Deneuve wears fur?


Well-known member
i completely agree with everything that "youbeabitch" said. hahaha your username makes me
i love you!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Just to get this out, "these are my confessions"

I'm a vegetarian, but in no way shape or form support PETA.
Personally, I think people wearing mink coats is not right. I mean, minks are cute. Let them live and be cute.

But being the hypocrit I am, I buy leather shoes and purses. I mean, people aren't going to stop eating meat completely, so I should just make that poor cow more useful.

Oh jesus, that sounds bad.
I'm the worst vegetarian ever!


Well-known member
the anti-diamond stance isnt as blown up as anti-fur because there are more animal right activists. i like meat... i dont like fur, because i dont see a point... i do like diamonds because honestly, being in our society it is thrown at us at a young age that it is beautiful. and i got caught up in that. i dont think anything will change my mind on that just like people who think its wrong to eat meat cant change mine either. i dont know if that makes me insensitive or wrong, but thats just how i think.

now imo, catherine comes off to be a snobby french bitch. but that is my opinion


Well-known member
Hey all thanks for your interesting responses.
I guess I just want to say this is about MAC and what they stand for and Catherine Deneuve. Nothing to do with Peta. Also I think not buying something from this collection because of your beleifs is not silly, because it is only make up, not a life saving drug.


Well-known member
Just a question: but should I start changing the name of french fries to freedom fries just because I don't like the French stance on the Iraqi War?

I mean this is the point I'm driving home. This has nothing to do with politics or with the war-it's the point I'm trying to point out. I respect beliefs about it but I was responding more to the actual article you posted to regarding PeTA even bring this about. And you know-in all actuality because it really does seem so silly to me (ie: as you can tell from the absurdity of the posed question) can you explain to me why many feel this way? And I'm not going to make fun of you or anything I promise! (i really am not that way) I just really want to be able to see your point of view because hopefully you see mine and if I can see yours then maybe I'll be a bit more understanding =)


Well-known member
i hate peta too. they can eat me. they are not who they claim to be. they are extremist and they are using good people who want to help animals by taking their money.they are appealing to the part of all of us that wants to help animals but they are all politics, and have very little to do with animals. they pick and chose

if CD wants to wear fur ..whatever. its not my favorite thing in the world. and seeing it kinda makes me want to barf, but its her choice. i think its silly to boycott her for that reason only.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Just a question: but should I start changing the name of french fries to freedom fries just because I don't like the French stance on the Iraqi War?

I mean this is the point I'm driving home. This has nothing to do with politics or with the war-it's the point I'm trying to point out. I respect beliefs about it but I was responding more to the actual article you posted to regarding PeTA even bring this about. And you know-in all actuality because it really does seem so silly to me (ie: as you can tell from the absurdity of the posed question) can you explain to me why many feel this way? And I'm not going to make fun of you or anything I promise! (i really am not that way) I just really want to be able to see your point of view because hopefully you see mine and if I can see yours then maybe I'll be a bit more understanding =)

Why do so many people feel so anti fur?
I think it's easy! It's just so unneccesery (I'm talking in the fashion sence). It is common knowledge that the animals are born to lead a short torture filled life! I think if fur was one of few fibres humans could use to keep warm, the attitude would be totally different. Personally I am against killing any animal (that wouldn't be in direct threat to my life). And you can always go fake! Real fur is just flashy and showy, a status symbol for those who want to know how much money they have. I wont buy anything that is marketed by someone who is so pretentious and uncaring! I'd love to see more people as icon's that care about the feelings of the consumers they are trying to sell to. To me, what she did was wave a red flag to a bull. She wanted to draw attention to herself. Of course groups like Peta would react to such a comment. She probably just wanted more attention, I'd never heard of her before MAC released her collection so I guess she'd better keep up with the naff outbursts. I'm sorry, but I lost respect for her, as a woman in her position to be so commercial and ignorant.


Well-known member
//EDIT// thanks for moving this to the chatter board, i think it is much more appropiate here. =)

not to offend anyone but
come on, does all this drama even belong in the MAC chat board?:confused:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pucci
She probably just wanted more attention, I'd never heard of her before MAC released her collection so I guess she'd better keep up with the naff outbursts. I'm sorry, but I lost respect for her, as a woman in her position to be so commercial and ignorant.

Well how much respect could you have had for her if you never knew who she was anyway, and thus knowing so little about her, think you can guess her attentions? I'm not questioning your disgust with her love for fur, but that statement is stupid. Catherine Denevue is an internationally critically acclaimed actress, and as she's French, most of her films are (what we call) foreign. She doesn't need to earn herself attention, she's a grown woman with the respect of many and at least 75 films behind her.

And ignorant? No. Callous, maybe. Not compassionate to animal right, fine. But ignorant? What exactly is she ignorant about? She just doesn't agree with your views or the ones of PETA.


Well-known member
I had never heard of catherine Denuvue before this collection either. (And trust me, I'm a big fan of older movies) But maybe thats because foreign films aren't my thing. So it wouldn't be right for me to say that I dislike her as a person, but her statement certainly sounded cocky and thoughtless to me. I will eat meat occasionally but I will not wear fur. I personally can't wear it when I know a poor, cute animal has died for it. However, killing a pig for bacon, I see no harm. Double standard? Maybe. In the pre-historic days people had to kill animlas for food and clothes. Nowadays we certainly don't need to kill them for clothes. But for food I can see, since it is so much work to get enough protein otherways (and in most cases it tastes awful). Everyone has different opinions, thats just me.


Well-known member
On a side note, animals are still going to get killed regardless of one persons or even 1 million persons beliefs. I think vegitarianism or anti-fur or whatever has to be a personal thing. I don't think anyones beliefs should be forced on others. Thats why I disagree with PETAs policies.


Well-known member
Pucci, those are valid points.
I respect your opinion and we can both agree that wearing fur is bad.

But Shrieking violet also makes some valid points that since you said you never heard of her you are making quite a harsh judgement especially when you say you lost respect for her-if you didnt know how did you have any respect for her in the first place? hehe

HOWEVER, I can also say, I wasn't sure who she was until MAC came out with her this time around and I know she's well known. I can honestly say that I don't respect for her, NOT because of this stance but only because she's honestly not that important to me (SORRY Ladies who adore her!!!) but then again I love Paul McCartney but to many here some have never heard of him and some just dont care who he is.

I think can understand your anger towards her words you saw on print.

Butterfly Princess

Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
u know i never really looked at it that way... except that things like mink are used solely to make fur coats and they use like dozens of minks for one fur coat... and the rest is garbage... at least the meat i eat is used to feed people and the remainder or the cow is used to make clothing... mink anyone? i dont, however, see a HUGE problem with it. i would never buy a fur coat, i think it's cruel (and not very nice looking imho) but i cant really go screaming at someone who choses to.

Thats eactly how I feel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
On a side note, animals are still going to get killed regardless of one persons or even 1 million persons beliefs. I think vegitarianism or anti-fur or whatever has to be a personal thing. I don't think anyones beliefs should be forced on others. Thats why I disagree with PETAs policies.

The beauty of this country is that people in numbers, with opinions work to get things changed. So with your thinking, we should all give up our hopes of what we want to get accomplished and just say ah fuck it, they're still gonna get killed. Even a little difference is a difference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Melody
The beauty of this country is that people in numbers, with opinions work to get things changed. So with your thinking, we should all give up our hopes of what we want to get accomplished and just say ah fuck it, they're still gonna get killed. Even a little difference is a difference.

Thanks Melody, I couldn't have stated it better. I live in Louisiana where hunting is a big thing. I have to see these picture of my nephew with these beautiful deer he has killed and people laugh when I get sick to my stomach. I fully realize I cannot change everyone around me (including my husband) but my daughter is sooo like me and cries everytime we see an animal killed. My daughter does eat some meat and my husband tries to use that as an argument, but my thing with the deer hunting here is that there are several times a year that I have heard that they "hit" a deer but then when they go to get it, all they find is blood and no deer. So you have a deer out there suffering in pain and/or bleeding to death. That just rips my heart out. Luckily, I am from Lousiana, just south of New Orleans (you know good ole Maire Laveau). My husband only likes to rabbit hunt. Every time he leaves me and my daughter put the "gris gris" on him. Since we have started doing this, he is yet to kill a rabbit. Hey, it might just be folk lore, but it has worked so far....never underestimate a cajun.....LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I agree with you. I have seen some of those PETA videos and the treatment of animals is wrong. But at the same time I eat meat and wear leather shoes and accessories. But I also think that the tactics PETA uses are too much sometimes. My mom wear fur and she said she wishes someone would try to throw paint on her!

Okay I am going to say this and don't get mad....BUT where does she live? I'd LOVE to try!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
Someone has to speak up for the animals. They can't do it themselves and for sure, if someone was to wear a fur coat made of puppies you would most likely have a problem with it but why are their different cercumstances for different creatures? Why is ones life more valuble than anothers? Just a little food for thought.

I just absolutely LOVE the way you think!


Originally Posted by shriekingviolet
But then that's just me. I've so many pictures of African kids in mining areas with limbs cut off to make examples out of them, that I can't not cry when those stupid "Diamonds Are Forever" commercials come on TV.

Hear hear! I feel like I'm wearing human blood if I wear diamonds from South African mines. ::shudder::

Back on topic: I used to not care if someone wore fur, but now I'm in my 30s and have had a job that involved interaction w/all types of animals - I see that they all have personalities. The way they die when they are killed strictly for fur is *unbelievable*. I can't support anyone who views living creatures so nonchalantly. Your opinion may differ. Vote with your wallet and I'll vote with mine. And I'll write a letter to MAC explaining why I voted the way I did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MeganGMcD
I think it's interesting that people riot against fur but still are OK with the buying Diamonds. If you knew the loss and suffering of human lives diamond costs would you protest people who chose to wear diamonds?
I just find it crazy that people will lay down their lives for mink yet still support an industry that supports Genocidal warloard and Al Qaeda.

Why do you assume that someone defending animals defends Genocidal warloard and Al Qaeda? I support neither. As far as your argument about diamond, the men who harvest them have a choice. The CHOOSE to do that as a job. The animals do not CHOOSE to sacrafice their life! How can you even compare the two? That is just rediculous!