Chris Brown Under Investigation for Felony Battery


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
However I am a BIG fan of Rihanna...hence she has always been on my avatar....
One of my bff and fellow Specktrette...Her Husband has a major role in the music industry and works with these guys often was also a big fan of hers as well...But after working around her and in the same capacity as her...he said she is a real "Work of disrespectful Art " for lack of a better word.
So everyone is not as we want them to be or as we hope they are. That gives no one a right to ever be hit...just saying she probably was not completely innocent in all this

I've definitely heard that she can be really disrespectful sometimes, and she has quite a temper. I'm not saying any of this was her fault at all, but there's always the possibility he was provoked. He shouldn't have hit her at all, or whatever he did to her, but sometimes people can't control how they react.


Well-known member
Wow his career is sooo done. It doesnt matter if its true or not. What a dumbass!! He had a great career and lots of $$ Im sure a great way of life. No one likes a woman beater and he can kiss all that he has accomplished goodbye.

Michael Phelps taking bong hits in the camera to all the other younger celebs out there messing up in the public eye.

Thats a damn shame.

And Ushers wife going all the way to Brazil is nuts. She could have went to Dr Rey and got that done, she has $. This makes no sense. Plenty of celebrities get plastic surgery and they dont get exposed if she was tryin to do it on the low. And she isnt even a celebrity. I dont get it.


Well-known member
^^he'll lose some fans, but the rest of his STANS are gonna stick by him the same way R Kelly's pissy fans stood by his urinating ass when he did what he did to that kid.


Well-known member
^^exactly. some girls will be all turned on by this shit. just sick n sad. Rihanna needs to whoop his ass with one of her umbrellas and keep it moving.


Well-known member
I love you girl!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
^^exactly. some girls will be all turned on by this shit. just sick n sad. Rihanna needs to whoop his ass with one of her umbrellas and keep it moving.

youre too funny

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by shootout
I think Chris has ruined his career. Regardless of what actually happened, and we may never know, people will always remember this. Especially since many Chris Brown fans are also Rihanna fans.

Glad she's doing okay.


R Kelly still has fans and a career. Look at Michael Jackson. A lot of people in the entertainment business do bad things, it doesn't mean they're done forever. Chris Brown will probably get trashed by the paparazzi for a while, but that's not going to change the fact that millions of teenage girls adore him.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
^^he'll lose some fans, but the rest of his STANS are gonna stick by him the same way R Kelly's pissy fans stood by his urinating ass when he did what he did to that kid.

LOL! I should have read the whole page first! ITA


Well-known member
^^shit, not just teenage girls. i know grown women who love that crooked tooth nasal-singing bastard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladyJ
I heard about his on the radio this morning. This could be the end of his career...but who knows...the football player who plays for the chiefs beats his wife and he's still on the league.

Nah he'll keep on with his shitty "singing", look OJ killed his ex and her boyfriend.

Im thinking he will get time for it though. Its hard to dismiss the fact that she ( with visible injuries which makes it a felony, and their relationship determines which P.C it falls under either 243(e)(1) or 273.5 anywho ) confirmed him as the attacker...its kinda hard to wiggle outta that one.


Well-known member
^^Yep but celebrities always manage to get some sort of deal....They of course are above the law in MOST cases...


Well-known member
yeah most people with 273.5 usually get around 6 months but mind you that is in my county. LA doesnt have the capacity to hold a lot of inmates due to the HIGH volume of retard criminals.Anywho I heard somone say something about assault with a deadly weapon..I've done a case on a man with that charge ( he tried to ax someone ) and he got a year. Buuut with good and work time it was about 7 months .

So who knows...he will probably get off light. If I was her though I would dump his ass. IDK.


Well-known member
^^^ Exactly...from experience...if they hit you once...they will hit you twice...unless they get help for their anger issues....And as RUMORS have it...this is not their first violent round.... Took me awhile...but I had kids to think about...But when I finally said No More..I never looked back ...My first husband hit me prior to marriage I should have known after marriage it would be worse but I was 18 young and inexperienced too...No one believed me...he was such a good guy...Until he drive his car up into the police station trying to chase me


Well-known member
my boyfriend is an asshole.

he said

"well...maybe they got into a heated dance-off or something"



Well-known member
I do think it's sad, considering Brown's past. I remember reading an article in something called Giant (or Giants
) where he told how his stepfather was violent to him and his mother... He said something like "i literally peed my pants every time he was angry, and i saw my mother bleeding so many times, and i knew someday he's going to pay for that"...


Well-known member
^^damn, rihanna said she peed herself too. when she saw her stepdad beat her mom. sad they have that in common.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
^^damn, rihanna said she peed herself too. when she saw her stepdad beat her mom. sad they have that in common.

Yeah... like my history teacher said... History does not repeat itself, it just stutters...

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