Christina Aguilera in Marie Claire


Well-known member
No, I don't want a man looking like Playboy stuff. I will have to get an example of what I am talking about for Uh demonstration purposes.

Oh, no I got the shug from -shimmer. LOL


Well-known member
In regard to turtles, I happen to think turtles are cute. I own one. Here is his picture.

When I was talking about a pose for males in a similiar side view like Xtina, I was thinking something on the order of this.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
No one is stopping the SOs if that is something they wish to pursue. There is no reason why they can't.

Personally, I wish someone would be brave enough to start the trend and copy it over and over again like many women have done off of Demi.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
In regard to turtles, I happen to think turtles are cute. I own one. Here is his picture.

When I was talking about a pose for males in a similiar side view like Xtina, I was thinking something on the order of this.


I wanna get me some of that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I've seen some nice vaginas and penises. They are rare but I've been impressed a few times, I have to admit.

I am not sure that I understand you. Are you saying that you haven't seen impressive male equipment? Ugh, There are men out there that possess things that are classified under "OMG"! It's the real deal. No fake stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I am not sure that I understand you. Are you saying that you haven't seen impressive male equipment? Ugh, There are men out there that possess things that are classified under "OMG"! It's the real deal. No fake stuff.

No, you didn't understand me. I was saying that, like Shimmer, I have to agree that penises and vaginas aren't much to look at for the most part. However, I have seen some that were very nice from both sexes.


Well-known member
I think alot of the husbands/boyfriends of the celebrities don't or wouldn't pose because they don't have the bodies for it. Some of them do, alot don't. I don't want to see Jordan Bratman posing nude. I'm reeeeal straight on that.

Now, people like David Beckham or Gavin Rossdale I can see. I think it would be nice to see them pose with their wives. I like the shots David and Victoria did for W Magazine.

I have to say that pics like the gentleman you posted don't do anything for me but alot of women like that, as evidenced by GreekChick.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I think alot of the husbands/boyfriends of the celebrities don't or wouldn't pose because they don't have the bodies for it. Some of them do, alot don't. I don't want to see Jordan Bratman posing nude. I'm reeeeal straight on that.

Now, people like David Beckham or Gavin Rossdale I can see. I think it would be nice to see them pose with their wives. I like the shots David and Victoria did for W Magazine.

I have to say that pics like the gentleman you posted don't do anything for me but alot of women like that, as evidenced by GreekChick.

iawtc. 100%.

yick. Hairy man. *shudder*


Well-known member
Personally, I like hairy men or not as hairy, but NO shaving.

On a side note: I would have posted several pictures of men, but I didn't think they may be appropriate for the forum. I tried to be careful. You know what I mean. It's that old double standard. It's okay to see women, but not men. I don't agree with it, but it's just the way it is.

Back to X-tina, I think the picture is too photoshopped. I think it would have looked better a bit better on the more realistic side.


Well-known member
I like hairy men too. I'm not talking about overly excessive back hair, and bushes, but a bit of hair for me is masculine, and I find that attractive. No hair, and the man looks like a pre-pubescent boy to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Back to X-tina, I think the picture is too photoshopped. I think it would have looked better a bit better on the more realistic side.

Fo sho


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I like hairy men too. I'm not talking about overly excessive back hair, and bushes, but a bit of hair for me is masculine, and I find that attractive. No hair, and the man looks like a pre-pubescent boy to me.

Totally agree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I like hairy men too. I'm not talking about overly excessive back hair, and bushes, but a bit of hair for me is masculine, and I find that attractive. No hair, and the man looks like a pre-pubescent boy to me.

I think it's because I like girls too.
And I have sensitive skin.
And hair makes me itch.
And I don't like organic dental floss.

Though I can't say which reason is the most prevailing.


Well-known member
Well that may be - Shimmer. Everyone has their own preferences and that's what makes us all beautiful and unique.

I have always been into males. I have played kiss and chase with boys as young as 3. I dream of men all the time. See hair feels great to me. Keep you warm like fur. Run your fingers on it or grab it. Roar!


Well-known member
(Of the topic) Shimmer - I know this may sound funny to you, but everytime I wear this lipstick I think of you. It's by Prescriptives. It's called Pink Paradise Shimmer. Wouldn't it be cute if you had a lipstick named after you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Well that may be - Shimmer. Everyone has their own preferences and that's what makes us all beautiful and unique.

I have always been into males. I have played kiss and chase with boys as young as 3. I dream of men all the time. See hair feels great to me. Keep you warm like fur. Run your fingers on it or grab it. Roar!

Yech. He grows hair, he can sleep on the other side of the bed, in full sweats. Yuck. No. Itchy. Ow. My skin is entirely too sensitive to be touching all of that mess in the middle of the night.

Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
(Of the topic) Shimmer - I know this may sound funny to you, but everytime I wear this lipstick I think of you. It's by Prescriptives. It's called Pink Paradise Shimmer. Wouldn't it be cute if you had a lipstick named after you.

Cool's one word.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
To each her own.
I won't limit myself to one gender.

I love the softness of a woman, and her smell, and her taste, and her skin. Those things are amazing and wonderful and immeasurably attractive.
I love my husband, but I love women too.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think it's because I like girls too.
And I have sensitive skin.
And hair makes me itch.
And I don't like organic dental floss.

Though I can't say which reason is the most prevailing.

I was thinking about this...Aside from sensitivity, could it be you don't like hairy men because you're into women? That is an extremely interesting subject. Are you into pretty boys, or more scruffy ones? Do you like facial hair, or do you prefer shaved?
Could it be you don't like hairy men because you consider it very masculine, which is the complete contrary of a woman's essence (soft skin, her smell)? Basically, do you prefer men who are more feminised, and by that I mean those that don't exude a certain testosterone filled aura?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I was thinking about this...Aside from sensitivity, could it be you don't like hairy men because you're into women?
That is an extremely interesting subject.
Are you into pretty boys, or more scruffy ones?
Do you like facial hair, or do you prefer shaved?
Could it be you don't like hairy men because you consider it very masculine, which is the complete contrary of a woman's essence (soft skin, her smell)?
Basically, do you prefer men who are more feminised, and by that I mean those that don't exude a certain testosterone filled aura?

Yes, except I'm not a lesbian. I like men just as much as I like women.

Yes it is.
Scruffy actually.
Either is fine.
It's possible, but I doubt it's the masculinity that turns me off. Mainly I just don't like itching.

No, I don't like girly men, not a bit. I like a man who exudes an aura of power and strength and masculinity. I like brawny men, and aggressive ones (as I'm an aggressive female in bed, and simply don't enjoy passivity), and men whose hands feel like they could break me if they tried. I like broad shoulders, meaty muscles, etc.
I'm not into the Abercrombie boi, and I don't particularly care for the effeminate type that's become popular the past several years.
For me to be with a man (or a woman) that person's going to have to be able to handle me and my personality...and a girly man can't do that.