Does anyone else dream about MAC??


Well-known member
I had a dream about MAC just a few nights ago actually! I dreamt I was going to the counter to look at the Neo Sci-Fi stuff, in particular the Plasma Blu nail polish. It was sold out at one counter, so I went to another where they still had it, and when I turned the bottle over to see what it was called, it had this increadibly long name, like "Don't leave me stranded in the desert when we're playing nomads at the beach" or some such.


Well-known member
omg everyone @ work thinks im SO WEIRD because I dream about MAC so much.... Even last night I dreampt that they re-released the Barbie loves MAC collection and I went to get two l/gs and all the e/s and i had them in my hands and then they dissapeared.. I spent the whole dream running around mac frantically looking for them =(

I dream about hauls ALL THE TIME.. every once in a while I dream that I only have $14 so I can only buy ONE eyeshadow or the such and im just sitting there @ the counter..

Or I dream that im shopping w/ a bunch of people and Im trying to decide what all I want and mi getting super frantic because they are trying to make me leave.

I need help.

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