Does anyone ever have a hard time with e/s application on just ONE eye?


Well-known member
Me tooooo! My brows never look the same. I've given up fighting with the shadows, I just try to mimic the right eye on the left and it still comes out looking uneven... Good thing I wear glasses, but the brows!

Tsunami Rose

Well-known member
I don't have that specific problem, I have a problem with I guess dry eyelids? I don't know. My right eye is kinda dry and it makes the colors not blend correctly around my crease. Its totally annoying my left eye blends perfectly but I have to work so hard to get my right eye to blend correctly. I have found that if I sleep in vasaline on my eyelids it helps keep them hydrated I suppose.


Well-known member
omg ithought i was the only one with this prob too! im right handed and my problem eye is my right eye.. just like you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
This has been my problem since forever. I'm right handed so when I do my left eye, the angle is natural for my hand so the eyeshadow application turns out pretty well. However, when I try to do my right eye, it looks so disgusting and ugly.
It's never even. Anyone have this problem? How were u able to fix it?

I just had to smile when I read this..

I definitely have the same problem - but opposite eyes. I'm right handed and the right eye goes on perfect, my left is weird... We need to share!

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
I definitely have the same problem - but opposite eyes. I'm right handed and the right eye goes on perfect, my left is weird... We need to share!

I am exactly the same way. I am right handed and my right eye always comes out much better then the left. I am definititely going to try the suggestion of doing the left first. It gets so frustrating trying to do it the other way around!!


Well-known member
^^Lefty here and my right eye makeup always comes out wonky compared to the left eye. My two eye lids are completely different - (the left eye has more of a defined crease) which makes it hard to get them to match. It does not help that I need glasses so when I apply my makeup I'm practically bumping my nose into the mirror and my brush handles are so long that they do the same!
Absolutely no drama's with my left eye though.


Well-known member
You know, I doubt many people really notice these things unless you point it out. Haha.

I'm actually ambidextrous and I still don't get both eyes perfectly matching sometimes. One advice I'd give people is to embrace the imperfection and make two eyes different. Some people can actually pull it off. And if you're make up is more on the natural/subtle side, I doubt anyone can tell.

That's my advice other than to practice if you're one of those people that just MUST have it perfectly matching. ^_^


Well-known member
I definitely have this problem! I'm right-handed, and my left eye always looks perfect while my right eye just does not want to cooperate. I don't think it really looks bad, as in I don't think anyone could tell, but it still bugs me. I really thought it was just me... I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FiestyFemme
I definitely have this problem! I'm right-handed, and my left eye always looks perfect while my right eye just does not want to cooperate. I don't think it really looks bad, as in I don't think anyone could tell, but it still bugs me. I really thought it was just me... I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem!

We have the same problem!! Omg I feel so self-conscious knowing that my right eye makeup looks funky.
I guess I'm just a perfectionist and I need everything to match and be perfect. Practice practice practice!!


Well-known member
I'm the opposite. I can do my right eye just great but when I get to my left eye...sigh* it never looks as great as the right side. so annoying...
good thing my bangs sweep to the left to cover any uneveness lol


Well-known member
I'm right handed & my right eye always looks great but I always screw up my left eye. I always shape up my left eye with a cotton swab & some make up remover to make it look more even.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iShadow
Haha, me too!! Typically I have issues bringing out my crease color too far on the left. But I'll try starting there first from now on!

Yes that's exactly my problem!!!!


Well-known member
I've never really had problems with the shadow application, but eyeliner... One eyelid is thin, and the eyelashes come out right at the edge, so I can swoop my liner along my lashline. The other eyelid is thick, and the lashes come out from a roundness in the lid - it's horribly hard to make a line to match the thin lidded eye.

I always line my thick lid first, then match up the thin lidded eye. If I do it the other way I end up looking like Amy Winehouse might look at age 45.


Well-known member
some tips ive picked up:
as earlier stated do your weak eye first. also try doing each step back and forth (like lid color on right eye, lid color on left, crease on right, crease on left etc) instead of doing one whole eye and then trying to match the other. its a bit more time consuming but this way you can be a bit more balanced with your application. also try look downward in a mirror, i have a little mirror that can tilt, this is helpful when doing lashes and liquid liner, by looking down into the mirror it causes you to almost close your eyes without them being closed. maybe these tips will help you guys out, i share them with customers all the time!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
some tips ive picked up:
as earlier stated do your weak eye first. also try doing each step back and forth (like lid color on right eye, lid color on left, crease on right, crease on left etc) instead of doing one whole eye and then trying to match the other. its a bit more time consuming but this way you can be a bit more balanced with your application. also try look downward in a mirror, i have a little mirror that can tilt, this is helpful when doing lashes and liquid liner, by looking down into the mirror it causes you to almost close your eyes without them being closed. maybe these tips will help you guys out, i share them with customers all the time!

this is the only way i do it on myself and others. i never do one complete eye then the other.
unless of course i'm trying out an eye look on someome. no way am i gonna do two complete eyes and they end up not liking it. i'll do one first, and if they like it, match em up. if not, erase one eye and start over. saves time that way.


I have a semi-hard time on my grumpy anal days, since one eyelid is smaller than the other, so I have to tweak my application a little. D:


Well-known member
Being a righty, I notice that my e/s on the right eye comes out pretty but the left eye always looks like a psycho clown went at it with paint. But I get a smooth line on my left eye and uneven on my right eye. wtf?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pink_lily82
Being a righty, I notice that my e/s on the right eye comes out pretty but the left eye always looks like a psycho clown went at it with paint. But I get a smooth line on my left eye and uneven on my right eye. wtf?

Welcome to my world! I have the exact same problem, can't get one eye decent looking.

I did find that looking down into the mirror helps as does using gel liner as it's more forgiving.