Complaints gift?


Well-known member
yeah ive found all the estee lauder companys are very serious about their coustmer service.

Ive never reported a complaint but ive had several instances one where i had over 600$ cash in my wallet and was fully intending to spend almost all of it there and guess what nobody would even talk to me!
So i simply just left and went to the other MAC stand in the mall that i happened to be in. And found my now MA whos preety much the sweetest person ever. She gave me tons of free stuff also.

Usually i go into the MAC stores/stands without wearing makeup not always intentionally but usually thats just how it happens hahaha
and alot of them will just look at me with no makeup and figure ooo shes not buying anything so why should i waste my time well i was taught in my coustmer experience to say hello to everybody even children who entered the shop and ask if i could asist them and if i was busy with a coustmer right then you were supposta say that your with a costumer right now but youd be available to help them shortly or direct them to somebody who wasnt busy.

But ive met alot of people who dont take their jobs seriously. And i think sometimes making commission on a job just worsens the employees attitude beacuse their only seeing a $$$ sign not a person. And its like they get all pissed off if you dont spend all your money for food on their stuff. pleeeze


Well-known member
i doubt they'd give it to, that's not really the point of the program...

i mean that's rude, but not $42+ worth of rude


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d_flawless
i doubt they'd give it to, that's not really the point of the program...

i mean that's rude, but not $42+ worth of rude

I didn't make the complaint to get a free gift. I made it for the fact that I travel an hour and a half solely to buy my MAC stuff and think that head office need to be aware of the way they are treating customers. I'd also like to add that I've had two friends go there to buy me gifts and stood around for 20 minutes, tried to ask for assistance and got ignored. I'm just trying to address the fact that the most easily persuaded demographic (basically, the group of kids that MAC could get into MAC for pretty much life) are getting neglected.

They asked me what my favourite product was, I said the 187 because due to the MAs at that certain store and them telling me how to wash my brushes incorrectly, £30 worth of brushes got ruined and I think I deserve to at least claim back what got ruined.


Well-known member
how did they tell you to wash your brushes? they sound bloody awful. and i think you deseve that brush


Well-known member
Surgical spirits. They said any perm. staining would come out with that and I said "Are you sure?" and got the "I know what I'm talking about, I'm the one working here" attitude.

Hence why they shed quite a few hairs. They are usable but not in the state they should be.


Well-known member
I would try to get the traincase, if they say no, you have more chance to get the brush the when you ask for the brusgh rightaway


Well-known member
I think you should ask for the 187, they didn't say pick any gift under £30, so why not. It's a shame the cost does not come out of the salaries of those very rude MAs


Well-known member
Honestly the issue with doing that is that while rudeness on the part of retail associates DOES in fact happen, it's not uncommon for people to perceive slights or blow something out of proportion in the hopes of gaining some sort of compensation. Were a program such as this implemented, it would most certainly cause issues within the company, and would definitely deprive MAs of hard earned money that they should not necessarily have to pay.


Active member
Originally Posted by mrsvandertramp
I didn't make the complaint to get a free gift. I made it for the fact that I travel an hour and a half solely to buy my MAC stuff and think that head office need to be aware of the way they are treating customers. I'd also like to add that I've had two friends go there to buy me gifts and stood around for 20 minutes, tried to ask for assistance and got ignored. I'm just trying to address the fact that the most easily persuaded demographic (basically, the group of kids that MAC could get into MAC for pretty much life) are getting neglected.

They asked me what my favourite product was, I said the 187 because due to the MAs at that certain store and them telling me how to wash my brushes incorrectly, £30 worth of brushes got ruined and I think I deserve to at least claim back what got ruined.

I don't think she meant it's rudely, you asked for our opinions and she gave you hers. You didn't tell us any specifics, she wouldn't have known your brushes were ruined.


Well-known member
well i do not think it is cheeky at all, you deserve a 187 and an apology.
i was sure you were going to say it was harvey nichols,since they have a rep on the net(mac world) of being notoriuosly rude.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrsvandertramp
I didn't make the complaint to get a free gift. I made it for the fact that I travel an hour and a half solely to buy my MAC stuff and think that head office need to be aware of the way they are treating customers. I'd also like to add that I've had two friends go there to buy me gifts and stood around for 20 minutes, tried to ask for assistance and got ignored. I'm just trying to address the fact that the most easily persuaded demographic (basically, the group of kids that MAC could get into MAC for pretty much life) are getting neglected.

They asked me what my favourite product was, I said the 187 because due to the MAs at that certain store and them telling me how to wash my brushes incorrectly, £30 worth of brushes got ruined and I think I deserve to at least claim back what got ruined.

same!!! and i was miffed when i washed one brush and it totally got wrecked and i got better advice 4rm the ladies on here


Well-known member
This was my reply:

Dear Miss Allen

Thank you so much for your gracious and thoughtful response.

In view of your comments, I have oredered on your behalf a #187 Stipling
Brush which I hope
you will enjoy using. This will be despatched to you by recorded delivery
as soon as we are in
receipt of it from our warehouse. Please allow 14 working days.

Again, thank you for contacting us. It is gratifying to know that the
superior standards which
we strive to maintain are recognised and enjoyed by our consumers.


Elodie Quoniam
Consumer Communications


Well-known member
how long did it take for mac customer service to answer you? i sent mine on friday night and i haven't recieved anything.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Anatevka
how long did it take for mac customer service to answer you? i sent mine on friday night and i haven't recieved anything.

I sent my first e-mail last Wednesday, got a response Friday but then again, they might not have people manning the computers on a weekend so you'll probably have an e-mail soon.

Check your junk mail btw, all my MAC stuff goes there.


Well-known member
Sounds like a horrible experience. I've heard bad things about that store and i live in the u.s.a.! Definately get your brush.


Well-known member
That's really great news! I am very happy for you
And I am glad to hear that MAC takes customer service so seriously ...


Well-known member
Mac does the best they can on trying to make shure their costumers are being taken care of right.

Im glad they gave you something for all your troubles they do that alot.

the only problem i see with them giving out free stuff to people that complain is ive heard of several people sending in false complaints just so they could recieve free merch.

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