -- but I store mine upside down, too. I think I'll turn mine upright so it doesn't dry out. I have only used it twice. I need to break it out again!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
winthrop - could be that Antigone is too cool. When I tried Rebelle I felt it was too warm and didn't like it. But I like Sari on me. I'm weird too lol. I wouldn't be getting any more RALs after the problems I have with them.

Michelle - yup try out your Ming. Yours should be fine, since the temperature is not as hot all year round too.

Cheryl - thanks! I think you could be right.


Well-known member
Rebelle is too warm for me too MissQQ...I love Sari and also Misia (and of the pinks I think Aventure may be my fave).


Well-known member
Romance RC Shine has been getting a serious workout these days. With one swipe, it's subtle and face-brightening. With three swipes, it's a really pretty pure pink.
I love that it's shimmer-free too! (Even though I do still like my shimmery RC Shines!)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
winthrop - looks like we like the same lip colours. I like Aventure in the test card too, and since you love it, I probably will too.


Well-known member
msqqq... if you have a hardening of the product problem, put a tiny drop of oil (castor oil, liquid petrolatum, lavender if you are not allergic or almond oil) into the barrell and jiggle it around -- it should soften up. Make sure you always close them up well as these are oil based emulsions and prone to drying.. like any paint pot or even ls.

keep in refrigerator if possible.. then they will last

grrr the thumb isnotworking the thumb isnotworking


Well-known member
I bought Cavaliere lip shine today. It's lovely. It reminds me of Hold the Pose lipstick by Mac(a favorite of mine). I think I still want Canotier, though and perhaps one more. Right now, I have 3 lips shines. :clap:

Miss QQ

Well-known member
HG - can the lavender oil be the essential oil that is used for the scent therapy? I find a counter selling 100% lavender oil. I don't really know where to find the oils, I will look some more.


Well-known member
Hi Ladies!

I am planning to buy my first Chanel lipsticks, but may have to buy via online so have been looking at swatches, etc. to determine which ones I would like. I am an NW15, so I want to keep it cool toned. No orange, yellow or brown tinge to it. But also no purple. I am looking for something like the colour of wild roses, mostly, or almost something between a strawberry and a raspberry. Something cool, lovely, romantic! Ones that I have spotted are the Rouge Allure Satin Luminous l/s. How is this formula? I have dry lips so always put a wee bit of balm underneath any lipstick I wear. I don't want it so soft it is smooshing around my lips either!! The colours I have looked at so far are Emotive and Insolent (this is paler, I think). Any suggestions for cool, rosy pink lipsticks by Chanel would be highly appreciated!


Specktra Bestie
I'm a bit of a Rouge Allure n00b myself, so I can't make any immediate colour recommendations, but I can tell you that the formula is nice and moist without being slippy. Your lips have nothing to fear.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Debi - Emotive is a cool, raspberry red that I wanted to pick up but I passed it so many times. Very pretty. Insolent is a bright pink. I love the RA formula, moisturizing but not slippery.

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