Do you smoke or have you ever?


Active member
I can't stand the smell of smoke! It always ends up in my hair and clothes wherever I go. I asked my coworker, "What do you get out of smoking?" and she said, "I have no idea. Have you been talking to my husband? He said the same thing."


Well-known member
Ive smoked now for 6 years!! i started when i was 15 and at the time i only did it to "fit in" with the "cool" people at school. I wish id never started!! after reading what everyone has said its made me think why i smoke, so i have come to a decision that im going to cut my cigarettes up and throw them in the bin!And hopefully i can kick this disgusting habbit with my willpower alone. Thankyou ladies for making me realise!!

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I smoked from age 14 to 29 then gave it up cold turkey. I have not even had so much as a puff since and I'm so glad I quit! Every once in a while though the urge still comes back...mostly after a few drinks or when I am on vacation! I have resisted the urge though.


Well-known member
i have smoked for about five years. i do not plan to give it up anytime soon. and i hate how smokers are treated.
i know how bad it is and i know i should quit but in all honesty it is not something i want to do right now.
just being honest..


Well-known member
I'm an occasional smoker. If I drink, or umm.. 'partake' in other activities, I'll smoke but I don't go out and buy packs of my own and smoke every day. I guess I've never gotten addicted which is good. Not to say even occasionally is good for you, but I'm not stressing it.


Well-known member
I have never smoked and don't ever intend on starting.

My boyfriend has been addicted for almost 10 years (he started at a ridiculously young age.. I believe in 7th grade) and he's trying to quit. He's definitely inspiration for me to never even try.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I smoked for a couple of months when I was about 16...I hated it then and I will not try it anymore. I guess I was experimenting with stuff back then.


Well-known member
I have never smoked, have never had the desire to, and I never will.

My dad has been smoking since he was 8... yes, 8. He's been a smoker for over 40 years, and while I hate that he smokes, I thank God it's been a deterrent for myself and my brother. He's tried to quit, and so far has not been successful. I wish he'd quit so badly. It stinks, it's damaging his body, and there's no telling how much damage is done already. But I also realize that he can't do it for me or my mom or my brother... he has to want it for himself, and so far he hasn't gotten to that point. Maybe once I have kids he will quit, because as much as I love my dad, I will not be subjecting my children to that.

My grandfather was a smoker for half his life, and he passed away from lung cancer 2 years ago. I've had 2 aunts pass away from lung cancer, and 1 from emphysema, so it just hits way to close to home for me.


Well-known member
i started smoking when i was a junior in high school (my parents separated right than)..i've been smoking on and off and on for about 4 years now and i have a love/hate relationship with it. i love smokes on long car drives, right after i eat, drinking, sex, & occasionally after i smoke maryjane (love/hate relationship with that too).

the longest i've gone without smoking at an attempt to quit is 6 months. i have tried quitting but i think more so it may be a mind thing with me? who knows, i smoke when i'm bored too or when i want to kill 5 minutes at work

i'm trying to quit because now when i smoke it makes me naseous. i use to be a chain smoker and that killed me.

i plan on quitting, i hope

it's hard too because my boyfriend smokes ALL the time!!!!!


Well-known member
For all of you ladies who have quit smoking, good for you! My grandfather died from complications due to smoking so I never have even tried smoking. I am also slightly allergic to the smell, it makes me cough and gag.


Well-known member
I started when i was 10 (yes, 10, i'm French, what can i say)... and i stopped 8 months ago (i'm 22), put so much weight since and i'm being really tired and it's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!
It's hard to resist, everybody is smoking here :'(

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