Complaint - People Misunderstanding Makeup


Well-known member
silverbelle, your day sounds like mine!

Doing manicures and pedicures all day, I constantly get complimented on my makeup, sometimes with people inquiring about me doing theirs. I sometimes ramble off products and people look at me like


Well-known member
You know what gets to me too? When friends will actually rant on about how much money I blow on makeup but then they compliment how I wear it and even ask me to do their makeup when we go out at night! It's like weren't they just criticizing me for what they felt was wasting money? Oh and then they wanna use my makeup when I make them over because I have the "good stuff".
I told a friend recently that I'm no longer doing it. Especially since none of them have offerred to buy any of the makeup for me.
I just had to vent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by color_lover456
And this is part of the reason why I charge what I do...these are my friends, and sometimes I feel bad for charging them period. Yes it turns into them requesting me to bring over my "kit" before they go out on the weekends, and i find myself running out of brush cleanser REALLY fast...

while i can see where the argument that if they were real friends, they would be more than willing to pay $1 is coming from, couldn't you also reverse the argument, saying if i were a real friend, i would do it for free? I am, after all, just learning how to apply makeup on people...

the crux of the issue is you're not doing it once every so often as a bit of fun or practice, it sounds like they are trying to get you to be their personal makeup artist when they need you.

even though you are just learning you still need to keep your kit stocked up and that costs money. asking for a small fee (that i am guessing only helps to cover the costs, but still leaves money coming out of your own pocket) is more than fair if you are being asked to give up your time to do their makeup every time they go out.

the attitude of "you should do it for free because you're my friend" doesn't wash with me. if you are offering to do a bit of a makeover as a bit of fun (and a one off) - then fine, make it free. if they are asking you to come over with your kit and do their face because they are going out (and they do this regularly) - that's a booking and it comes with a charge.


Well-known member
Some people are just really cheap. Where I've worked/and work people think coffee, creamer, sugar etc is FREE!! Someone who kept buying it asked everyone to pitch in $1.00 a MONTH...many couldn't and wouldn't do it, yet these same people went out for lunch everyday. People are all about free things. Ask them to pitch in, or to buy something every now and again? Nah that's asking too much!


Well-known member
In my early years of being a nurse, some of my friends and I had a band that travelled around and played the college music scene. Some kids spend a lot of money on liquor but when you see them in a grocery store will not spend money on fresh veggies because "they are too expensive". Everyone has different priorities and some people just don't invest in themselves because they only want immediate rewards.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
In my early years of being a nurse, some of my friends and I had a band that travelled around and played the college music scene. Some kids spend a lot of money on liquor but when you see them in a grocery store will not spend money on fresh veggies because "they are too expensive". Everyone has different priorities and some people just don't invest in themselves because they only want immediate rewards.

Yeah, I totally see where you are coming from with that. Everyone has different opinions on what is worth their money and what isn't. I do my friends makeups all the time but I love doing it and I'm usually the one bringing it up, but if your friends can't understand how much money you shell out and not pay $1 it's not worth it. As for the whole society thing, I don't really care much about what anyone else does, it's their preference and doesn't affect me. If a person is genuine, and nice to me, I could care less what products they use. I must admit I'll have moments where I look at people and make them over in my mind lol but you just have to accept people for who they are. Everyone has different priorities, and looks aren't always one of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
silverbelle, your day sounds like mine!

Doing manicures and pedicures all day, I constantly get complimented on my makeup, sometimes with people inquiring about me doing theirs. I sometimes ramble off products and people look at me like

ugh this happens to me every day. people look at me all confused. but they compliment my makeup and want to know how to do it! lol.

i don't understand why people are cheap either. that coworker really killed me though. shes saving her eye base for special occassions....


Well-known member
I wouldn't say "looks" aren't people's priorities, because I believe 9 out of 10 women probably get up and attempt to "look presentable".'s another story. I think most women would rather play it safe than venture out of their bare face comfort zone and look all out ridiculous while attempting to handle applications on their own. I know. I used to be one of them.


Well-known member
Well by looks not being a priority I didn't neccessarily mean they dont give a crap. Like you said, a lot of people would rather just stay in their comfort zone, do what makes them look decent and go on with their day.


Well-known member
Also don't forget that whether or not makeup makes you look BETTER is very subjective, as well as peoples' reactions to it. Some people think makeup, by virtue of being fake and unnatural, looks bad on anyone. There are negative stereotypes associated with people who wear makeup, especially visible/heavy makeup. How many times have people on this forum complained that they're seen as vain, shallow and insecure because they wear makeup? How many times have we also criticized people (especially celebrities) who wear makeup we don't like, or makeup that's very heavy?

So if you ARE into creative makeup, or heavy makeup, and always all about looking as put-together as you can possibly be, the downside is that there are many people - possible employers included - who could view you as insincere (i.e. "fake and plastic"), or trying to hide something, or completely insecure about yourself. It's a double-edged sword.

I'm personally ambivalent about makeup. It's something fun for me, one more thing I as an artist can do to express myself. If someone doesn't want to, I don't assume they care less about their appearance than the person wearing makeup. It all comes down to reasons. The girl wearing makeup might be wearing it because she falls for the beauty industry's hype and thinks all women *need* it, which is absurd. The girl not wearing it might be doing so because she's confident in her natural beauty. (On the flipside, the girl wearing makeup might just really LIKE makeup, and the girl not wearing any might be afraid of makeup or having a kneejerk reaction in response to some stimulus (maybe she's sick of the beauty industry trying to tell women how to look, maybe girls covered in makeup teased her in school because she didn't wear any, whatever, pick a reason).)

But like I said before, I don't think this situation is about makeup but about (as someone phrased way more succinctly than me) your friends not understanding the value of a service. You're not charging for your makeup artist fees, you're trying to cover a small part of the cost of materials you're *routinely* using on them. They don't seem to understand that every time you do their makeup, you have less of that makeup left over for your own use, and it doesn't just fall out of the sky when you need a refill.


Well-known member
A dollar does not go very far anymore. Having an entire face done for a dollar, using good products? That's a steal. Plus, like someone else said, this stuff doesn't fall out of the sky. You are paying for your makeup, the least they can do is chip in to help cover the part they are using up.

If it was a one time thing, where you offered to do their makeup for fun, that's one thing. You shouldn't charge for that. But if they are constantly asking you to do their makeup, that's different. That's stops being about friendship, and turns to the realm of being their MAU. Think of it as being a MAU, who gives friends a huge discount ^_^.


Well-known member
I am doing 6 people's makeup for our prom, and 12 people's makeup for a dance in New York that we're going to. I haven't even thought of changing money, but that makes so much sense..I have invested thousands of dollars in my collection and in taking classes to be as good as I can be at applying makeup, and it's selfish for people to assume that they can advantage of my hard-earned collection just because they are my friends. Not only is it a waste of YOUR makeup, but YOU lose time that you could be using to get yourself ready! If they won't pay up, take your traincase and your skills elsewhere, and explain that you wouldn't take their car around for a joyride or eat all their food for why should they be entitled to mooch off of you?


Well-known member
Wow I think that's crazy. A dollar is like nothing. How cheap do you have to be if you won't shell out a dollar to get your makeup done?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
People have no idea the value of many things. If you look at Craig's List, there are often people looking for handsewn, custom-made clothes, for absurdly low prices.


Well-known member
$1??? That is nothing, I think you're crazy for charging so little! Lol, Cheap people annoy me, I used to live with one but not any more (she drove us all crazy like trying to get out of paying bills...)


Well-known member
I wouldn't charge my friends if we're just being girls & playing makeup. But guess what, if they had a photoshoot or a special event then I would charge them.

Next time if the same girls are asking you for a free makeover, ask them if they would work for a week & not get paid???
This is your time & products.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by color_lover456
I really dislike how our society doesn't value how much makeup is worth...I just started doing makeup on my friends and have had to start charging $1 to cover the cost of product, and I have had a lot of my friends try to not pay. I had one friend who just wanted me to use the things in her collection, which consisted solely of a clinique GWP eyeshadow. I tried explaining to her that the eyeshadow wouldn't apply without the base, but she just didn't get it...

While I realize that I have a lot of broke college friends, what i don't understand is that they will shell out $15 for a meal at oh say the olive garden for a mediocre dish that is probably worth only $3 and forget about the meal 2 hours later, but won't pay $1 to look good the entire night and in pictures that will go and stay on facebook for a lot longer time to come.

I really think this is a real problem - there are so many women who are uncomfortable with the way they look but don't know the wonders of makeup: they either don't know how to apply it or they apply it wrong or see people apply it in a way that they don't like and write makeup off from the first impression.

I really want this to change, that is I want women to understand how to use makeup better, value it as a way of self-improvement, much like education and working out, and be more comfortable with the way they look....

What are you guys' thoughts on this?

Live and learn...they won't pay you a measly $1 after you've used your makeup on them? Then don't do their makeup you should be charging them more than a buck anyway...your time, skills and product are valuable...


Well-known member
There is nothing wrong with staying on the safe side. Or wearing neutral colors and little or no lipgloss. If its done well and It looks good then everything is dandy. You dont need to have flashy eyeshadow and/or intense lips to be pretty. You can look good with simple makeup. If you want to stand out thats another story. For some people makeup is an art. And it should be considered that way in my opinion. And it could just be a form of art that certain people dont enjoy.

If your friends expect you to be doing their makeup all the time for when they go out I think its a good idea that you charge them. If they don't want to pay the 1$ then wtf. I know it can be frustrating when they don't understand. Like sometimes I do my friends makeup and they don't like foundation or blush and only one color on the eye. Its annnnoying because you want to create a masterpiece lol! And using one eyeshadow, no mascara,no blush, no foundation...Its like okay....