Disturbed By This Child


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Originally Posted by smexiebinks
I think someone posted that she looks younger but in reality she is like 15+

Not sure, but it could be...I'm 20 and parents (at my job) thought I was 16 once. I even got 14 when I don't wear makeup....rawr. It's because I'm a shorty. lol.

I get that, 'cos people asked if I was 16 when I was 23.

And a woman couldn't believe I was over 18 when I was 25.

Plus, I still have to show my ID to get into night clubs to prove I'm over 18. I'm 27!!!


Well-known member
i think it's very cute that she's doing these tutorials and she is really intelligent. she uses terms that most girls my age don't use, like emphasize.

as for the perv getting her to do that lip tutorial, that is sickening.


What I find disturbing is that she is listens to music like Crank That Soulja Boy and calls people unconfident whores. I think she's around 10 or 11, no older than 13, and she's acting like that. Such a shame.


Well-known member
I think I'm a little more than disturbed by this child now! This is just all sorts of wrong. Combining the age/attitude/"whores" comment/kissing into the camera/broadcasting on the internet... This just proves my point. A young girl at this age should NOT be posting videos on the internet...why?? Because she obviously is too young to know the dangers...I.E. doing tutorials for people with obvious lipstick fetishes and not being "computer savvy" enough to look into that like we all did as adults. We saw that easily, so if she was as computer savvy as some here may argue, she would have noticed that. And she didn't.
I feel bad that this little girl obviously has no guidance. That's what angers me the most. At that age, there would have been no way in hell my mom wouldn't have known what I was doing.

Take the whole makeup thing out of it...Webcams and unsupervised children just don't mix. Period.


Well-known member
Where did the "whores" comment come from? I must have missed when she said that, which video was it?

Just everything about this girl and what she is doing disturbs me. In fact when I was watching her video I actually felt like a creeper doing it. It just weirded me out.
Is playing with makeup at her age wrong? No. But it's the way she is playing with it that seems wrong to me. It's not "I want to do what Mommy is doing" type of playing. It's "I need makeup to look pretty/sexy and I want to look sexy" (a la "moulin rouge showgirl").
Just seems like she is meddling with things that aren't for her age and she has no idea what she is doing (with respect to putting herself all over the internet).

As for her intelligence, I have to disagree with that comment. Most children are more technologically minded than we were at that age so there is nothing special about her there. And she's obviously watched other makeup videos and stolen the lingo without applying any of the advice they give. I'm not saying she's stupid or anything, I just think some people are giving her too much credit for nothing.


Originally Posted by fafinette21
Where did the "whores" comment come from? I must have missed when she said that, which video was it?

It was in her first video.

Guy: yea ur very ugly tho bitch dont ever talk 2 me again lil 12 year old
Girl: thats not what every one else says..ill talk to you how ever many times I want....whats up with ur screenname its sooo ghetto? at least u could post vids of urself so evry one can see instead of making fun of people, u unconfident whore


Well-known member
I have no problem with her playing with make-up. Just not on camera.

I've seen a bunch of girls on youtube from 8-14 that are doing make-up tutorials. Everytime I see one, I get very sad.

When I was 12, we first got the internet, and I immediately registering for website, AOL homepage, gURLpages, and the like. Posting information about myself that I'd be terrified to do NOW as an adult. Their is an invincible feeling at that age: "it won't happen to me." And the second I got my paws on a digital camera (I was the first person I knew with one), my pictures went up on the internet. How stupid was I?

Even IF she is older, she still looks VERY young. She can slip up once and were a school shirt, casually mention the state OR TOWN she lives in, and she'll be found. It's that simple for someone twisted.

Myspace has the option to report suspected underage usage, but I don't believe YT does. You HAVE to be at least 13 to register for the website. If she is found to be younger than that age, YT can suspend the account... I just wish there was a way to report it. It's dangerous.

I was cyber-stalked by someone that claimed to be a 15 year old boy at when I was 14. He never showed up at my house, but I was always scared he would. I deleted all my website accounts, changed AIM screennames, and only talked to people I knew. I never heard from again after laying low for awhile, but it was still terrifying.


Well-known member
I already saw her wearing a Red Sox shirt in a video, although anyone can wear any team shirt, but still.