Deer Park, NY CCO (Tanger Outlets)


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Just came back from the CCO, here's what I remember:

Stark naked, Enough said, Feeling, X-rocks, Spaced out, Hipness, Blossoming, Sweet William

Glamour Check!
Swiss Chocolate
Warming trend
Climate Blue
Bold & Brazen
Sunset B
All of sonic chic collection

mineralized e/s:
-love connection
-the lime green one [forget the name]
-play on plums [only 1 left, i think they sold out tho]
-and 2 more

MSF natural/shimmer:
4 of these from med to dark

lots of studio stick foundations

Charged water, moisture creme, green cleanser

134, 129SH, 192, 189
and the set with 187,222,263,168 in brush roll

Tempting Quad, Shadowy Lady Quad, Fafi quad

-girl friendly

had about 4 of these in
jade, pink, ...

-ahoy, there
-i forget, but there's more
-comet blue dazzleglass

3 eyebrow shaders

they also had the eyeshadows in the same packaging as the eyebrow shaders, don't remember what colection that was... but they had blue, black, and 2 more

3 of the holiday '08 eyeshadow palette
4 of the holiday lip palette
heatherette shadow palette
nordstrom palettes

lots of brushes from holiday collections

also had they '08 holiday package with blacktrack fluidline, falsies, and eyeliner brush.

phew, i think that's all i remember.


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Wow MAFS, you certainly remember a lot more than I did!

They also had 3 of the 4 Solar Bits (not the black one)

Some E/S I remember:
::Mink & Sable
::post Haste
::Solar White
::Velvet Moss
::Gulf Stream

For lips, 1N (so glad I swatched before I bought ... it went on like foundation!) Hey Sailor, a bunch of lip gelees. Liners included Lure and Mother Pearl (I only remember these because I bought them!).

The shadesticks were also available in Penny (but not the new Sugar Sweet colored packaging) and another with the word Cement in the name (?).

All in all, a pretty good selection ... and a $200 haul for me!


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

i just mapquested directions to the cco in riverhead and now i see this thread not knowing there is one in deer park! both of them are far for me (i'm in brooklyn) so now i have to decide which one to go to.

i know the one in riverhead always has a lot of paintpots, but now i see the one in deer park has stark naked?!?!?! this is hard!

and ladies before you say it, i can't go to both!


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

This one is closer to brooklyn. Riverhead is about 45 min to an hour away from this one.
Riverhead normally has more stuff imo, but it's really up to you where you want to go, I haven't been to Riverhead recently so I'm not sure what they have atm.



Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Ive been dieing to go over there. Ugh im so lazy. I too live in Bk. I want some paint pots. Naked starks is hot.


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

okayyyy, so i went to the one in deer park!!

i was not disappointed.

i got :

perky paint pot
rollickin' paint pot
fleshpot lipstick
bare slimeshine lipstick (which i almost bought at the regular counter the other day)
velvet moss e/s
talent pool e/s
spaced out sheertone shimmer blush from the neo sc-fi collection

i was hoping they had a full sized 187 there since i'm using a crappy short handle from the christmas collection which sheds like crazy but they didn't. all they had was this set with like four full sized brushes - i think it was a 187, 168 and two others i couldn't see well through the packaging. but it was 87$ and i wasn't shelling out that for the set.

i have to say the ladies that worked in this place were super nice! they gave me their store card and said that i can call to find out if they have stuff and they'd put it to the side for me.

all in all i was happy. and to think, i started out the day with going to class and finding my car battery dead and having to wait for someone to boost it. i thought the day was going to be ruined but i still made it up there.

happy happy!!


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by 3773519
Ive been dieing to go over there. Ugh im so lazy. I too live in Bk. I want some paint pots. Naked starks is hot.

where in brooklyn are you?


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by oreox0x0
were there tendertones?

yes, i can't remember which colors but i remember seeing four of them on display.


Active member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by HustleRose
yes, i can't remember which colors but i remember seeing four of them on display.

ahh i want to get them so bad, hopefully they will be there during memorial day weekend, thats the earliest i can go!


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by oreox0x0
ahh i want to get them so bad, hopefully they will be there during memorial day weekend, thats the earliest i can go!

awww, i hope you're able to get them. hopefully they are well stocked with them.


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

from what i remember, they had 4 tendertones.
the only one i remember is hush hush though


Active member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

did they have anymore naked space lipglass from neo sci fi?


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Okay I went today, they pretty much have the same stuff except today I saw so ceylon & petticoat msf. I saw no one mention the mascaras they had mascara x, fiber rich lash mascara, and pro long lash. Last time they only had the heatherette trios but today they had the both beauty powders (alpha girl & smooth harmony. I did see some neo sci fi lipglosses, not sure which one but it was brown. They also had all of the mac perfumes. HTH


Active member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

OOO I definitely have to get the petticoat MSF, I was there last weekend and was hoping they'd have more MSF's but they didn't.


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

i am planning on making a trip out here sometime this week. the only time i stopped by here was the week that it opened and while the associates were very helpful, i was disappointed. i live in the city and it takes close to an hour to get there and yeah....

but from looking at the recent posts, looks like the selections have gotten much better.

i'm looking to get some full-sized brushes as well as some of the dazzleglasses that came out with the first release that didn't make its comeback for the recent release with the double dazzle collection.

please, any of you guys that made the trip out here, pls post and let us know what was there and i'll make sure i'll post on the stuff i saw after i make the trip out. =)


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by matsubie
i am planning on making a trip out here sometime this week. the only time i stopped by here was the week that it opened and while the associates were very helpful, i was disappointed. i live in the city and it takes close to an hour to get there and yeah....

but from looking at the recent posts, looks like the selections have gotten much better.

i'm looking to get some full-sized brushes as well as some of the dazzleglasses that came out with the first release that didn't make its comeback for the recent release with the double dazzle collection.

please, any of you guys that made the trip out here, pls post and let us know what was there and i'll make sure i'll post on the stuff i saw after i make the trip out. =)

i'm hoping to make a trip out there within a week. you know you can call them beforehand and inquire about certain things you are interested in. they're super nice there and they even will put stuff on hold for you you. it's so refreshing because i'm so used to snooty girls at the mac store i go to.


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

ooh, i stopped by today.
there were a lot of products and most of them have been mentioned by a previous poster in late march/early april.

i purchase x-rocks, spaced out and comet blue - (i asked for two comet blues but i got one money,honey instead)

a few individual brushes (discontinued ones)
the pink full sized brush set - 87.50
a few neutral colored nail polishes
lipglasses (NAKED SPACE was there)
and lipsticks - also a few mattenes and slimshines
4 tendertones (no ez baby =( )
a lot of eyeshadows
4 of the MSFN/MSF shimmer duos
So ceylon msf
x-rocks, spaced out, blooming, plum du bois......
some eyeshadow trios, quads..

i should have taken pictures but there were a lot of stuff.....i was hoping for some more dazzleglasses and msfn


Well-known member
Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by HustleRose
where in brooklyn are you?

OMG i havent been on specktra for a little. doesnt hurt to answer your question. I live in Cypress Hills.


Re: Deer Park, NY (Tanger Outlets **NEW CCO :)**

Originally Posted by stronqerx
Okay I went today, they pretty much have the same stuff except today I saw so ceylon & petticoat msf. I saw no one mention the mascaras they had mascara x, fiber rich lash mascara, and pro long lash. Last time they only had the heatherette trios but today they had the both beauty powders (alpha girl & smooth harmony. I did see some neo sci fi lipglosses, not sure which one but it was brown. They also had all of the mac perfumes. HTH

Can someone Please CP petticoat MSF for me? I also have a MUA Acct which I use more than specktra! PLMK if you can! Thanks so much I greatly appreciate it!


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