Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


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The sad but truthful part also is that most times when women do press charges ....They become even more victimized by the court system...It's like they are put on trial and their dirty laundy is displayed for the world to find fault with. It is never about the fact that no matter what he should not have beaten me..It is tramatic what women have to go through..It is almost easier at times to just walk away from it all..Just like the picture...there is no reason a photo like that of her should never have been leaked to the media to add to her already tragic experience.


Well-known member
In an attempt to stop the rumor mill and end speculation how about we stop judging both parties and volunteer at our local battered women's shelter. In DC there is an organization called WEAVE (Women Empowered Against Violence) and there website is


Well-known member
^^ Honestly I think people should volunteer at the charity of their choice. I volunteer at a homeless shelter...Yes I was a victim of Domestic Violence and No I do not volunteer there...We should volunteer because Rihanna was in an incident? Maybe if more people promoted volunteering before this incident I could understand...Just my opinion. There are tons of charities that help women of all causes not just domestic violence...and maybe we should also support Men of Domestic Violence...that way we are not judging or speculating as well.


Well-known member
I don't think it's judgemental or hypocritical to discuss what happened, or that it makes anyone better placed to have an opinion on the matter if they are directly involved with the cause. I think that discussion itself can be beneficial to the cause.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ Honestly I think people should volunteer at the charity of their choice. I volunteer at a homeless shelter...Yes I was a victim of Domestic Violence and No I do not volunteer there...We should volunteer because Rihanna was in an incident? Maybe if more people promoted volunteering before this incident I could understand...Just my opinion. There are tons of charities that help women of all causes not just domestic violence...and maybe we should also support Men of Domestic Violence...that way we are not judging or speculating as well.

And I definitely agree with everything you are saying my post is basically to tell people to stop the speculation and building on rumors and put their money where their mouth is. I was merely giving an example of what you could do in order to be part of the solution and not just part of the peanut gallery.


Well-known member
Honestly people are just talking about domestic violence in general and there is really nothing bad about that....truth is power.....Unfortunatley just beause we don't discuss it here does not make it go away...But people have not been judging as of late...merely having opinions..which they are entitled to. I have not decided what I think of the whole thing...But that doesn't mean people should think like I think...People will hate CB ...or not...that is their cross to bear....Even if it shows he was defending himself...that still does not make it right for him to hit her...nor her hit him..But hell he appears to be able to run if she was kicking his he says "Run It Run It"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Septemba
I don't think it's judgemental or hypocritical to discuss what happened, or that it makes anyone better placed to have an opinion on the matter if they are directly involved with the cause. I think that discussion itself can be beneficial to the cause.

But in many cases we are not just discussing we are placing blame and convicting. With things like 'he deserves to rot' or 'he's a piece of shit' or 'she deserved it' or 'she's a crazy island bitch'-that goes beyond discussing and its wrong. We are receiving third, fourth, and fifth hand knowledge that is only adding fuel to the fire while we are forgetting that these are two young people who deserve privacy and respect. No Rihanna should not have to bear the burden of speaking out for every battered woman-maybe she doesn't want that task and Chris Brown does not deserve to be crucified and made an example of. The two should be held responsible for their own incident-not the mistakes of others.
Yes, discussion can be beneficial to the cause as long as it remains discussion and not a witch hunt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
But hell he appears to be able to run if she was kicking his he says "Run It Run It"



Well-known member
OMG I am so shocked!!!

Ok Ya'll know I am not
...Most of us said this from the beginning....

Good for them ..I hope they make better choices this time and go thru anger management as a couple so that this does not happen again...

Matters of the heart! All that ...there is no way she will go back....yeah okay....we all go back...sad but true! People are upset...but at the end of the day it is their lives..Not ours!
probably more to the story than we will ever know if she took him back....


Well-known member
I'm happy as long as they can work things out and he doesn't go buckwild again. I'm praying for both of them.


Well-known member
^^^ Hollywood Drama...Fans get all caught up in it while they keep on keeping on...That is why it's best to not get emotional or caught up in celebrity issues when we don't know the facts. Now they out chilling and making out at Diddy's mansion and everyone else is waving "Support Rihanna Banners"


Well-known member
Ok i agree that love is blind and when you love someone you don't see the negative side in the relationship because you are so in love with that person. But if you swatch shoes with your friends/relative/a loved one etc and see this happening to them would you go back? HELL NO!

Sometime we have to act smarter and see things from a different perspective.

I wonder if Rihanna looked at her picture after being beaten up and thought, wait a minute he just smashed my face, why should i go back and let it happen again?

Ok, it's her personal life, i am sure Chris is a "good" person etc but this is my 2 cents.

I just hope it doesn't happen again.


Well-known member
^^ I agree...But since we don't know the circumstances of what happened...It's hard to say why she made the decisions she made...we can only speculate as to what we would or would not do based on what we THINK or have READ happened. we really don't know...only those two know.


Well-known member
I agree with you but violance is wrong whether we know the circumstances or not.


Well-known member
It is 100% Wrong...But that does not mean people have to make the decision that everyone thinks they should make...People make the decisions that are best for them and we all should support and respect that. It's not our choice to make. We don't have to like it..In reality it's really none of our's just that the media makes it our business so we get all caught up and involved in issues that don't concern us. I am guilty of it as well...That is why tabloids are so successful because the public is so nosey


Well-known member
I agree. I think people have taken their "fan status" too far. This is her personal life. We have no say so about how she should live it, even if you do buy a $10 CD. I agree to an extent with people who say that they won't support her/her music from here on out but, I really think it's sad that people are taking it so personal....And, at that point, I agree with benzito.....go volunteer at a shelter if it's that serious for you. There are too many artists out there who are probably doing worse things under the radar. I really can't consume my time trying to decide who is most like me so that I can support their music. Again, I say best of luck to both of them. I hope they can put this behind them and prove many people wrong and if not, learn and grow from this experience.


Well-known member
As i said it is her life but i also said that that was my 2 cents and yes her personal life isn't my business but i just wanted to post my opinion like everyone else.


Well-known member
^^ Please don't think my response was a personal attack against you...It was totally not....I was speaking for the public in general. We all have our opinions...Nothing in the world wrong with that. I am just saying we get involved and all concerned...when they don't and go on with their lives ...we are still upset about something that they obviously have moved passed. ...I said Our business..not your business....speaking in general

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