Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Sounds bad! Do you have air con? I don't know how to deal with such heat, the hottest I experienced was around 100. And I felt like taking a shower every 2 hours.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by katred
I saw this one and I have to say that my initial reaction was that the application looked *really* uneven- quite patchy. I hope that the formula doesn't lend itself to this...

My thoughts exactly....


Well-known member
I cannot believe that you guys are having such a heat wave and here we sit in the rain with 18 degrees. Are the RA Velvets perm? If they are, I might only get one for starters and then see how much I like it. The formula must really be special to keep up with the other Chanel formulas, but I am sure they have it.


Well-known member
I saw this one and I have to say that my initial reaction was that the application looked *really* uneven- quite patchy. I hope that the formula doesn't lend itself to this...
I thought so too! Very odd look. It's almost like she tried to put it on sheerly rather than getting the full opaque effect or something.....

Kate, love the new avatar! Is that you reclining in your tub?

Elegant, that color is gorgeous on you - you were lucky to get that one!


Well-known member
Elegant -- love that Enthusiast lippie -- so gorgeous! The name is quite appropriate for our fondness of Chanel! ha


Well-known member
Elegant -- love that Enthusiast lippie -- so gorgeous! The name is quite appropriate for our fondness of Chanel! ha
We are so beyond enthusiasts at this point. They need one named addict - shoot Dior already did that.
I can't stop wearing it. I wore it to dinner tonight & it was still on my lips almost perfectly afterward

I saw the crazy Chanel lady today,,, fortunately she was with another customer


Well-known member
^^You were lucky to have scored that lippie! Yes, we are beyond enthusiasts -- maybe crazed and obsessed are more like it??
You really could base a character in a movie based on Crazy Chanel lady!


Well-known member
^^You were lucky to have scored that lippie! Yes, we are beyond enthusiasts -- maybe crazed and obsessed are more like it??
You really could base a character in a movie based on Crazy Chanel lady!

I loved it so much that I bought 2 because I found another & then Winthrop bought one :)

YES! A Chanel lipstick call Obsessed - that is SO perfect Michelle!!! I love that.

Oh my, well her counterpart was fairly crazy too
She was really loud & her makeup was hmmm, well...CRAZY overly dark & OVERLY arched " I'm having a Halloween party " eyebrows
She was sooooo forceful I couldn't take it. Hubby to the rescue for me to get away from the counter LOL Seriously, her eyebrows were like tents


Well-known member
^^Oh my -- I am laughing out loud about Crazy Eyebrow lady! You have the best stories

Should we submit our request for a lippie called "Obsessed"??


Well-known member
Elegant, you have cornered the market on crazy Chanel people! Oh my, it's like you want to ask her if she's looked in a mirror - or does she not have any friends that will tell her that she looks like she' wearing a Halloween face? It's kind pitiful in a way. Makes me think of Cruella deVille.........I guess it would be one thing if she didn't have a personality to match the makeup job......

We need to find you a 'normal' Chanel person!!

Oh, I feel very uncharitable!

Yes, Gabrielle is not for the faint of heart!

I had a few hauls this weekend - mentioned something in the Ratonas thread I think.....hit the INGLOT haul from last week......placed a couple of orders......yeah, I'm OBSESSED!!!


Well-known member
Cheryl -- it sounds like you have been having fun with all of your hauls. We really do need that obsessed lipstick!

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