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I’ve always not liked the term ‘bi’. To me, to be bisexual is when you can have the same exact relationship with a woman the way you can a man. I realize that most people’s definition is if you’re sexually attracted to both sexes then you’re automatically bisexual. Sexual attraction is a tricky thing, because, before marriage of course
, I could see a man & really picture myself having sex with him. I never saw women that way. I never saw a woman & said to myself…”Wow, I could $%!# the hell out of her!”. I’ve been with women in the past. I was always the one who did the ‘giving’. Sometimes I knew that these were the kind of girls that would only do anything flirtatious with me if there were guys around to gawk. These sort of ladies, to me, are only doing it for attention. You know…the ‘girls gone wild’ type chicks. *cough annoying cough* However most of the time any of my lesbian escapades occurred, I was usually drunk.
With my past & how emotionally messed up I was, I probably would have had sex with an alien if they consented. I just wanted to be touched – by anyone. I never held relationships. By my past I’m talking about when I was 17-20. I was a whirlwind of promiscuity. Not to imply that I didn’t have fun, but at the end of the day, more often than not, I just felt empty & used up.
Back to the topic at hand! Basically I just liked to, when the opportunity came about, to mess around w/ the ladies. I never felt like I could ‘love’ a woman. Not in the same way I could a guy, though. It, to me, was like this strange experience that felt slightly wrong, but totally exciting. I dunno, like trying some new drug. Never something I could see getting ‘hooked’ on, just once-in-while spontaneous fun. Now fast-forward to when I met Dave (my husband).
Keep in mind that I’d never had what I’d call a serious relationship. So, it was completely new to me to have feelings of complete & utter devotion to someone. Initially, I remember saying to him I didn’t know if I could never not have sex with another woman again. He considered to be with anyone (woman included) outside of a relationship cheating. He had a pretty repressed sexual past & didn’t know how to handle the idea of this girl (first girl he ever loved) saying that she didn’t know if she could just have sex with him forever.
After awhile I saw his reasoning. While at times he didn’t handle it with grace & made me feel bad a lot, I began to see being with a girl as cheating. I mean it’s another person NOT your significant other, so I thought of as cheating, too. I mean I only wanted Dave in my life, bed, anywhere. He had this loser friend who had this loser f*** buddy who was at our apt. one night. Dave & I had been together maybe a couple of weeks. I pretty much moved in right away, mind you. We had been drinking a lot that night. One thing led to another (as it usually does) & we started playing a drinking game which ended up in the guys daring us to kiss or some lame shit. I say lame because it feels like putting on a show y’know? I hate that. Anyway, I kiss her & feel her up a little in front of the guys. Afterward I felt stupid, I mean I made out with someone & I was in love with David. Why would I even do that? Besides it was like a performance & I feel that’s demeaning & just not me. Dave didn’t know how to quite handle it. I mean he (like most other males) has a strong like for seeing 2 women together. He was turned on, but didn’t want to say he was right out because of the way he thought. He felt like he was contradicting himself.
Then I met this girl (about a year or so ago), who I made out with. It was my birthday, she took me out to dinner, & I thought she was a friend. We kissed, & I felt horrible about it. Well, very recently I told Dave. I told Dave if he gave me shit about it I’d kill him. He’s the one dredging up all of this stuff in me & I got confused. Because before this happened, the same girl & I (maybe a month or two before) were drunk as shit at a bar & somehow there was a pic of us pecking. Not making out – no tongue, just a peck on the lips. She sent that pic to me online, & I not thinking much about it didn’t delete it. Dave ended up finding it & you’d better believe he threw a fit. Made me feel soooooooo bad & horrible, that it pretty much ended the friendship between her & I. Not to mention she was just a shitty person so it was bound to happen anyway. Now Dave sees where he messed up & has apologized. Again he can’t change the past or his for that matter.
He had a really hard past sexually. Not performance-wise mind you (my Italian hottie is equipped just fine), just certain emotional issues that stem from some pretty bad shit that happened to him. He’s as new as all of this as I am. He’s starting to be okay with admitting certain sexual desires (not feeling worthless or dirty), & I’m trying to come to terms with that I want to be with just one person & I don’t have to let everyone I see into my pants to feel wanted & desired. We’re polar opposites with our sexual pasts.
Anyway fast-forward to now. Dave realizes that he doesn’t think me being with a woman’s cheating. His ultimate fantasy is to see me with another woman. He doesn’t want to have sex with that other woman mind you, he just wants the sensation 2 women having sex & touching him. It can’t be two random women either, has to be me. I have to want to be there & not drunk. Being drunk takes away from the thought of me actually wanting to do it. That’s the turn on for him.
I was outraged. Outraged is a strong word. But because of his theory, I altered my own. He understands this & feels bad & has apologized countless times. He can’t change how he acted, though he wishes he could. I just feel so confused, hurt, & all over the place. I feel he’s being a hypocrite now. I mean sometimes I don’t even like to show him pictures of friends I’ve made online b/c in the back of my head I’m afraid he’ll think something.
I’m just stuck in between his bullshit in the past (which he’ll totally admit, he’s not trying to say he never did anything wrong. Who gets it all right the first time?) & now. Today…I mean reading Eighmii’s post made think, & since reading that Shimmer’s into the ladies. Made remember the hotness to be quite honest. I mean, at first I felt so ashamed, weird, then confused. I’m coming to all of this realization within the past hour or two, so I haven’t yet talked to Dave about it. But I think I know where my disgust of his fantasy comes into play with me. I resisted because he wanted to be there. Whenever there were guys around in my past experiences with women, I associated them with just ‘showing off’ for guys’ attention.
I don’t want a threesome. I’ve always hated them. But if I were to ever do anything with a woman, I’d want it to be just her & I. Does that make me selfish? I can’t even believe I typed that. It’s been so long since I’ve thought anything along these lines. See what you fired up, Eighmii?
I don’t really feel a need or anything, like I need to kiss a girl really…but through the years, I’d be lying my ass off if I said I didn’t sort of miss the way a girl feels. That sense of excitement. But now it’s a new feeling of guilt because does that make me crappy b/c I don’t necessarily want to include my husband in it. Especially when I obviously hold the key (or at least am a big part of) his biggest fantasy? I can’t help that I just associate it with 2 girls that aren’t really into each other messing around so some guy can think it’s hot. I dunno…I’m confuzzled. Any insight?
With my past & how emotionally messed up I was, I probably would have had sex with an alien if they consented. I just wanted to be touched – by anyone. I never held relationships. By my past I’m talking about when I was 17-20. I was a whirlwind of promiscuity. Not to imply that I didn’t have fun, but at the end of the day, more often than not, I just felt empty & used up.
Back to the topic at hand! Basically I just liked to, when the opportunity came about, to mess around w/ the ladies. I never felt like I could ‘love’ a woman. Not in the same way I could a guy, though. It, to me, was like this strange experience that felt slightly wrong, but totally exciting. I dunno, like trying some new drug. Never something I could see getting ‘hooked’ on, just once-in-while spontaneous fun. Now fast-forward to when I met Dave (my husband).
Keep in mind that I’d never had what I’d call a serious relationship. So, it was completely new to me to have feelings of complete & utter devotion to someone. Initially, I remember saying to him I didn’t know if I could never not have sex with another woman again. He considered to be with anyone (woman included) outside of a relationship cheating. He had a pretty repressed sexual past & didn’t know how to handle the idea of this girl (first girl he ever loved) saying that she didn’t know if she could just have sex with him forever.
After awhile I saw his reasoning. While at times he didn’t handle it with grace & made me feel bad a lot, I began to see being with a girl as cheating. I mean it’s another person NOT your significant other, so I thought of as cheating, too. I mean I only wanted Dave in my life, bed, anywhere. He had this loser friend who had this loser f*** buddy who was at our apt. one night. Dave & I had been together maybe a couple of weeks. I pretty much moved in right away, mind you. We had been drinking a lot that night. One thing led to another (as it usually does) & we started playing a drinking game which ended up in the guys daring us to kiss or some lame shit. I say lame because it feels like putting on a show y’know? I hate that. Anyway, I kiss her & feel her up a little in front of the guys. Afterward I felt stupid, I mean I made out with someone & I was in love with David. Why would I even do that? Besides it was like a performance & I feel that’s demeaning & just not me. Dave didn’t know how to quite handle it. I mean he (like most other males) has a strong like for seeing 2 women together. He was turned on, but didn’t want to say he was right out because of the way he thought. He felt like he was contradicting himself.
Then I met this girl (about a year or so ago), who I made out with. It was my birthday, she took me out to dinner, & I thought she was a friend. We kissed, & I felt horrible about it. Well, very recently I told Dave. I told Dave if he gave me shit about it I’d kill him. He’s the one dredging up all of this stuff in me & I got confused. Because before this happened, the same girl & I (maybe a month or two before) were drunk as shit at a bar & somehow there was a pic of us pecking. Not making out – no tongue, just a peck on the lips. She sent that pic to me online, & I not thinking much about it didn’t delete it. Dave ended up finding it & you’d better believe he threw a fit. Made me feel soooooooo bad & horrible, that it pretty much ended the friendship between her & I. Not to mention she was just a shitty person so it was bound to happen anyway. Now Dave sees where he messed up & has apologized. Again he can’t change the past or his for that matter.
He had a really hard past sexually. Not performance-wise mind you (my Italian hottie is equipped just fine), just certain emotional issues that stem from some pretty bad shit that happened to him. He’s as new as all of this as I am. He’s starting to be okay with admitting certain sexual desires (not feeling worthless or dirty), & I’m trying to come to terms with that I want to be with just one person & I don’t have to let everyone I see into my pants to feel wanted & desired. We’re polar opposites with our sexual pasts.
Anyway fast-forward to now. Dave realizes that he doesn’t think me being with a woman’s cheating. His ultimate fantasy is to see me with another woman. He doesn’t want to have sex with that other woman mind you, he just wants the sensation 2 women having sex & touching him. It can’t be two random women either, has to be me. I have to want to be there & not drunk. Being drunk takes away from the thought of me actually wanting to do it. That’s the turn on for him.
I was outraged. Outraged is a strong word. But because of his theory, I altered my own. He understands this & feels bad & has apologized countless times. He can’t change how he acted, though he wishes he could. I just feel so confused, hurt, & all over the place. I feel he’s being a hypocrite now. I mean sometimes I don’t even like to show him pictures of friends I’ve made online b/c in the back of my head I’m afraid he’ll think something.
I’m just stuck in between his bullshit in the past (which he’ll totally admit, he’s not trying to say he never did anything wrong. Who gets it all right the first time?) & now. Today…I mean reading Eighmii’s post made think, & since reading that Shimmer’s into the ladies. Made remember the hotness to be quite honest. I mean, at first I felt so ashamed, weird, then confused. I’m coming to all of this realization within the past hour or two, so I haven’t yet talked to Dave about it. But I think I know where my disgust of his fantasy comes into play with me. I resisted because he wanted to be there. Whenever there were guys around in my past experiences with women, I associated them with just ‘showing off’ for guys’ attention.
I don’t want a threesome. I’ve always hated them. But if I were to ever do anything with a woman, I’d want it to be just her & I. Does that make me selfish? I can’t even believe I typed that. It’s been so long since I’ve thought anything along these lines. See what you fired up, Eighmii?
I don’t really feel a need or anything, like I need to kiss a girl really…but through the years, I’d be lying my ass off if I said I didn’t sort of miss the way a girl feels. That sense of excitement. But now it’s a new feeling of guilt because does that make me crappy b/c I don’t necessarily want to include my husband in it. Especially when I obviously hold the key (or at least am a big part of) his biggest fantasy? I can’t help that I just associate it with 2 girls that aren’t really into each other messing around so some guy can think it’s hot. I dunno…I’m confuzzled. Any insight?