Michelle -- I bet your flowers look very pretty! I'm such a noob with them, hopefully I'll be able to show a picture of them in full bloom on the next months

Gail -- Thanks for explaining the bronzers
. I see now how it works. I think I'll just stay away for now... it's sounds too overwhelming and I can't really afford a new addiction (just in case). I'll just stick with highlighters... Until someone at the MU counter could do a makeover and convince me
. I wanted to check the Armani ones too. I think when I bought a foundation there, the SA put on some bronzer/blush on me and I really liked the look of it.
Elegant -- oh no with the tree
. I'm glad the damage isn't so big. I hope it won't ever happen again!
The duo looks even more tempting now... maybe if the bronzer didn't look too good on me, I'll the duo instead

Btw, yesterday was my 8th wedding anniversary
. Can't believe it's been that long, sometimes it really felt like it was just yesterday, but other time I really can't imagine living without him