Chanel Summer 2012


Well-known member
Stopped at the Chanel counter and picked up some more stuff. I bought a backup of Calypso. I was undecided on whether I should get a backup or not. But I think I will use it a lot. It reminded me of an orange version of Pleasing Glossimer. My favorite pink gloss. I think it is the shimmer flecks. I'm on my Pleasing backup already and wish I had bought a second backup. I'm pretty warm toned so I think I will use Calypso a lot. I also bought the eyeshadow duo. I thought I would pass. I have Prelude as my neutral quad but I think it's looking a little too cool nowadays. In fact, I told the Chanel MA last week that I was wearing it before my makeover and she said "No! You were wearing blue eyeshadow!" I thought she was nuts but I wore it the next day and it was looking really gray. I think a warmish neutral might work. (or maybe that is just my way of justifying it.

I also got the other 2 nailpolishes and the peche cuive??? eyeliner. I forgot to ask the MA how to use this. I figured I get more ideas. But I think it may look nice as a warmer alternative to khaki platine. Oh and the SA threw in a mini glossimer. A different one than I got last week - Plaiser!

MissQQ - I'm loving the Dior Orange Pareo too... especially after seeing it's a true orange look vs reddish orange. It reminds me of a version of L'Oreal lipgloss I used to love a long time ago.
I did have a nice dinner for the anniversary :). And then soon a vacation south :).

Prettyaddicted, thanks for the swatches!
I think now I'm almost sure the summer bronzer wouldn't really work on me seeing how sheer it looked on the swatches. Too bad because I loved the design :D. My list is slowly diminishing for this collex.
I can't believe you guys are talking about Dior. I totally caved and bought the new collection including the orange gloss. Don't know why I needed this after getting Calypso. The only thing is. . . I didn't see those cream/liquid eyeshadows I read about on a few blogs. I asked a few SAs and they didn't know anything about them. I thought they came with this collection.

BTW - the Dior MA complimented me on my eye look and asked which brand it was and I said, "Chanel". Boy, I really do things backwards. I just got the summer collection and after neglecting the spring collection I've worn the spring collection for 2 days straight now and I kind of want to wear it tomorrow too. For some reason, the colors just look right now. They looked too light before which is strange since the weather has gotten cooler again. I was starting to regret purchasing that quad and now I love it. I wore the Envolee quad with Horizon blush and my "custom" Bagatelle/Calypso glossimer mix.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Sounds very pretty! Enjoy your new makeup! I wish our chanel counters give us mini glossimers with purchases too. The eye glosses from dior come with the summer collection. Maybe they are coming in later? Did you pick up anything else from Dior besides Orange Pareo? Let us know at the Dior thread.

elegant - Thanks for the comparison! Sounds like Calypso is more intense than Sari d. I can't wait to see pics of the duo.


Well-known member
Icecaramellatte - Would you mind swatching Calypso and Orange Pareo on you? It seems like you like Calypso a lot and seeing that we have similar skintone, I might be swayed into getting one :D.

Ah, I just don't want to start a new addiction with Dior. LOL. But let's see, I think I will just check everything when I'm on vacation (less guilt for splurging :p)

Btw, does anyone know why I got the "onsite legend" badge? Not that I'm complaining, it sure looks pretty cool... but I'm not sure I deserved to be a legend on this site

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Comparison of Chanel Calypso, NARS Wonder, Le Métier de Beauté Karla Sugar

Astrid - What is that badge? I have no idea.


Well-known member
Thank you for the link, MissQQ! It does look very similar from the swatch. Even though she said it looks unique, I don't think it's enough to warrant a purchase from me. I'm not reaching for a gloss so much lately and since it gets bad faster, it just doesn't make sense to buy similar colors.

I have no idea what that badge is... just when you clicked on it, it said "Cutemiauw is an onsite legend" I had to LOL at that


Well-known member
Thanks for the link Miss QQ. I LOVE Calypso!!! Mine should get here this afternoon.

Astrid, I don't see your badge. Can you see mine? I'm seeing mine since I posted but maybe we can only see our own?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Can't wait for you to get it! I wore Sari d today because of all the orange lippie talk, and I like it on my lips today very much. I see my badge now. I think we only get to see our own. I'm here waiting to see elegant's duo pic lol.


Well-known member
Gail - I can't see yours... Okay that makes sense now. I was wondering if there's a glitch in the system causing me to get mine.

MissQQ - I did the same today too! I wore Nars Wonder. :D. It works well with the Nars summer trio. And today we finally have some nice weather :).


Well-known member
I'm not all that thrilled with my pics - the brown seems more cool tone than what it really is. However, the swatches are really accurate :)



Well-known member
What is going on with the site today??? Weird stuff happening. And, I cannot leave a message in the thumbs up box


Well-known member
Ohh it's so pretty Elegant!!! Thanks for the swatch! I love the little flecks in the brown shade! Now someone please help me justify this... I have a bajillion other brown shades :p


Well-known member
haha i need help too! especially because i want prelude and eclosion quads also

elegant thanks so much!


Well-known member
You guys are so welcome! Its one of THE richest brown shadows & the gold in it is fab.

And, the highlight color is lovely! It almost matches a Mally highlighter wand that I use ALL the time to do the inner corners & just under my lower liner.


Well-known member
Saw the collection yesterday. Bronzers are a pass for me, as well as the lipsticks. Calypso Glossimer is STUNNING. Must have. Got that, the duo, ALL OF THE NAIL POLISHES (whew... they are all FABULOUS), and the Brun and Peche pencils.

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