Do any of my fellow WoC suffer from facial hair?


Well-known member
I have facial hair, I wax my 'stache, my brows (and my forehead, so i dont get that line of demarcation, you guys KNOW what Im talking about) and sometimes I wax the little patch under my bottom lip (i guess if I had a soul patch it'd be there...) But I have a lot like on my jawline, I dont bother waxing that because I did it before and I broke out.

My ex used to like that hair anyways. I honestly could care less about it...I'm more worried about my lip and brows...


Well-known member
OMG I thought I was the only one. Its runs in my family. My great grammy had a full on beard thing goin on when I was younger; I guess she said "FUCK IT, I WANT MY FRUIT COCKTAIL" and didn't bother to get rid of it. I get Twinkle brow blades and not only do I use them to shape my brows, I get rid of hair on the sides of my face, under my chin, and on my upper lip. I want to get some pre waxed strips to see how they work out [but mostly for my legs].

And CantAffordMAC! I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I had that bad when I was 12 and 13. It drove me crazy, but for some reason, its just gone away!


I have a lot of facial hair. I would not suggest shaving. I actually do shave my upper lip, chin, and cheeks, and that has left me with scars, blemishes, ingrown hair, and maybe even slightly thicker hair. Plus, the hair grows back pretty fast. Lately, I have been considering another method. Depilatory creams do not remove all of my hair, so I am thinking about waxing. I keep hearing about threading, but I do not know exactly how it is done. Can someone explain it and its benefit (if any) over waxing? I would have to get a large portion of my face done.

For those of you who wax at home, what brand do you use?


Well-known member
I bleach it b/c if you wax it or remove it with hair cream, it will grow back faster and darker. lol

However, I do use hair remover cream to remove mu stache. But that is it! Nothing else!

I just bleach my sideburns using Surgi Cream. It works great!


Well-known member
doesn't everyone
i just wax my problem areas [upper lip & btw brows]. if i notice a random hair growing in somewhere [often the chin area,
] i just pluck it. i heard electrolysis was not recommended for darker skin tones. i'm hoping by the time i get my degree [i'll be getting PAID] they come up with better permanent hair removal, because i want everything gone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LuvinMyMAC
Sometimes I feel like I'm a day away from becoming the female Rick Ross.

Sigh. I guess I'm just a hairy chick.

LOL rick ross.

Well, my mom does the electrolysis on her chin. You can see little scars but no discoloration and she's pretty dark (NW50-ish)

OMG, my dad used to make me wax his back with this organic waxing kit. But he'd take me out for ice cream as a "treat" for doing it. haha


Well-known member
Chile please- HELL YEAH!

I used to get my whole face waxed, then moved on to getting my whole face threaded, but I'd honestly have to go every few days to keep smooth and who can afford threading every few days?

So now I just get the brows done, and if my lip and brows are hairy enough to get done at the same time, I do both, but I mostly keep my lip in check with Sally Hansen Cold Wax strips ( the clear ones), and an epilator on my sideburns/chin, and I tweeze stray chin hairs when I catch them. I HAVE to check for hairs on my sideburns and chin every other day or so. Disgusting.

---------------- Now playing: Robin Thicke - Magic via FoxyTunes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizzbeba
I had a coworker that used Vaniqa and recommended it. Has anyone tried this?

It works but you have to fellow the application of applying it in the morning and at night!
It lessens the TIME of growth, not the actual growth itself.
So you would still have to wax/shave/thread whatever you do to remove it and then apply the lotion twice a day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Well, my mom does the electrolysis on her chin. You can see little scars but no discoloration and she's pretty dark (NW50-ish)

are these scars from the electrolysis? are they raised scars?


Well-known member
I suffer from it too, passed down from my mom. I have beastly chin hair that grows back in about a day or two with waxing. I also have a stache too
I've heard that you aren't supposed to shave the hair off of your face, it causes more scarring than waxing or topical creams.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
I used to get my whole face waxed, then moved on to getting my whole face threaded, but I'd honestly have to go every few days to keep smooth and who can afford threading every few days?

Wow. That reminded me of a vid on YT...about how japanese women shave their faces every morning for smooth skin. ;-;


Well-known member
ugh, i do! i get my eyebrows threaded and upperlip waxed regularly though. maybe like, twice a year getting my cheeks waxed because the hair there grows really fine and slow.


I have PCOS, of which one of the symptoms is facial hair. It's gotten much better since I've started waxing. I get it done every three weeks or so. I am researching laser hair removal options.


Well-known member
Mine arent noticeable, but it still bothers me
I get my upper lip and eyebrows threaded
and the sides of my face waxed, when im back home in india
Otherwise I get those sally hansen wax strips and wax the upperlip and face every month or so and tweeze my brows into shape


Well-known member
I used to bleach my upper lip, under my lower lip, and chin but have gotten lazy (plus that stuff burns my skin!). Lower lip and chin isn't that noticeable so I leave it alone now.

I normally go to this place for a brazilian wax, and this time I decided to let them do my upper lip too...Good graciousness Mother Theresa that mess hurt

My face was numb for like an hour. Honestly I don't know which hurt more, the brazilian or my face...

And yes, I probably will return and get it done again


Well-known member
I am super hairy. It's the curse of desi people, as I'm sure you know.

I thread my face - sideburns, cheeks, brows, lip, and chin. It takes about half an hour once a week.

I used to use Nair or other depilatories, but eventually my facial hair got to be highly resistant to the stuff, to the point where it could be on my face for 15 mins and the skin would burn but the hair would remain untouched! I'm never doing waxing or depilatories again.


Well-known member
I used to get teased when I was little. I have been waxing my stache haha since i was like 12. I only wax my eyebrows and upper lip tho. I have fine facial hair and its only my chin/neck and sideburns so I dont bother it. Ive grown to accept it and feel it gives my face definition besides no one ever mentions it now. and some guys bring it up and think its sexy! haha


Well-known member
I have upper lip hair. When I was younger, I'd sneak into my big sisters Nair and remove it. I don't fuss with it now, as an adult. I have hair on my cheeks and super long sideburns...Every few months, before I do my bikini wax (yup I do them myself) I apply some wax to my cheeks and sideburns.


Well-known member
Good gracious ! I thought it was just me. Oh my goodness, I saw 3 of them pop up. I'm mortified. I swear everybody that walks into my office stares at them. I did try plucking, but it hurts like a b****

I'm gonna put Orajel on it tonight and see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion.

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