Chanel Spring 2012 collection


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Oh heck, I really don't feel like driving an hour and a half tomorrow. I just ordered Paradis, Charme and Flirt!


Well-known member
So! The buying for me has begun! And I am so excited!! Our Macys has a nice big Chanel counter!! Goodbye Nordstroms and the nightmare you put me through. Hello Macys! I swatched, I drooled, I hauled, I ran out of money. More spending tomorrow morning! Hehehe... I ended up getting from the Spring collection the blush, the quad (does NOT pull red or burgundy on me, so very happy about that!), Paradis and Charme. Flirt is tempting, but not sure. It looked rather orange on my skin so I think it is a skip. The paler one was way to pale even for me, so no interest there. I do love that Tiger Lily though! I didn't get the gloss. I don't know. It just didn't grab me. Maybe I pulled the wrong colour out. I'll look at swatches, but I really want all three lipsticks and the blush from the Knightsbridge collection. Does anyone have the Spring blush and the Knightsbridge blush swatched side by side? I am curious! And the Estee Lauder lady complimented me on my makeup and asked who did it. lol Me...and in partial darkness as I didn't turn on the light when doing my eyes and was rushing after dinner to get to the stores before closing! I must be doing something right!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally I don't know. It just didn't grab me. Maybe I pulled the wrong colour out. I'll look at swatches, but I really want all three lipsticks and the blush from the Knightsbridge collection. Does anyone have the Spring blush and the Knightsbridge blush swatched side by side?


Well-known member
Ah, well. I've placed an order and wouldn't it be nice if it came just before Christmas? I ended up getting all three lipsticks and the blush from Knightsbridge Collection, Bagetelle gloss after seeing more swatches online, Tiger Lily e/s because it is so pretty and unique, at least for me, and and May nail polish. I really want all three polishes, but they only last for 48 hours tops on me, even with a topcoat. Frustrating. Still, I might plunge again since they are perfect colours for both spring and summer and remind me of warm sunshine and eating ice cream and long floral skirts! Now I can't wait to get them!! I am still debating Flirt, but it did look rather orange on my hand. I should have tried it on. Bah. Now I might be sorry....


Well-known member
Shootergirl and Debi -- enjoy your loot! So exciting. I am planning my day on Monday around my Chanel delivery!!


Well-known member
Shootergirl and Debi -- enjoy your loot! So exciting. I am planning my day on Monday around my Chanel delivery!!

I am with you! I get so excited when hauls are coming in, but perfume and Chanel has a special hold on me. Everything is so sleek and beautiful! I think it is going to be fun to just look at for awhile before we actually get into wearing it on a regular basis. I really want that apricot coloured nail polish. What was I thinking in not getting it? It is such a unique colour! Does this mean another mini order for me to place or do I drag hubby back to the mall again?


Well-known member
Hi girls - have been really sick. Yesterday was the worst, and the busiest work day. I'll check things out this afternoon - I'm moving kinda slow.


Well-known member
How cool is that! Did you already get it?

I just ordered it today. Hopefully it'll be here early next week. I have Super, so I hope Kensington isn't too very similar. The swatches on cafe makeup make them seem really similar, but after I didn't get Rouge Byzantin, and regretted it later, I'm not making the mistake of having Chanel regret again!


Well-known member
Hi girls - have been really sick. Yesterday was the worst, and the busiest work day. I'll check things out this afternoon - I'm moving kinda slow.

You poor thing -- Cheryl! I hope you feel better and get some time to rest


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Bonitinha
I am planning my day on Monday around my Chanel delivery!!
Aww, that is so cute!

The quad just got delivered ;) Its very pretty & I love love the darkest shade (its just the color I thought it would be) which reminds me of a slight more burgundy night magic and I really like the lightest color. The peach is pretty & I don't think I have another color like it. The only color that didn't impress me was the beige shade. I am going to use the lightest shade to line under my liner on my lower lash line.


Well-known member
I just ordered it today. Hopefully it'll be here early next week. I have Super, so I hope Kensington isn't too very similar. The swatches on cafe makeup make them seem really similar, but after I didn't get Rouge Byzantin, and regretted it later, I'm not making the mistake of having Chanel regret again!
Well, let me know because I have Super too so I didn't get Kensington. So, if it is different from Super, I will order it. You are going to love all of it its so Beautiful!


Well-known member
Aww, that is so cute!
The quad just got delivered ;) Its very pretty & I love love the darkest shade (its just the color I thought it would be) which reminds me of a slight more burgundy night magic and I really like the lightest color. The peach is pretty & I don't think I have another color like it. The only color that didn't impress me was the beige shade. I am going to use the lightest shade to line under my liner on my lower lash line.
That dark brown shade does look gorgeous!! I really need to get the new eye liner, too.
You are a workout a holic, right? I got this workout from Amazon called "Breathless Body" -- total butt kicker cardio (almost a full hour). I'm already sore, everywhere :/


Well-known member
My first order came this afternoon. The blush is to die for! I swatchd the top pink colors separately from the bottom peachy shades and both are just GORGEOUS!! I really like Hyde Park applied lightly. Tigerlily looks like a prettier MAC Juiced, if anyone remembers that - I think it was either discontinued or went pro only awhile ago.


Well-known member
My first order came this afternoon. The blush is to die for! I swatchd the top pink colors separately from the bottom peachy shades and both are just GORGEOUS!! I really like Hyde Park applied lightly. Tigerlily looks like a prettier MAC Juiced, if anyone remembers that - I think it was either discontinued or went pro only awhile ago.
I personally think it is one of THE most Gorgeous blushes that I own & am prolly going to get a BU. Happy about Hyde Park for you
I don't remember MAC Juiced.

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