Do any of my fellow WoC suffer from facial hair?

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
It's totally embarrassing! I use Jolen Bleach to make it lighter! Anybody else have any suggestions?


Well-known member
do you mean upper hair or just like on your cheeks and stuff?? i don't use jolene because i found that bleaching it just made it look even more noticeable [upper lip hair] so what i went to then was the nair depilatory and that works really well. leave it on for like five- ten minutes and then wash it off about once a week. but then i was at a beauty supply store and saw the little twinkle facial razor and so i now i am OBSESSED with that because it's easy to do and no messy cream to deal with. hth.


Well-known member
I don't really suffer from it. :p I just leave it be. Mine might not be as noticeable as other people's, but it is something that I notice all the time.


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I use Nair (the facial one) and if I go to get my brows waxed I ask them to wax my upper lip too.
I don't remove hair from anywhere else on my face tho bc the one time I did I was left w/ very obvious lighter patches of skin!!


Well-known member
i am ashamed to say that i have alot of it. when i was younger i had only few pop up on my chin. over the past 4 years it has gotten worse. i started using nair butn it wasn't strong enough. i've waxed, but it hurts like hell and i got ingrown. same thing with shaving. i did go for laser hair removal which will cost me $600. ive only been to one treatment because money was an issue. i plan on going back soon. but if you go for anykind of laser make sure your dr or whomever knows about brown skin. i have dark skin so she basically has to use the lowest setting on my skin so i don't burn. Just make sure you do your research firt.


Well-known member
my problem area is my chin and neck-i've waxed and shaved in the past but the former is embarrassing and the latter left scars and ingrown hairs. i tweeze now and it works fine for me.


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I would stay away from the bleach and depilatory if it's large portions of your face. Stuff like Jolene's and Nair works well if it's on a small area, like the upper lip, or the chin. But if it's one whole side of your face, or like a full cheek or something, it may cause distress to your skin.

If you can stand it, get your whole face threaded (take ibuprofin, and rub benzocane on the skin 30 mins beforehand). Or you could just take a weekend afternoon, and pluck everything off. You need a very fast and precise hand though, otherwise you'll be in unnecessary pain. I did this for my mother one day, and she was extremely pleased with the results, and she says the hair that grows back is non-colored and much much finer, as opposed to coarse and black.

Because I like my skin super smooth, I began plucking the fuzz above my upper lip. It starts off a little painful, but for some reason, it becomes waaaay more tolerable after just a few plucked hairs.


Well-known member
Sweet god, I SUFFER from facial hair. I have a little mustache and pretty noticeable sideburns. It's horrible and so embarassing. I rarely wear my hair up because of it. And I'm not allowed to get anything wax or threaded until I'm 18! Shit, I had to beg my mom to allow me to shave my legs. I really don't see why it's such a big deal with her. In fact, when I ask she gets defensive and angry like I insulted her. I just don't want to have a mustache and sideburns anymore!!! ARRRRHHSHSHFEAJFOWESJF

end rant.


New member
yea i wouldnt say i SUFFER from it but it does bug me sometimes. i just get some GiGi wax from sally's and be one with it if it gets on my nerves too bad. both my parents are hairy as hell so i was pretty much doomed from the start! lol. i dont shave cuz that just sounds like 'manly' honestly. im not knocking anyone who does it. its just not for me. i dont mind my sideburns i get it under my neck and on my chin so i just rip it out!! i used to nair cuz thats what i saw my mom do growing up but it would burn me cuz that 6 minute junk dont work on my hair!! so i would leave it on longer and get ugly burns on my chin. even worse than the hair being there imo. ive never tried threading is it like plucking?


Well-known member
Umm I'm Middle Eastern so saying I'm hairy is an understatement haha. I basically wax everything from my stomach down and thread everything from my neck up. However the last time I did thread my face I broke out badly because I'm so sensitive.

Luckily I'm nowhere near as hairy as my cousins or many of my other Middle Eastern friends. I'm considering electrolysis because I've heard it works well on the face and is the only perm hair removal procedure. I'm just trying to find the right person to do it.


Well-known member
I do too sometimes. What I can say is never try to shave it (lol). I can't reccomend waxing or bleaching as waxing breaks me out and sometimes I can have reactions to it depending on the wax, and I've never tried bleaching and don't really plan to. I'm talking about large portions of my face here, but I'd strongly recommend THREADING!

The first time I got my face threaded, I broke out everywhere! It was horrible, but 2 days afterwards my face started to return to normal and my skin was smooth and hairfree. But don't let that put you off as I've continued to use threading and nothing like that's ever happened since! I've also noticed the hair grows back much finer, and in some areas not at all. Also for some reason my skin looks like how it does after I get a facial or something, as apparently threading massages your face. I don't really get my eyebrows threaded though, I much prefer to pluck, but I get the rest of my face threaded.

Edit: Oh also I used to get my whole face waxed and nothing compares to threading. I also use to trim the hair on my upper lip and yeah...threading is much better lol.


Well-known member
I soo have facial hair! I have been battling it for a while now. Since I was 17 I have been waxing my mustache! I do it about every 2 weeks. It is soo funny because when my husband (boyfriend at the time) saw me waxing, he was like, "what is that?" I was like it is just a little problem that I have and I am taking care of it! He was like, "I never noticed it before!" And I was like, becuase I am good at taking care of it!

Now he is like, "baby, you might need to wax! I saw the shadow of your mustache when we were in the car!" And I say, okay and just take care of it! LOL!

I don't get embarrassed by it, I just do it. And because I can't get a permanent solution right now, it will have to do!


Well-known member
Facial Hair is an understatement. Sometimes I feel like I'm a day away from becoming the female Rick Ross.
I have sideburns, fuzzy face and the everlasting chin hair which seems to be sprouting to other locations on the chin. As of now I wax, wax again, wax more...more wax, but I do plan to try the permanent removal at some point in time.

Sigh. I guess I'm just a hairy chick.


Well-known member
I have fine baby hair on my chin, upper lips and cheeks, I only shave my upper lip [I know I shouldn't but I can't stop .__.] I don't do anything about the hair on my chin/cheeks because I don't notice it too much, and I hope others don't either, lol.


Well-known member
i just got my eyebrows thread for the first time and all i can say is WOW. i am going to do my whole face nex time


Well-known member
Yea... uhm I actually SUFFER. I have polycystic ovary syndrome and one of the issues is facial hair due to imbalance of hormones.
I kid you not with this. I did electrolysis..... didn't work... my upper lip lessened but nothing else.
I ended up starting to shave bc it was so dark that I couldn't wait to wax.
(you know how some people exaggerate that they look like a guy? mine literally looked like a man who didn't shave for a week. I have pics but I'll never post them. They are for before and afters since I started waxing)
I got fed up. So I started placing a big bandage on my face, let the hair grow in that area and then waxed it off. I did it in portions because I couldn't let it all grow out. (I had school and wasn't about to wrap my entire neck and lower cheek area).
It hurt like no tomorrow the first run. Finally, the whole face was done within two weeks.

Now I weekly wax my face with the wax that self hardens. You know the one for coarse hair because normal wax won't work. =(
But at least now there are areas that have significantly lessened and the hair is less coarse.

My dad plans on me seeing another doctor and getting some sort of skin treatment. ='( Blah.

But wax is what I do.
It's really bad but this is the only thing working right now.


Well-known member
i don't have too much of it, but i actually just shave it.. :\ i use those razors that look like little straight razors on a stick that you can buy in asian markets or cheap stores.

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