Does anyone else dream about MAC??

Girl about town

Well-known member
Dream about MAC lol, i know its sad but sometimes i dream about quads and what colours i have bought to put in them he he, i also dreamt i bought a massive haul the other night and was really sad when it wasn't true boo!!! xx


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

i have before lol... quite a few times. Cant remember what happened but i certainly have.. sad i know! haha


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

lol i am right there with you. i dream about it .. and wake up mad as hell that it wasn't true

*Star Violet*

Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I dreamt I was living at MAC. I dreamt I woke up, put on a face...and it was a store but there were stairs to the side and an apartment right upstairs with a little kitchen and a big huge closet full of clothes and shoes...OMG....yeh, it was too awesome to be real


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I used to dream about MAC alot when I was an MA. Especially after really busy weekends.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I regularly dream about buying stuff at counters like MAC and Chanel. Those dreams pretty much start when I haven't bought anything in about 2 months or longer. It's like my brain or subconsciousness is trying to tell me that it's high time to buy some nice stuff again


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had some really rather hysterically panicky dreams about the C Shock collection being sold out before I got a chance to buy anything. I had a few nights of that but since then, it's not been too bad!


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Ritchie, I had the same dream! I always dream about things selling out before I can get to them (like Mcqueen and Barbie Loves Mac)


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Last weekend I dreamt that I went to the MAC counter at Macy's and in the dream I NEEDED to go. I'd never been there... But the next day since I had nothing better to do I drove down there to check it out LOL. $50 later I went home with a happy subconscious.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
Ritchie, I had the same dream! I always dream about things selling out before I can get to them (like Mcqueen and Barbie Loves Mac)

It's terrible to be stressing about shopping when we're not even awake! As it turned out, my C Shock dream nearly came true as by the time I checked the website, most of the stuff I wanted really had sold out! I had to beg a friend to dash to a counter and grab what she could during her lunch hour. (I almost missed out on one of the eyeshadows though as she kind of misunderstood my e-mail and thought that I was saying that people were Going Bananas for the collection!)

I actually dreamed about all the Fafi stuff being sold out last night. I place the blame fairly and squarely on this thread.


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Re: Does anyone else???

I dreamed that I went to a CCO (even though I've never been to one and they don't have them in my country!) and found heaps of different MSFs and pigments and I couldn't carry everything I wanted, then they said the store was closing so I was rushing around so I could get all the great stuff they had. I was SO disappointed when I woke up, lol.

klams jam

New member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had a dream a few weeks ago that someone broke into my house and stole my make up. I remember being very annoyed because he had made off with Earthly Riches, which I love, and I knew I couldn't replace!


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I do, except they're usually very weird like MAC would have cages with mice in the store that would comb each others hair. haha.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had another dream last night that it was the Fafi release and I kept forgetting all the things I wanted to get and the beauty powder blushes were in a really weird format and came with a little brush that looked like a cross between a 219 and a kabuki.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

So last week i dreamt that i got fafi eyes 2 and that i depotted them, put them in my pallette, and then took the case for back to MAC.

that was the one MAC dream i can remember. I had another one this weekend but i dont remember it.


Active member
Re: Does anyone else???

I dreamt that a colour collection came out before its official release date and by chance I was walking by and all the stuff already sold out and I didn't even know it was selling already...woke up in a panic hehe


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I do Dream about my addictions sometimes. (Yes, MAC is one of them!
generally experience these dreams when 'it's been a long time'...For instance, I haven't smoked a ciggie in over 5 yrs... When I'm stressed, as I have been lately, I dream I'm smoking!

I usually Dream about MAC when I cannot afford to buy anything

I think I Dream about MAC because
a) I'm obsessed! b) WANT! c) even in my Sleep, my mind tends to race... so I try to calm in a Dream of Creating!
(I also Dream about Writing.)
(I am a very light sleeper, & have always had problems with sleep...)
Another opinion I have: if I Dream of something entertaining, perhaps my sub-conscious is protecting me from dwelling on more difficult 'stressors'.....Maybe when I Dream about makeup, my mind is trying to help me rest, & to remind me that I am a person besides wife & remind me i am still a multi-faceted person who can Create, do Art, *play* !



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