Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


Well-known member
:shock:    [COLOR=0000FF]Hearing about it is one thing---actually seeing it is gasp-worthy.  That just is so horrible!!  You need a hug!  Here's one[/COLOR]:support:    [COLOR=0000FF]It's unbelievable !!!![/COLOR]:shock:   [COLOR=0000FF] Me too Sis[/COLOR]:frenz: [COLOR=0000FF]Yes, but she's already traumatized------can you say lipstick PTSD[/COLOR]:shock:
I am soooooo bummed!! I have never had a lipstick break ever ! even ones I don't bother about and keep in boxes!! PTSD is true!! I am worried to even touch the other ones now :eek:hboy:


Well-known member
That looks so great on you @Medgal07!
Thank you Allie.


Well-known member
I am soooooo bummed!! I have never had a lipstick break ever ! even ones I don't bother about and keep in boxes!! PTSD is true!! I am worried to even touch the other ones now
I'm seriously fearful now. If this issue is really just with the mattes then I'm glad I purchased more satins. On the other hand though, EO swatched & wore her Rouge
Louboutin, matte and didn't have any issues. I have four coming today and I just hope they're ok. I'm doing what I did with the others though---refrigerating them before
I even open or handle them.


Well-known member
That is just so darn weird. The mattes would have been the last I would have thought would break. I'm wondering if it was a problem with shipping or something.
The mattes actually feel really soft compared to the satins!! The ones I got from NM got here in 2 days only the Nordstrom Ones were delayed!! :dunno:


Well-known member
The mattes actually feel really soft compared to the satins!! The ones I got from NM got here in 2 days only the Nordstrom Ones were delayed!!
First CT flying lipsticks and now CL breaking. This sounds like a lipstick conspiracy! Hopefully the replacement ones work out well and are more sturdy!


Well-known member
Girls So I have major issues with Matte lipsticks. They break at the base easily. I made sure the lipsticks were not soft from heat, popped the packages in the fridge and applied using the lighest touch possible but both Rococotte and Bengali broke at the base. I thought Rococotte broke because i dropped it but the same with Bengali even though I was extra careful with it. The satins on the other hand I have no issues with. Tpday was such a BAD day lipstick wise, I have 2 broken BROKENNNNNNN lipsticks now!
Wow. That is awful. Let's see if anyone else has that experience. I presume you can return them, though.


Well-known member
Thanks, ladies, for the heads up on the refrigeration issue. I live in FL and it's hotter than 10 witches' titties here! I just got my Belly B and Deliconado and they went straight into the fridge, although I opened Tutulle and Tres Decolette a few days ago before I read your posts and it was fine. The guy at Sephora who's like the lead makeup guy here when I was hunting for these yesterday said the matte formula is the best on the market he thinks,although he loves TF, too. Now, I'm thinking no I won't try one after V's experience. Let's see what others think. Reading your remarks that the f9ormula is creamy,etc makes me think that's the problem, heavy case, soft lipstick- ruhroh.


Well-known member
A bit fearful of getting the matte now. Hmm.. did that happen to anyone else?

I'm still contemplating between the matte an satin and cannot decide.


Well-known member
I'll be in NY this weekend, anyone carry them there?
I think one of the NYC ladies saw them in Saks on 5th Ave. I'm not sure if any of the Sephora's have them yet. The 5th Avenue Sephora that's down the block from Saks had the nail polishes last I was there, though.


Well-known member
Girls So I have major issues with Matte lipsticks. They break at the base easily. I made sure the lipsticks were not soft from heat, popped the packages in the fridge and applied using the lighest touch possible but both Rococotte and Bengali broke at the base. I thought Rococotte broke because i dropped it but the same with Bengali even though I was extra careful with it. The satins on the other hand I have no issues with. Tpday was such a BAD day lipstick wise, I have 2 broken BROKENNNNNNN lipsticks now!
So we should avoid the mattes?

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