Did Rihanna and Beyonce have their breasts done?


Well-known member
Having seen Rihanna topless, I'm pretty sure her boobs are real. And at the risk of sounding like a lech, I must say they're pretty perfect too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
i think beyonce had them done. I remember seeing photos from a year or two ago and she had weird scars in her armpits (one area they can insert the inplant through) and they sometimes have that half melon shape. Over all i think she just had a very good boob job, so often times we don't sit around and speculate.

Originally Posted by NernersHuman
Having seen Rihanna topless, I'm pretty sure her boobs are real. And at the risk of sounding like a lech, I must say they're pretty perfect too.

Yeah, I think Beyonce might have. Then not too long ago I remember reading a blind item that alluded to the fact that she may have gotten them done.

As for RiRi, having seen her recently I've seen that her breasts are the real deal. And they are perfect. LOL


Well-known member
My question is.. Why do you all give a shit?

If they have, cool, I hope they are happy with thier new endowments. Theres nothing wrong with enhancing what nature gave you.

If not, also cool, why tamper with quality goods?

They both look fantastic 100% nature or not.

I doubt there are many woman out there wouldn't change something if they had unlimited funds and were so heavily in the public eye.


Well-known member
Some of the comments in this thread are really making me laugh.

Some people like fake boobs and would get theirs done, others don't and wouldn't..it's called human nature.

To the person who said that Rihanna's look real because they saw her nude, where's the link? *ahem* I mean I saw them too and they did look pretty nice.


Well-known member
I don't know if they've had them done, but you can make boobs look huge by putting them in a pushup and putting the equivalent of a saline implant (a "cutlet" or two) into the bra under the breast. More or less the modern equivalent of tissue-stuffing your bra.

In the photo where Beyonce's boob looks weird, it could be that her cutlet shifted and was no longer severely pushing up the right side of her breast. It makes sense if you think about it.

I am really large-chested and wish I were small chested for a bunch of reasons. My boobs are heavy, they hurt and get in the way, buttonup shirts don't fit, they're uncomfortable in summer, and I *always* have to wear a bra. I think a lot of ladies want to get them enhanced for looks, but I would prefer mine were smaller for physical comfort.