Collection Superstition (Fall 2013)


Well-known member
is everyone happy with the quad? i still havent tried it. i saw temptalia's review, it looks bad on her


Well-known member
is everyone happy with the quad? i still havent tried it. i saw temptalia's review, it looks bad on her
I love it! It can be neutral or smokey, depending on how you use it. I've had some bad luck with chanel quads over the years, but this is one of the best. I'm so surprised by t's review.


Well-known member
I love it! It can be neutral or smokey, depending on how you use it. I've had some bad luck with chanel quads over the years, but this is one of the best. I'm so surprised by t's review.
. I'm with you Vaisforluvrs. I love the quad and have NO regrets having purchased it.


Well-known member
don't get me wrong, i do not take her reviews seriously. i do not think she takes enough time and effort with the product. If you review gazillion products a day when do you really have a chance to see how it performs?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
So I gave the counter a call and was told the fall collection has just arrived. According to the SA, Revelation and Affinite are perm, the other 4 cream blushes are LE. I think I'm going to get Presage first, and later on Affinite because it looks beautiful. I also want Elixir for sure! I hope to see the collection this Thursday at my counter!


Well-known member
So I gave the counter a call and was told the fall collection has just arrived. According to the SA, Revelation and Affinite are perm, the other 4 cream blushes are LE. I think I'm going to get Presage first, and later on Affinite because it looks beautiful. I also want Elixir for sure! I hope to see the collection this Thursday at my counter!
Way to go Miss QQ. I love Presage. It's my fav of the six---wearing it today in fact. Affinite is gorgeous too and you'll get a lot of wear out of Elixir. I hope you like them all.


Well-known member
my affinite came today and meh idk. i have it on one cheek and my sonia kashuk cream blush on the other and im about to go work out. if the sonia kashuk ones holds up to the chanel im going to return the chanel im interested in chanels foundation so i dont feel so bad lol


Well-known member
my affinite came today and meh idk. i have it on one cheek and my sonia kashuk cream blush on the other and im about to go work out. if the sonia kashuk ones holds up to the chanel im going to return the chanel im interested in chanels foundation so i dont feel so bad lol
Do you wear your cream blush UNDER your foundation? If not, try it that way. It really looks nice---more natural.


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]     Do you wear your cream blush UNDER your foundation?  If not, try it that way.  It really looks nice---more natural.[/COLOR]
Im not too concerned about looking natural. I sometimes like the fact it looks like im wearing blush lol the sonia kashuk cream blush stayed on just as long as the chanel after my workout. So i returned chanels blush. I really want that double perfection powder though but im scared of the color choice


Well-known member
Im not too concerned about looking natural. I sometimes like the fact it looks like im wearing blush lol the sonia kashuk cream blush stayed on just as long as the chanel after my workout. So i returned chanels blush. I really want that double perfection powder though but im scared of the color choice
I understand. I like to see my blush too---otherwise, what's the point, right?


Well-known member
I definitely want to see my blush. Natural's not my concern. I just don't want to look like one of those old dolls with two circles on either side of my face. Now, that's not cool. For reference:


Well-known member
I just made a 20 car trip (straight through) with my husband and three kids (boys 9 and 6, and a 4 year old girl) I'm sick (cold or sinus infection or something), and my husband went to a soccer game with his brothers. The kids were supposed to hang out with Granddad, but my younger son is mildly autistic and doesn't do change well, I finally got him soothed, and now I'm laying in a strange bed without my comfy comforter ( the quilt on the bed is sooooo stiff). I suddenly got the urge to stroke my face with my les beiges kabuki. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, much better. I might have to sell a pair of black milk leggings and get a second one. Because two equals babies, right?


Well-known member
I had a black Raggedy Ann and Andy. Shoulda held on to those suckers. I think those were my first black dolls.
Ahh man...def. should have kept those babies! Did they have red blushy cheeks? I wish I had them too cause I bet they were adorable!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I saw the collection and came back with Affinite, and an Aqualumiere gloss. I was surprised to see my counter had 2 glosses, and I picked the pale pink one, which was LE. The other was a rose, very pretty as well. Presage is pretty but I was worried that it might be too orange. The cream blushes are very pigmented! Much more than Dior's cream blush. And I was so lucky to pick up the last Affinite at my counter!


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