Originally Posted by astronaut
Who said I knew I would offend people by choosing the picture? I never would have expected anyone to be offended unless they happened to be nazis and or idolize Hitler or something so that wasn't a problem for me. You really think having an icon like that would break the terms of service on websites?
I still don't find what the big deal is about. I find it to be maybe on the same humor level as Family Guy or South Park, but I guess people find offense to that too...
There is no comparison between South Park and Adolf Hitler. I'm sure the show offends plenty of people, but then again it never killed anyone either because it isn't real. Can't say the same about Adolf, unfortunately. And I doubt that you would have gotten the complaints if you had posted a similar picture of Cartman or Chef.
It really is against the terms of service of many websites/webhosts to post images that would generally be considered offensive: it's in the pages long user agreements that people are supposed to read when they sign up, but a lot of people don't bother. So nudity, swastikas, hooded clansmen, etc are usually a no go. Hitler falls into the same category.
I really don't know if Specktra would let you post the Hitler pic as your avatar; I kind of suspect not. They are pretty strict about profanity and nonconstructive comments, and I've seen threads that got heated be deleted entirely. So Hitler as avatar here is probably a no go, as the topic is generally considered inflammatory. Question for one of the mods to answer, I guess.
I find it hard to believe that you didn't know that posting a picture of Adolf Hitler would be controversial: he's not exactly Mr. Popularity. To most people, he is the epitome of evil and making him prettier doesn't change this. You are (maybe) within your YouTube rights to post the pic, but all the other YouTube members who contacted you and voiced their displeasure are also well within their rights to do so. Freedom of speech is a double edged sword. You shouldn't post anything in a public domain that you don't want opinions or comments on.
I know my opinions in this thread aren't going to be popular and I don't give a s**t
And unless you can reach the same level of indifference, it would probably be best to remove your Hitler avatar, because people will continue to comment on it. You started this thread seeking enlightenment and I think that is admirable. But there is no middle ground on this issue: you either keep the avatar and deal with the comments, or you change it to something more socially acceptable and have people leave you alone. Your choice