Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


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Originally Posted by TISH1127
yes mam I am....But thank you so much!! yeah thats the only thing my ex-husband didn't do is beat my face in...I dare not be seen in public and people could see the abuse I went through....because he was the nicest man anyone ever met!

But after a lost baby, over 50+ stitches, broken fingers, and permanent body scars and yes most of the time going back to my abuser that I so loved....I really need no one to explain to me the emotions or thoughts that goes through a woman's mind....I cry as I type this because although it was years ago I still hear every word and feel every blow and imagine HOW can someone that loves me and that I love so much hurt me this way.

I am stepping away from responding to this thread because I am truly getting to emotionally involved with my own life struggles...

I just hope both parties in the end do whats best for them both...Not for the world's approval. Because we don't know what either of them deal with on a daily basis.
Ok I have a few too many years of abuse...that does not make me the speaker and know all of Domestic Violence...nor why women go back...NOBODY knows!!!

As benzito says...Wanna have your voice heard...Go volunteer at a local shelter..because I honesty don't think our help is needed on this one...But there is a woman that is not a celebrity that IS crying for help that may just WANT to know we care.

Thank you Missresha!! You're silly!!!

I have nothing to say but i just want to give you a big hug

And i agree you look no where near 40.


Well-known member
I hope he does jail time. Michael Vick got jail time and is now bankrupt because of dog fights. Chris Brown battered a woman, I hope he gets a punishment as well!


Well-known member
so if we say that he should've walked away why don't we hold her to the same standard? if a real man doesn't hit a woman why does a 'real' woman hit a man? if what is now coming out is the truth-that he did stop the car to push her out (before the alleged beating took place) and as a reaction she hits him repeatedly and even takes off her shoes to beat him with them-when do we start to assign responsibility to her for her actions? by worrying about what message we send to young men about hitting women we completely ignore women hitting men and the responsibility we have to each other to be respectful of each other. Yes she is the 'visible' victim because of her scars and the one-sided reporting but what if he is the long-suffering victim who just couldn't take anymore and because of both their immaturity they responded with physical violence?
if she doesn't get help and receive punishment for her violent nature-this behavior will continue throughout her life. as i have stated before i do not believe that either one is completely innocent and they both need consequence and rehabilitation. prayers to both of them.


Well-known member
^I would certainly hit a man back for self defense if a man hit me first. If you were getting assaulted you would just sit back and do nothing?

He came out and said what he did was wrong. He apologized. There were pictures and proof. There is no "alleged" beating, there was a beating.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
^I would certainly hit a man back for self defense if a man hit me first. If you were getting assaulted you would just sit back and do nothing?

He came out and said what he did was wrong. He apologized. There were pictures and proof. There is no "alleged" beating, there was a beating.

if you are responding to my post you have missed my point. i have made no mention of who should take blame or playing who hit who first and i will continue to refer to it as an alleged beating because that is what it is until he is proven guilty-no matter what pictures and 'proof' the general public has. what i am challenging is the double standard and the automatic assumption that rihanna has to be the helpless victim who has gone so astray that she is no longer that pop diva but a poor, defenseless, brainwashed girl who can't make sound decisions.

now that you have addressed your ability to defend yourself would a man who is being hit be justified for hitting you if you hit him first? stories are now coming out that she hit him first over a text message. yeah he clearly did more damage to her because he is stronger but do we deny the fact that she too has issues with physical violence or do we sweep that under the rug because she is the woman so she is automatically the victim.

don't make it seem like i am attacking her or any woman who defends themselves against an attacker and please don't question my ability and right to defend myself.


Well-known member
I agree with that ^ Ive experienced dosmetic violence to my person but I still agree with that.

Nothing is one sided.
And holding different sexes to different standards isn't acceptable.


Well-known member
Read this today and thess stats are disturbing to me:

link: Rihanna was responsible

Corcoran's program, housed in the Commission's Division of Violence Prevention, surveyed 200 Boston youth ages 12 to 19, between Feb. 13 and 20, using the Chris Brown-Rihanna case to gauge their attitudes toward teen dating violence; 100 percent of those surveyed had heard about the incident. Among the findings:
71% said arguing was a normal part of a relationship
44% said fighting was a normal part of a relationship
51% said Chris Brown was responsible for the incident
46% said Rihanna was responsible for the incident
52% said both individuals were to blame for the incident, despite knowing at the time that Rihanna had been beaten badly enough to require hospital treatment
35% said the media were treating Rihanna unfairly
52% said the media were treating Chris Brown unfairly
In addition, a significant number of males and females in the survey said Rihanna was destroying Chris Brown's career, and females were no less likely than males to come to Rihanna's defense.

I don't really care about who teens consider responsible, but I am alarmed at the number of young people who believe that FIGHTING is a NORMAL part of a relationship!!! I'm choreographing a piece for a group of teen girls and found that after hearing their views on the incident, I too felt the need to talk to them about dating violence. It really saddened me to think of all the hurt and pain they are inviting into their lives simply by considering violence a normal part of a relationship. Are you going to put your foot down to something you consider normal? Probably not. How much emotional abuse will you deal w/ due to this? How much possible physical abuse?


Well-known member
12-19. i'm not surprised. if you go to chris browns myspace you'll see all his lil teenytot fans saying "I DONT CURR WUT U DID CUZ I STILL LUV YOU, I'D LET U HIT ME ANYTIME"

its enough to make you wanna fucking puke.

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