Christina Aguilera in Marie Claire


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
This one looks a little too "I hope you enjoyed the show, fellas. Tip big, I need to go buy diapers for the 6 I already have at home".

Who says pregnant women can't still be sexy & sensual?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Who says pregnant women can't still be sexy & sensual?

I don't think that MAC_Whore is saying that they can't be. I think that she is saying that these pics do not convey "sexy & sensual" and I have to agree with her. I think they are over the top to the point where it cheapens her and the beauty of her pregnancy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I don't think that MAC_Whore is saying that they can't be. I think that she is saying that these pics do not convey "sexy & sensual" and I have to agree with her. I think they are over the top to the point where it cheapens her and the beauty of her pregnancy.

I think she is just being the same Christina that she has always been. She's has always been super sexy & over the top glamorous. That's what I love about her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I think she is just being the same Christina that she has always been. She's has always been super sexy & over the top glamorous. That's what I love about her.

I agree with that.


Well-known member
I love the nude shot but agree that the front cover is just....not right? Also her 613 Blond extentions and bronzed look just don't go at all but i certainly don't think they look ratty. Her skin is too dark to pull it off. But I still think she is gorgeous anyway. I think all pregnant women look beautiful.