Disturbed By This Child

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
She just looks like she's beginning to get into makeup and experiment. I don't really see anything wrong with it. No I don't like the way she applied it, but she's just practicing it seems.


Well-known member
Oh my god, what is she doing?
That girl cannot be more than 12-13.

It's kind of like this keychain I have with Millhouse (from the simpsons) on it.. "I fear to look, yet I can not turn away." hahah.

But yes, it is rather disturbing if she's that young..


Well-known member
It's not just the application...it's how young she is, and she's posting on youtube. Just kind of creeps me out.


Well-known member
Yeesh..what is she applying at the beggining?? Lotion or something on her eyes? It sounded like Nivea...something. Looks painful!

Also, just want to add...I think I'm more disturbed by not knowing if their parents know what they are doing. Do they know what their children are posting over the internet? Do they care? Are they all for it? I was never given that type of freedom at that age, so the whole thing is just mind boggling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
Taping of an application of makeup seems pretty innocent to me.

To be posted where who knows who could see it? She looks like one of those inappropriately sexed up pageant children.


Well-known member
She looks so young and she's applying that much makeup! Then again, the camera is so up close it's probably just making her look a lot smaller.


Well-known member
She does look very young. I'm all for little girls playing with makeup, but not posting on YouTube. She's too young to be putting herself out there like that. Isn't there a rule or something on there saying you have to be 18? I dunno.

I thought it was a joke to begin with...???? I just don't really know what to say.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
She does look very young. I'm all for little girls playing with makeup, but not posting on YouTube. She's too young to be putting herself out there like that. Isn't there a rule or something on there saying you have to be 18? I dunno.

I thought it was a joke to begin with...???? I just don't really know what to say.

No joke. She actually has a channel and like 30 other videos. She has a "blue evening eyes" look, "perfect for a date" and one of the instructions is to "apply a dark blue shadow all over your lid and then make a thick, short tail coming outside the corner of your eye"

If she knows how to post on youtube, then doesn't she know how to WATCH on youtube and see that people don't apply makeup like that?


Well-known member
I really am not as disturbed by this child as others may be. I see a child who is probably a little brighter than most kids her age. She speaks with the confidence and vocabulary of a much older child. She films and posts her own videos on you tube. She is creating "girly" looks. I don't think she is trying to be "sexy" just "cute" and fashionable. If I were her mother, I would not let her post on Youtube for safety reasons. However, perhaps she is just mor computer-savy than those around her. You are probably looking at a smart, creative kid who enjoys the self-publication Youtube allows. She feels proud of her makeup knowledge and video making skills. Too bad this world has perverts who will take advantage of little girls playing makeup artist. Our society is so oversexualized any makeup on a twelve year old seems dirty these days even though many girls paint their faces (and Barbie's) for fun.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fafinette21
No joke. She actually has a channel and like 30 other videos. She has a "blue evening eyes" look, "perfect for a date" and one of the instructions is to "apply a dark blue shadow all over your lid and then make a thick, short tail coming outside the corner of your eye"

If she knows how to post on youtube, then doesn't she know how to WATCH on youtube and see that people don't apply makeup like that?

Yeah, I looked at her channel to see if it was for real. She has a lot of videos, but it's weird because the majority (like 20 something) were added in the last 5 days or so. I thought I added too many videos at once...

I hate to say anything bad about anyone, but I have to be honest. This is just a little strange. BUT, I'd never knock anyone's makeup tutorials on youtube...to each his own... The problem is that she's obviously very young. And yes, she is just applying makeup "innocently" but it all just goes back to how young she is. NOT that shes too young to be playing with makeup, but that shes way too young to be partaking in youtube. Not that others see it as "dirty" or anything like that. That has nothing to do with it. But if I had a young child or preteen, I would not want them putting themselves out there like that. Whether they were computer savvy or not. It's just the fact that to use sites like that, you should be an adult.


Well-known member
Are we sure that she's not older and just has a body growth problem or something...? Her profile says "I have taken classes and stuff, but I somehow manage to always end up doing my own thing, which always turns out better
" ... Where has she taken classes if she's that young LOL

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I tried to post this before but I guess something happened.

Anyway, as far as I know, she didn't give out any personal information. I'm assuming that she goes out in public and strangers can see her this way if she does actually go out like that and I don't think that's anymore dangerous than her posting videos on youtube. The only people who be of any danger to her are pedophiles and they're attracted to kids, makeup or no makeup so that wouldn't make a difference and it's more likely that more harm can be done in public than on youtube in my opinion.


Well-known member
She looks like a very young, very cute Britney Spears. I just hope the glitter she is playing with is eye safe.


Well-known member
I can only hope her mother does not let her actually go out like that. And who knows who could have contacted her and what exchanges could have gone on?
It's not really about physical harm being done to her but what parent would be ok with the fact that their child was a source of pleasure for some freak over the internet whether their child was aware of it or not.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Good god, are we really on this again LOL

To me she just looks like a little miss make up know it all [in the good way]. She's just playing with make up just like 99% of the members on Specktra did except, instead of standing in front of the mirror, she's on YouTube. It's generational.


Well-known member
Also the fact that she is so young, she should be acting like a 12 year old. Playing around with makeup in your room is all well and good, but why does she want to look like a "moulin rouge showgirl". That is what is disturbing.


Well-known member
Do her parents know about this? I mean the way she blows kisses into the camera and blasts "SEXY" songs in the background. Odd.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
I tried to post this before but I guess something happened.

Anyway, as far as I know, she didn't give out any personal information. I'm assuming that she goes out in public and strangers can see her this way if she does actually go out like that and I don't think that's anymore dangerous than her posting videos on youtube. The only people who be of any danger to her are pedophiles and they're attracted to kids, makeup or no makeup so that wouldn't make a difference and it's more likely that more harm can be done in public than on youtube in my opinion.

I agree with you.

So I just looked and apparently anyone can join YouTube, regardless of age, which I didn't know. I could've sworn you had to be 18. I figured it was like Myspace. I think Myspace's age requirement is 15. Oh well, regardless...

Originally Posted by Brittni
Do her parents know about this? I mean the way she blows kisses into the camera and blasts "SEXY" songs in the background. Odd.

EXACTLY. This is the problem. It's just that younger children or preteens may not realize what they can and cannot post online. Like what's appropriate and what's not.

It's still just kinda weird to me. For no other reason than if I were a mother, I would not want my child posting videos on YouTube.

Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Good god, are we really on this again LOL

To me she just looks like a little miss make up know it all [in the good way]. She's just playing with make up just like 99% of the members on Specktra did except, instead of standing in front of the mirror, she's on YouTube. It's generational.

I totally agree with you. It's normal for girls her age to be playing with makeup. But like I said before, this isn't the problem I see with this. It's just the fact that while the internet is so much more readily available (or available at all for that matter) for younger girls unlike it was when we were that age, children or preteens that young may not know what's appropriate and what's not to post online. And unfortunately, in our times, you do have to monitor your children because there are people out there that could take advantage of a young person posting stuff online. And like Brittni said, her parents may not know what she's doing based on some of the the things she mentioned that she saw in her videos. That's the problem.