Counterfeit pigments on eBay from UK - think*beauty


Well-known member
Seller: think*beauty
Seller location: UK
Site: eBay
Store: Only M·A·C items - All health & beauty - All items

Items identified as counterfeit:

Poor printing alignment on boxes

Typographical and font errors on box. The first "/" on box after NET WT. is vertical on many of the boxes - compare it with the second "/" after 7.5g

The font used for the weights is not bold enough

The vertical distance between PIGMENT and the hole on the front is too great on most boxes.

Seller added further counterfeit items to eBay after being notified products were counterfeit.

Items above reported to eBay and seller as counterfeit 17 Sep 2006

Newly added items reported to eBay as counterfeit 20 Sep 2006

Further items added and reported to eBay 21 Sep 2006

Seller advised pigments are counterfeit by me and by toby1 who purchased them and still lists new pigments.


Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Thanks for the warning caffn8me.

The jars for fake pigments can be real cant they? like it get emptied out and get filled with the fake stuff and the box too??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
Thanks for the warning caffn8me.

The jars for fake pigments can be real cant they? like it get emptied out and get filled with the fake stuff and the box too??

The jars used for fake pigments are usually made by the counterfeiters too. They just look real until you examine them in detail. I should have details in the next couple of days. You'll never see the differences in the moulding on a normal photograph though as they are too small. The printing however usually contains errors which are visible if the seller shows the back of the pigment jars.


Well-known member
thanks for that hun - good to see another UK' you mind me asking if you can recommend any good sellers in the uk?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
thanks for that hun - good to see another UK' you mind me asking if you can recommend any good sellers in the uk?

I have to say I've never bought from a UK eBayer so can't recommend one personally but you may find one recommended in the Favorite Ebay Sellers/MUA-Swappers? thread. Good luck!


Well-known member
Well I hope she honors her 7 day refund policy since I brought a few from her last week


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby1
Well I hope she honors her 7 day refund policy since I brought a few from her last week

I have advised her directly that her pigments are fake (she may not actually know). I haven't had a response though. If she doesn't agree to a refund you then start a eBay "Item not significantly as described" dispute.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I have advised her directly that her pigments are fake (she may not actually know). I haven't had a response though. If she doesn't agree to a refund you then start a eBay "Item not significantly as described" dispute.

Fortunately the pigments I purchased from her are backups so I do have originals BNIB that I purchased from MAC to show in comparison, but I won't hesitate to file with Ebay if she gives me a difficult time


Well-known member
I received my package of pigments yesterday and they are obviously fake...grr...the colors are so off not to mention the box, jars, labels AND the dustballs and lint in the pigments...I emailed her but of course no response


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby1
I received my package of pigments yesterday and they are obviously fake...grr...the colors are so off not to mention the box, jars, labels AND the dustballs and lint in the pigments...I emailed her but of course no response

oh no who did you get them from?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
oh no who did you get them from?

Think*Beauty I took loads of pictures since I had original BNIB(purchased from MAC) of the 2 dc'd pigments(Coco & Goldenaire) I got from her


Well-known member
GRRR she finally responded w/her address but of course I have to spend $21 to return them via registered mail and I just know she's going to relist them!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby1
GRRR she finally responded w/her address but of course I have to spend $21 to return them via registered mail and I just know she's going to relist them!

Raise a dispute with eBay and ensure that she is liable for the return postage. Please also leave negative feedback along lines of "BEWARE - ALL seller's MAC pigments are fake, seller advised but continues to sell"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Raise a dispute with eBay and ensure that she is liable for the return postage. Please also leave negative feedback along lines of "BEWARE - ALL seller's MAC pigments are fake, seller advised but continues to sell"

I raised a dispute first thing today if I hadn't I don't believe she would have responded
But I wanted to share what she had to say:

"Thankyou for your e-mail, I do buy from a trusted supplier but admit I am not a MAC expert hence why I start my listings at .99p and do not list as genuine."

Needless to say these nasty things are in the mail tomorrow


Well-known member
I've now identified 106 pigments which have been sold by think*beauty purchased by 59 buyers.

Reading through feedback for other products sold by think*beauty I'd say that people have concerns about the authenticity of Dior and Chanel mascaras and Lancome Juicy Tubes (which are very commonly faked).

I have contacted or will be contacting all buyers of MAC pigments from this seller. I've revised the message I'm sending a few times but this is what I'm sending out now;

The MAC [insert name] Pigment you bought from thinkbeauty is fake.

It cannot be considered safe to use.

Quality of counterfeit pigments is far lower than authentic MAC pigments and they may contain dangerous ingredients.

The seller is aware the pigments are fake. When obtaining a refund ensure that the seller pays for return postage.

See [link removed] and the Counterfeit MAC forum at

If enough people demand their money back it simply won't be economical for think*beauty to continue trading


Well-known member
Sounds great BTW I have pics I took of the fake Coco & Goldenaire I purchased from her in comparison to the real ones. If you need the PLMK
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I've now identified 106 pigments which have been sold by think*beauty purchased by 59 buyers.

Reading through feedback for other products sold by think*beauty I'd say that people have concerns about the authenticity of Dior and Chanel mascaras and Lancome Juicy Tubes (which are very commonly faked).

I have contacted or will be contacting all buyers of MAC pigments from this seller. I've revised the message I'm sending a few times but this is what I'm sending out now;

If enough people demand their money back it simply won't be economical for think*beauty to continue trading



Well-known member
Originally Posted by toby1
Sounds great BTW I have pics I took of the fake Coco & Goldenaire I purchased from her in comparison to the real ones. If you need the PLMK

Thanks very much! I'd love it if you could post them in this thread please. The gallery upload is now working too if it didn't previously for you. I'd be really interested to see the differences and I'm sure plenty of other folks would too.


Well-known member
Ok here goes


Starting with the box although this is a small detail Think*Beauty's boxes and labels are not pure black additionally the font is totally different from those of the Authentic box


Next you can note the differences in the pigments themselves Think*Beauty's pigments are darker in shade(IRL Think*Beauty's Goldenaire was very orange looking it looked more like MAC Pink Bronze pigment than Goldenaire) The texture of the fake pigments are clumpy, they aren't as finely milled and although the pictures don't show it Think*Beauty's contained plastic shavings & fuzz lint)​


Lastly you can see the bottom labels as you can see Think*Beauty's label has no color name only a number, it is black and not silver and the font again is totally different from the font used by MAC
So I hope this helps some​