come on then MAC MAs - what's your perfect customer?


New member
is it people who spend, or people who are up for trying something different
. or mabye a combination of the two?


Well-known member
A person is trying something and is willing to let you teach them something. They don't have to spend as long as they walk away feeling good about themselves, that's what really matters to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I'll second that, manners & respect make a wonderful customer.

and who arent grumpy. i know everybody has a bad day, but if youre grumpy and let me know that, youre not my favourite customer. i will serve you well anyways, so maybe you feel better afterwards, though.


Well-known member
1. someone who is happy or generally somewhat enthusiastic about being there/getting there makeup done.
2. someone who isn't a hater. ie someone who will hate everything you do on them because it's not the exact same way that they apply their own makeup and the exact colors that they use. because after all, aren't they looking for something different? whether it's a color or a new technique, it's usually for something other than exactly what they use, even if it's one shade different, it's different.
3. someone who is friendly.
4. someone who has opinions on their new look. i hate hearing 25 "i don't know"s in one sitting. you either do or don't like it. be honest, my feelings won't be hurt, we can try something else.

there are probably more but that's all off the top of my head.


Well-known member
How about polite? I always appreciate it when a customer acknowledges that I'm a human being too.


Well-known member
-a customer who doesn't ask "is it free to get my make-up done?"
-a customer who isn't surprised that i'm not an idiot
-a customer who doesn't constantly insult mac girls while asking for my help
-a customer who actually says thanks when i say "have a nice day and enjoy the rest of your weekend"

bad day anyone? haha


Well-known member
I agree completely with the sentiment that the perfect MAC customer - the perfect ANYPLACE customer - is one who has manners. "Thank you" and "please" and "no, thank you" and "have a nice day" are not painful to say, and whether you spend hundreds or nothing, they are the best parts of my day.

I had a woman run me ragged for a $200 sale - she was mean, nasty, bossy, pushy, and condescending. She upset me so much that if I weren't going to get fired for it, I would have told her I didn't want her business and she should go somewhere else. (Of course, she told me to "thank" her friend in another department for sending her to me. Oh- I'll thank him all right!

Meanwhile, just after her I had several groups of teens and adults come in and all were just browsing and chatting - all were friendly, polite, courteous. Those customers were dreams and I don't mind them coming in all day, every day even if they never bought a single freaking thing from me.

Of course I want to sell makeup, but I'm going to sell makeup no matter what, even if I just stand there. There is no excuse for rudeness, poor manners, or a condescending attitude. And that applies in all manners of business- not just retail cosmetics sales.


Well-known member
Someone who walks up to you with a list... i know that sounds bad but i seriously love it when i get one of those customers!

I also have regulars who come in every time a new collection is launched, on the day it's launched, to buy pretty much half of the collection. I usually know exactly what they will like so i put that aside for them and they love me for it! I always call them to let them know whats coming up, and i think thats why i have such a good rapport with them.


Active member
Originally Posted by miss_emc
Someone who walks up to you with a list... i know that sounds bad but i seriously love it when i get one of those customers!

I also have regulars who come in every time a new collection is launched, on the day it's launched, to buy pretty much half of the collection. I usually know exactly what they will like so i put that aside for them and they love me for it! I always call them to let them know whats coming up, and i think thats why i have such a good rapport with them.

haha i do that! I hate making you guys get stuff though.. like you're waiting on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tearsindecember
haha i do that! I hate making you guys get stuff though.. like you're waiting on me.

I feel the same way!!! I see the MAs running around the store getting things from my list and I feel terrible!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pahblov
I feel the same way!!! I see the MAs running around the store getting things from my list and I feel terrible!

Please don't! It's fun to help people find new products, but it's a breath of fresh air to have someone know exactly want they want...especially on a busy day. Besides, sometimes it can be a quick workout! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_emc
Someone who walks up to you with a list... i know that sounds bad but i seriously love it when i get one of those customers!

I also have regulars who come in every time a new collection is launched, on the day it's launched, to buy pretty much half of the collection. I usually know exactly what they will like so i put that aside for them and they love me for it! I always call them to let them know whats coming up, and i think thats why i have such a good rapport with them.

Totally agree! Lists rule!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_emc
Someone who walks up to you with a list... i know that sounds bad but i seriously love it when i get one of those customers!

I also have regulars who come in every time a new collection is launched, on the day it's launched, to buy pretty much half of the collection. I usually know exactly what they will like so i put that aside for them and they love me for it! I always call them to let them know whats coming up, and i think thats why i have such a good rapport with them.

im so happy now! i usually take in lists everytime i go especially for new collections and i always think im being lazy lol