Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't actually take any of them at 100% even TMZ....gossip is gossip....

I doubt that either one of them are going to make statements at the advice of their attorney.

agreed 100%
being that this is still fresh and given the seriousness of it all, all attorney advice from both sides is the same. keep your mouth shut........
plain and simple


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How Severe Are Rihanna's Injuries? - omg! videos on Yahoo!

when i saw t.i.........
i love his skinny ass......
this is just something i saw on yahoo
kind of insinuates that this isn't the first time chris has laid hands on her


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
So, it's true that in the US, tabloids are religiously followed? I mean, here, we are interested in some gossip, but we don't get the tabloids thing that much... I'm always amazed by how a story could easily break a career in the US.
Like, what happened to Clinton, it wouldn't have changed a thing here...

i do not think tabloids are really followed here.. the most i have heard of this incident is on this board actually.. and like i said at the pre-grammy show. i have not heard any other gossip..


Well-known member
I was listening to people say "If he was any kind of man" The weird thing I guess for me personally is I have never associated the word MAN with Chris Brown ever...He has never appeared as anything more than just a kid to me that could sing and dance...Sure is he 20...but that does not make you a MAN....especially when these kids are thrown into celebrity life at such a young age and their childhood interrupted...Half of them still act like kids and have the mentality of kids.
Look at Michael Jackson...being thrown into adult life and situations so early sure as heck messed him up.. he is a 50 year old kid with kids. I say fame and fortune must be great...but the flip side is such a trade off...I see all these kid celebrities that are now adults talking about how tough life was being forced to think like adults with child minds. The pressure for some of these kids and young adults is probably unimaginable. While we were doing school projects and playing videos they are learning scripts, signing and reviewing contracts...Without a strong strong support system throughout this...I don't see how most make it with their sanity in tact.

I have to grown stepsons....22 and 23...they have both finished college and have good jobs but they are still immature as hell compared to girls their own age....The level of maturity between a male and female is sometimes crazy different even when they are close in age. I even sometimes have to ask my 36 y/o husband...Just how old are you???

None of this excuses any of the actions of CB..I am just merely speaking on the maturity level of some men. There are exceptions of course...but women have always matured in most cases faster than men.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
i do not think tabloids are really followed here.. the most i have heard of this incident is on this board actually.. and like i said at the pre-grammy show. i have not heard any other gossip..

I don't doubt that, and i wasn't speaking on this particular case. It's just fascinating how many websites and magazines are devoted to celebrities gossip in the US (and i guess if there are so many, it's because tabloids have many readers), it's very uncommon here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ That is a fact!!! TONS on every aisle of the magazine stands

all reporting the same damn stories. ha!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
wow...8 pages...thats a lot of words. I cant keep up. I guess there was a big hoopla about my opinion about that bently suicide, i guess sometimes you have to have a weird sense of humor to deal with it all. Im really not heartless, or completely insensitve. IDK. Its hard to explain. It might of sounded insensitve but I have some tact when it comes to real deal things im involved with like today there was a suicide and our CI or coroner couldnt ID the body, so she cut off the 2 thumbs and forefingers and sent them with me to the jail to roll em on our Identix machine and see if there was a match. I didnt make one joke.No intent of offending anyone..really. Anywho enough about that hitting although it is a horrible thing, its unfortunately common. Not making it acceptable in the least, but what really yanks my chain is biting......seriously biting ??? come on Chris Brown. You gotta be a special kind of F*&Ked to freaking bite someone. Thats so unsanitary and nasty.

o well Im rambling its late, and again ladies and gents, I'll be the first to say I F*%&ed up so I opolgize if my comment sounded harsh or offended someone. I'll try my best to keep my outta the box ideas to myself...they really arent for everyone.

F*ck that.

You're allowed to voice your opinion, even if it does offend. You didn't attack anyone or personally offend anyone, so say what applies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
oh a lighter note, i didnt cuss anyone out on the road today

Way to control that road rage mama!!!


Well-known member
Oh total off topic...Good thing prob...I picked up So Scarlet yesterday since you speak so highly of it...can't wait to try it


Well-known member
OMFG OMFG WHERE???? *breathes*

where did you get it. that is so unfair. im wearing it today
i loooooooove it.


Well-known member
They have a few left at the MAC counter here ...I bought two...but it looks really dark to me...haven't actually tried it...If you want one I can pick it up tomorrow to go with your other stuff


Well-known member
dude. omg.

see this is me in so scarlet. kind of a glare, but oh well. this lip color gets me in a ton of trouble. all kinds of stares and free bagels for breakfast lmao.


tish i'm sending you money tomorrow


Well-known member
I'm kissing your lips right now.....Oh shit screen drool! Gorgeous!!! Yep that is your HG color for damn sure....


Well-known member
hell yes!! LMAO i'm gonna send you some extra cash tomorrow along with the other stuff i wanted from you *poplocks* omg im so excited. THANK YOU HUNNY!!!!

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