I would hate for you to get skippers remorse! Why don't you just ask her to apply one of the blushes and then decide for yourself? I personally love them, I don't find they sit on the skin at all.my chanel gal discouraged me from picking them up so I haven't. She says that *on her* they feel weird and sit on her skin. She is kinda funny for a saleslady. She dislikes the glosses and the sheer lipsticks cus they don't have good lasting power. Problem is we are very similar in what we look for ~ not just coloring, age, personal style etc but preferences. The few times I have ignored her suggestion I regret it. Not sure if it is me second guessing myself or what. Last winter she said I should go with the plum blush instead of star dust and I went for stardust. A few months later I had to pick up plum and haven't worn star dust more than once. But I won't mess with her commission by returning it.... not her bad I didn't listen to her in first place......
I had arm swatched the blushes and liked the colors but I have learned my lesson. I hope I don't get skippers remorse
Strange question ladies, maybe I should put it in the summer collection forum: did your eyeshadow stylos go moldy? Mine ( I just noticed today) are beginning to grow white hard crud around it, it picks off but i'm kind of disgusted. I've made sure they're shut properly after use unless all three for whatever reason did not get shut properly once.