Chanel Summer 2011


Well-known member
Rachel! Hi! This collection is awesome - I love everything I got. I don't think anyone does powders like Chanel.....

Nazih, I don't think you would be disappointed in the pencil - it's a great color - as Elegant said, it ends up being a great highlighter liner - something different!


Well-known member
[quote name="elegant-one" url="/forum/thread/171803/chanel-summer-2011/840#post_2109730"]

Me too!!!! I so agree about the shines. If I use another ls it does feel fairly dry
Nope, it doesn't show up a whole lot on me either, but its a really pretty highlighter just below the liner. If I use it by itself, like you its not real noticeable. I think of it as some lights around my eyes to reflect off & hide the bags

Oh, & speaking of bags...I tried out that new MAC primer & i loved how it looked & felt right after I applied it - a very lightening, highlightly, covered dark circles some what & my eyes looked very lifted & bright. Then it kind of disappeared into the skin :( So then I applied my CDP (which is kinda dry) over it and it was nice & applied more smoothly. But then I tried eyeshadow of the top lid, & it made it a bit draggy. If it stayed looking like it did when I first applied - it would be awesome. Still not too bad in some ways.
[/quote] Elegant, does the new primer feel tight on your skin when you apply it? I got mine today and tried it on my jaw to see if my skin likes it. After adding it my skin felt cool and a bit tight :dunno: Almus, Lou (and other European Specktrettes), I was told today that the Summer collection is suppose to launch the 7th of May. No idea how reliable, but at least not so far away...


Well-known member
Temptalia just reviewed the shadow duo. It's so gorgeous. :love: I'm still thinking of the quad, too even though I said I'll pass. I just find that greens really work on me(even though blue is my favorite color). If I have the money and this quad is still around, then I may try to snatch it up. There's just so much make up from so many brands that I want and I feel a little overwhelmed right now.


Well-known member
I was just getting on here to say that I received the duo this afternoon. Tried it on right away and it is LOVE!
Thanks Cheryl for buying it and posting cause I think I would have otherwise passed.


Well-known member
Almus, Lou (and other European Specktrettes), I was told today that the Summer collection is suppose to launch the 7th of May. No idea how reliable, but at least not so far away...
Well, I only tried it under my eyes & lids. But no it did not feel tight at all.


Well-known member
Oh, and Pink Peony is just beautiful and looks gorgeous over Gardenia.

I just got my Pink Peony & I agree. I wore mine over Jersey Rose. I'm gonna get Gardenia. So, does the combo look soft like the promo?

(psst - go see my pic at the off-topic thread)


Well-known member
So glad you ladies are loving Pink Peony! I wore it yesterday and loved it. Today I tried Aurore over a peachy color and it was gorgeous also!


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I think on unpigmented lips it would look like the lip version of Morning Rose, like in the promo. On my mauvey lips it has a little...mauve tinge in there too, but still super pretty...and most definitely not hot pink.


Well-known member
I'm placing an order now for the quad, the eye pencil and maybe another glossimer. Lately I would rather invest in the Chanel collections than the MAC collections. They just suit me more these days, or maybe it's just lately. Anyway, I love my Chanel!


Well-known member
I keep coming back to this thread.. I think I will be picking up that liner soon! I saw swatches of the bronzers on a darker skin tone, and it barely showed up.


Well-known member
I'm placing an order now for the quad, the eye pencil and maybe another glossimer. Lately I would rather invest in the Chanel collections than the MAC collections. They just suit me more these days, or maybe it's just lately. Anyway, I love my Chanel!
enjoy your goodies Rach! the quad is so pretty!


Well-known member
I agree with Rachel - I'm much less interested in the upcoming MAC collections - I think I'll be getting the LE powders and that's about it. Nothing over there 'wows' me too much lately.

Guess it's a good thing - new Dior stuff coming NARS.......hmmmm......


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Well-known member
I agree with Rachel - I'm much less interested in the upcoming MAC collections - I think I'll be getting the LE powders and that's about it. Nothing over there 'wows' me too much lately.

Guess it's a good thing - new Dior stuff coming NARS.......hmmmm......
i agree with this too, i still love mac but i am finding that i can dupe most things they are bringing out at the moment.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I really think I'm saving money overall not buying MAC anymore (with rare exceptions)....too many collections and you tell yourself that the individual items are reasonably priced, but it really adds up. I'm not doing it intentionally, but nothing has interested me for awhile.

Did you all see the Summer coll looks posted on Chanel?ée-Look-123527
Thanks! So they recommend using the individual colours in the bronzers. I will try that when I get my hands on them. I agree with you, I'm not intentionally passing mac, but there is nothing I want from them lately.

I went for a swim in the pool today (no beaches around) and the sun was up and it was bright. I'm now sporting a slight tan. :) So excited to wear the new collection with my tan.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Have you seen karla's pics of MR and MImosa? She said they look good together! I actually did a diagonal nail pattern with Essie shorty pants and opi suzi & the lifeguard back when I just bought them, 2 or 3 years ago. I painted a pattern with pink and yellow for my art project in school and got conplimented. I always thought they are beautiful together.


Well-known member
I loved Karla's pics!! It made me want Mimosa since she is "similar" in coloring to me. I never even considered getting it. Oh well. Too late now I'm sure.
Karla sure has gorgeous hands and nails!! WOW

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