Chanel Summer 2012


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Michelle - Thanks! I thought I'd try a new look with red lips :haha: Elegant - Thanks for the gel review :). Have you tried them on the lower waterline? I'd love to have something there without smudging.. On the upper lash line, I have no big problem, but on the lower line everything smudges, except perhaps MAC's GPS. Bis - You think the blush won't even get to Europe? Argh, surely hope not! MissQQ - I like the idea of swapping with a friend. I wish I had someone I could do it with! The only close person I know who is a MU addict is my mother in law... but she lives too far away from here :p
I hope it does, but since Malice is the US formula I think not, we never get the US formula here. So either they take a year and bring it out as a baked one or not at all. Still hopeful though :D


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^^ *sigh*. Oh well, let's see if they are not here until my trip to France in May... I think Nars will get all of my summer MU budget


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I picked up Malice today. I checked out the other blush colors but decided to think it over some more. Tumulte was warmer than Pink Explosion. Plum Attraction looked a bit dark for the season. I also signed up for an event next week so hopefully more stuff will be in and I can make a decision between blushes.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by cutemiauw

MissQQ - I like the idea of swapping with a friend. I wish I had someone I could do it with! The only close person I know who is a MU addict is my mother in law... but she lives too far away from here :p

My daughter-in-law loves makeup also so it's fun to talk about and I like to buy or give her products. She's pretty much the only one that I have in my life to talk makeup with. She always gets so excited because with a baby she puts herself last and she needs some pampering. Also my 23 yr old daughter isn't into makeup much.She slaps on some MUFE duo mat compact because it's easy and some liner. And sometimes doesn't do anything except wash her face and put on sunscreen.

Ok guys I aplogize for this totally off topic link. But I thought it way too cute and funny not to share. My 22 yr old nephew was telling me about on Easter and I told he must send it to me.


Well-known member
^^ LOVE that Elmo version of the song
! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks also for sharing your story. Sometimes I am not sure if my mother in law would appreciate us sharing this same hobby. We never really lived in the same city, and now we're on a different continent. So I couldn't really spend a lot of time with her and get to know her more (which brand she likes etc.). It's hard to read the mind of a MIL :p. Anyways, next time we're in Paris, I'll be taking her to Sephora Champs Elysees for sure

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ When are you planning to go to Paris? I will go to that Sephora if I ever go to Paris! Shadow - At 23, your daughter looks fresh skinned and beautiful with just sunscreen on. I miss those days. Now I look like I'm sick when I do that, so I have to at least put some concealer and tinted base. Maybe your daughter will grow to like makeup more, or maybe she won't but you can share your makeup passion here. :) I like Elmo, thanks for the link! Off topic, I injured my poor foot. In the train yesterday, my foot got stepped on by a big, chunky heel off someone. It hurt like hell and was all red and I couldn't walk. This morning it was worse and became bruised and swollen. I saw a doc and said we would see if it is better by Monday before deciding if an x-ray is needed. I have been stepped on before but this has to be the most severe accident and worst foot injury I ever had. I hope I can go out by the weekend, otherwise I'll be so bored.


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^^ In July! Still a long way to go but I'm already listing out what I want. lol.

Oh dear :(. I hope it will get better soon and nothing is broken!
I wonder why you have to wait until Monday though... I once ran my own suitcase on my foot (don't ask me how it happened - must have been one of my silly moves). Thankfully nothing is broken but I just got bruises and limping for a week or so... no fun

Btw, I just remember this also... I'm only into makeup when I was 29. Before that, only sunscreen + lipbalm. Occasionally I put on powder to control shine, and put on on lipgloss (never lipstick!) for special occasions. I very rarely put on eyeshadows / blush or even do my brows :p. For me, it wasn't anything to do with I thought my skin was perfect at that time or anything, it was more of I didn't know what fits with my skin tone, and I actually thought makeup was just good for fair skinned ladies. It wasn't until I move to a city with a MAC store and my dabbling into youtube videos that I realized there is good looking makeup for my skin tone. Now I'm in love because I could experiment with colors and subtle things like placement or different finishes :).

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks. The doctor suggested waiting because she believed nothing was broken, and I also didn't want to take an x-ray unless necessary. Your accident sounds painful too. July! Very exciting! I start making my lists earlier too, and then start to cut them down as the big day draws closer. It's never too late to fall in love with makeup. :) I started wearing full makeup when I was 23. Before that I was trying some concealer, mascara, blush, eyeshadows and lippies - I didn't wear any foundation or base because I could get away without it them. Those were the good old days!


Well-known member
Oh Miss QQ I am so sorry to hear that -- it sounds so painful. I hope it improves soon for you and that nothing is broken.


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Shadowaddict -- I have a feeling like my middle daughter will be like your daughter -- not too much into makeup. My oldest loves makeup and I told her she could wear a natural blush and mascara (she is almost 13 and I really have to tell her to tone it down). My youngest is just dying to wear it, too. At least they will share my addiction with me as they get older!!

MissQQ -- so sorry about your foot. Must be so painful!! Hope it feels better soon :)

Astrid -- can't wait to hear about your Paris shopping! Lucky!!


Well-known member

Hope you will enjoy your Paris shopping, feel free to ask if you need to go to a beauty shop/store. I am a huge fan of perfumes, make-up and beauty products too by the way.
I posted something on another thread about it all.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks, Winthrop and Michelle. We are getting sunny days for a few days now and it is starting to feel like summer is here. I like this weather most, it isn't sorching hot but I can smell and feel the warm fresh air and it cheers me up.


Well-known member
I hope your foot feels better soon. Big chuncky heel coming down on your foot sounds quite painful. Hopefully you won't have to go back to the doc on Monday.

I had a horse step on my foot several years ago. Thank goodness she was just moving her leg a bit. That was totally my fault though. I was picking my daughter up from riding lessons and got there early and helped her finish grooming. I was brushing the back of the horse and had my foot too close to her leg and to make it worse I was wearing sandals. I don't know what I was thinking. I had done this same thing a ton of times and knew better. It was sore for a few days but no swelling or anything.

My daughter has good skin but not at all flawless. She just isn't to makeup. She was born in the wrong decade. She would've fit well in the hippie era. She finally decided to get her hair cut and I called my stylist as soon as she said it. After high school I could only get her to go for a tiny trim maybe every 6 months if that. She found a couple of pics that had a lot of choppy fringe in the front starting at the chin and Iots of layers. Both of my kids and I have super thick & straight hair. Her hair is still long but just a couple inches below her bra line. She got about 4 inches cut off. It looks nice. She doesn't do anything to style it so she definitely needed something that would give some shape. After she washes it she sprays on a little leave-in conditioner and brushes and that's it. She lets it air dry.

Shopping in Paris sounds lovely and like Bonitinha said we want to hear all about it.


Specktra Bestie
Miss QQ- So sorry to hear about your foot! I hope you feel better soon and I'm glad nothing seems to be broken.


Well-known member
Miss QQ, sorry about your foot. I broke my foot a few years ago walking and twisting it on it's side. I would have never thought that I could break a bone that way, I think you should get an x-ray just to be on the safe side. You don't want to have problems down the road because it didn't heal properly. All that being said, I couldn't even bear weight on my foot because it was so painful and swollen. I am sure your doctor knows best, though. At least I would ice, elevate it and stay off of it as much as possible.


Well-known member

If you want to buy some make-up/ perfumes/beauty products:

- MUFE is located in the Marais, BOBBI BROWN too just in the same street ( rue des Francs-Bourgeois )
- Le BON MARCHE offers a lot of choice, LE PRINTEMPS HAUSSMAN offers a very beautiful parfumerie
- KORRES is located near the Sorbonne. Skincare is good and not very expensive, so is make-up
- ANNICK GOUTAL and LES PARFUMS DE ROSINE are niche parfumeries I would recommand, FREDERIC MALLE too, perfumes there are just beautiful,
- JOVOY is a niche parfumerie where you can find many brands.
and of course SEPHORA CHAMPS ELYSEES is a place you know !

Have fun in Paris !


Well-known member
After placing myself on "no buy" status for new makeup after my recent MAC splurge, I quickly reversed my decision after seeing this collection in person.

I ended up coming home with the eyeshadow duo, sable rose bronzer, calypso glossimer, and en vogue RCS.

Sable beige was very pretty in the pan, but it really didn't show up well on my NW20 skin. It pretty much was invisible on my hand after multiple passes with a blush brush loaded with it. The MUA commented that it would be a nice highlighter for my skin tone, but I still need to think about it. Sirocco looked very light and sparkly - just like 20 other glossimers that I have, so I passed. Empreinte was just average on me, so I passed on that too. The nail polishes look amazing (especially delight), but I have been burned by the short wear time of Chanel polishes before. I am still debating those. I will get the liners when I visit the counter again. I should have bought them today. The brown eyeliner (I think that it was supposed to be brown) actually looked like a muted black. It is very dark, yet not as harsh as a true black.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ enjoy your new makeup! Thanks for the review. Is the duo completely different from Taupe-Delicat? So rose beige is the lighter bronzer? I don't want a highlighter too so maybe I will get the darker one. Chanel nail polishes can chip after a day on me so I will try to resist getting more unless they are unique colours. Thanks, katred, shadow and jmarie. My foot is hurting a little less now. I will be careful not to injure it further.


Well-known member
Thanks Haven! I don't know any of the names in this collection. I need one of those sneak peek charts like Karla used to post. How would you compare En Vogue to Flirt? Do we need both?


Here are the names if anyone else needs them too:

And more pics. Maybe we've seen them but i don't remember. So Delight is bronze?

This one includes one of those collection charts. Yay!

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