

Well-known member
I would most definitely quit. Sign up for a temping agency or something - I wouldn't put up with that. They shouldn't be treating you that way and you have a right to attend a hospital appointment. Tell them there is nothing to discuss and that you are leaving. They are completely out of order - leave them in the sh*t by quitting, it will serve them right.

You'll find a much nicer job with nicer people, like you say you are only 19, the opportunities are endless!


Well-known member
you shouldn't be taking this s*** i really think you that if you are not happy and they are being moody cows then just quit.

sorry this is hapening!


Well-known member
Quit!! And don't you guys have any fairness system or workplace rule thing over there? Surely their behavious is somehow wrong.


Well-known member
the trouble is its just me and the manager there during the week so i dont really have anyone i can talk to about her behaviour. and because i dont have a work contract it makes things really difficult.
i could completely understand their behaviour if i was calling in sick all the time, always late and not very good at my job but ive honestly tried really hard and im always punctual, polite and smart. it feels like theyve stabbed me in the back.....
i think im going to go in tomorrow and resign, il give them two weeks notice so they can find someone before i go on holiday and then find a new job when im chilled out after i get back from the caribbean.
i dont think its worth upsetting myself over a job thats only £500 a month! i was making more when i worked in a supermarket


Well-known member
i think you should quit as its obvioulsy not a good place to work. there are plenty of jobs you could get out there for similar/more money with a proper working structure and potential. If you do it before you go away you can relax,put all your worries behind you and go off on your fab holiday and come back with a spring in your step and find a job worthy of your hard work xx


Well-known member
her excuse for sacking me was because i wasnt very good with brides.
if that was true then why did they leave me alone in the shop some afternoons and leave me the keys to lock up?
if i was doing so badly why didnt they say something to me?
she said another reason theyve fired me was because of the way i spoke to her on the fone this morning, but i honestly wasnt rude.
i feel like theyve just made excuses. i dont know what ive done to deserve this treatment...:-(
they didnt even give me a written or verbal warning or anything....
sorry for the rant but im really angry


Well-known member
I'm not surprised that you're angry. It sounds as if you've been doing a good job and trying to do the right thing all along but that they've taken advantage of the situation and acted extremely unfairly.

I'm really sorry that this has happened to you, but I hope that knowing you're better out of this situation and that you have your holiday to look forward to will keep your spirits up once the anger and upset pass.


Well-known member
Kick those bitches where it hurts! They're dick-heads and you are waaay better off. You have complete right to be angry at them.
You're only 19, so you have many more oppurtunities, don't worry

I'm sure now any other place will be better than those two hags! All the best, don't despair, Karma wil GET them.


Well-known member
Totally agree, karma will get them! You have your life ahead of you and they will still be bitter and twisted. I have come into contact with so many unnecessarily rude and nasty people lately - it is really upsetting I know but just know that you are better than that and sooner or later you will find somewhere decent to work.

Some people are just idiots. Give it a few days and you will be feeling much better and their actions won't get to you as much. Grrr why do people have to be so mean???? It's pointless!

(Maybe they were jealous of you....women are like that)


Well-known member
Im so sorry to hear that! But, seriously, you're better off NOT working for people like that! They promised you all these things and then cheated you. Honestly, just move on, they aren't even worth your time thinking about!


They sound like real a**es! Treated you like crap. If you were that bad why in god's name did they hang on to you beyond the original 2 week agreement?

Hon, take your holiday and let it go. You don't deserve that treatment (no one does). For god's sake, you're not feeling well and they get upset 'cause you're going for tests? They sound out and out NASTY !!

Let it go, and not matter what, don't beat yourself up over this. It's not you. You're still young. Life is ahead.

Good luck and enjoy that holiday!!!


Well-known member
Sorry that happened to you. You should be happy that your not there anymore though, that's not a good enviorment @ all.


Well-known member
OMG i am so sorry that she sacked you! But atleast now you don't have to quit, you can just look for another job.

hang in there hun



Well-known member
Sorry this happened, good luck in finding a better job. That really was a negative work environment.


Well-known member
thanks for all of ur support girls. even though i was sacked it does feel like a weights been lifted!!

i phoned up the manager today and asked for solid reasons with examples about why ive been sacked and she couldnt come up with any....


Well-known member
Maybe because I am in the legal profession and always fighting everything for my family and friends, but I would not let this lie.
Your case is an easy win; whether you choose to write to them (it's official and on record) explaning that unless you get a proper reason or opportunity for discussion then it is a case of unfair dismissal.
They have obviously done this because they think that they can do so to you.
I won't even begin to start on the fact that they are in breach of employment law, breach of contract, and that if you were to outline your case to them coherently, there is no way they could even argue. They would crumble at the prospect of legal action.

I'm not suggesting you sue them; what I am suggesting is that you don't just walk away from it and let them win.

I am more than happy to help you out of you need it. Just PM me


Well-known member
omg..they are such jerks..!! honestly..!! hah..lets see how they manage to run the shop with only one should be glad you got freedom from that job..!

you can DEFINITELY get a much better job...where they pay you well...and RESPECT you..!