I would stay away from the bleach and depilatory if it's large portions of your face. Stuff like Jolene's and Nair works well if it's on a small area, like the upper lip, or the chin. But if it's one whole side of your face, or like a full cheek or something, it may cause distress to your skin.
If you can stand it, get your whole face threaded (take ibuprofin, and rub benzocane on the skin 30 mins beforehand). Or you could just take a weekend afternoon, and pluck everything off. You need a very fast and precise hand though, otherwise you'll be in unnecessary pain. I did this for my mother one day, and she was extremely pleased with the results, and she says the hair that grows back is non-colored and much much finer, as opposed to coarse and black.
Because I like my skin super smooth, I began plucking the fuzz above my upper lip. It starts off a little painful, but for some reason, it becomes waaaay more tolerable after just a few plucked hairs.