Does this offend you?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
While I see it in bad taste, i too am one of the people that love Family Guy and South Park and I probably wouldn't e-mail you and tell you blah blah blah. But when I saw it as an avatar I would see it as distasteful and insensitive. You must remember That in many European Countries families are still negatively affected by Hitler's actions. For some reason it is much more real to them maybe b/c they are descendants of the destruction and they heard the terrible stories from family members that they dearly loved.

This hits the nail on the head. My grand mother lost family members during WWII. Posting a picture of Hitler with makeup seems like trivializing the war. I don't find it "cute" in any sense. I would probably feel the same about pictures of Stalin, Pol Pot, Osama bin Laden, etc.


Well-known member
I don't like, it but I wouldn't say I'm offended by it.

I guess there are just things, images, circumstances that, as a whole, aren't funny. So, I guess it's really what motivated you to choose it as your avatar.

And here's where I'm coming from... my Grandmother was forced into a camp during WWII because of her religious beliefs. After the war was over in Germany, my family moved to the United States. So, Hitler really shaped where my family is today.. and, honestly, I probably wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for what he did and my family's choice, then, to move.

Hitler is more a part of my family's history, then I would like. But the fact is, he shaped history. He was cruel, mad, inhumane. So, that's why I don't like it. But if you find some enjoyment in having this image as your avatar... well, there you go.


Well-known member
He did shape history, and denying it or ignoring it or pretending it didn't happen or not staring it in the face and labeling the atrocity it was doesn't help.
But in staring his insanity down, it's best, IMO, to be respectful of the impact he had on millions of people.


Well-known member
I don't like it. My family suffered greatly at the hands of Hitler. However, I wouldn't dis you for it. To each his/her own. I'm fairly certain I offend people as well.


Well-known member
i don't like it. it's tasteless.

there are people missing on both sides of my family because of Hitler. and seeing him at all, whether "cutesified" or not, makes me think of my living grandmother who STILL has nightmares about being shot at by SS soldiers because she's Jewish. and about my grandfather, who to this day will not tell a soul what he lived through during his time in a camp. try to tell my family to "chill the f*** out" because you think a doctored photo of Hitler is nothing to get up in arms about.

you can't display a photo of Hitler and not expect to offend. that's being ignorant beyond comprehension.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I don't like it but I'm not offended. I think I would be offended if I had lost family members because of Hitlers' actions.


Well-known member
I can't look at his face (With or without makeup) and not think about stuff he did. So, yeah... nothing cute, pretty or funny about that.


Even though Hitler is dead now, he isn't gone. There is still, for example, a war in Israel that has roots to WWII. There is still people alive that are affected by the horrors of Hitler's terrible aims.
I completely understand why some people get offended by your avatar. I have heard that in Germany Hitler is very serious topic, they don't make jokes about the Holocaust and so.
There's always been jokes about the dictators, like Stalin and Mao Zedong, but there is right place and time for those jokes - and it's not somewhere where ANYONE can get offended by them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by captodometer
There is no comparison between South Park and Adolf Hitler. I'm sure the show offends plenty of people, but then again it never killed anyone either because it isn't real. Can't say the same about Adolf, unfortunately. And I doubt that you would have gotten the complaints if you had posted a similar picture of Cartman or Chef.

I was referring to the content of Family Guy and South Park. They both have had at least one episode with Hitler in it. South Park more extreme than Family Guy. Family Guy had a random scene of Hitler while South Park had a whole episode where Cartman emulates Hitler and tried to dictate the town or something like that.

I don't think Clio Professional expected that people would be offended, otherwise they probably wouldn't have posted it in the art section of their site. I'm sure most companies out there wouldn't want to intentionally do something that would potentially hurt their sales.

I guess I'll change the photo since it seems to upset so many people, once I find something that piques my interest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I don't think Clio Professional expected that people would be offended, otherwise they probably wouldn't have posted it in the art section of their site. I'm sure most companies out there wouldn't want to intentionally do something that would potentially hurt their sales.

You said it's a South Korean market cosmetic company? I'm not surprised, if it is. They're not meaning offense it's just a different way of looking at things.

And, South Park and Family Guy are both shows known for notoriously bad taste. If that's the image one wants to present, by all means.


Well-known member
I'm not offended, but i think one should understand why others are.

Hitler organised and conducted the murder and bad treatment of hundreds and thousands, sayh if, someone murdered your family and lots of other families, and dare i say, became famous, or infamous; then if you saw someone editing pictures of the murderer which one may interpret as being for amusement, would you not be offended?

I am not OFFENDED, but i do find it quite disgusting and unnerving.

Originally Posted by persephonewillo
i don't like it. it's tasteless.

there are people missing on both sides of my family because of Hitler. and seeing him at all, whether "cutesified" or not, makes me think of my living grandmother who STILL has nightmares about being shot at by SS soldiers because she's Jewish. and about my grandfather, who to this day will not tell a soul what he lived through during his time in a camp. try to tell my family to "chill the f*** out" because you think a doctored photo of Hitler is nothing to get up in arms about.

you can't display a photo of Hitler and not expect to offend. that's being ignorant beyond comprehension.

I completely agree and i'm incredibly sorry for your family

I find it incredibly hard to understand why one would think it the same humour as south park, i've never watched said programme,b ut unless said programme organised the destruction of countries, families; and COMPLETELY crippled countries and their economies, then, how can it be compared????

Originally Posted by astronaut
Who said I knew I would offend people by choosing the picture? I never would have expected anyone to be offended unless they happened to be nazis and or idolize Hitler or something so that wasn't a problem for me. You really think having an icon like that would break the terms of service on websites? I actually thought about having it as my icon on specktra but couldn't part with my image of Shin Chan putting on lipstick.

I still don't find what the big deal is about. I find it to be maybe on the same humor level as Family Guy or South Park, but I guess people find offense to that too...

I wanted to note where I obtained the photo from. It was actually on the website of a South Korean cosmetic company called Clio Professional. It was on their cosmetic art page. I bought a couple of their products while in Asia and really liked them so I went browsing on their site and found it.

CLIO Professional

Well said

I've been to both Germany and Poland, both are very perculiar toward the events of say, 33-46, therefore before, during and after World War Two, i have visited concentration camps and it is eerie, words are barely spoken and i'm sure most would be horrified by said picture.

In Germany, it is rarely mentioned, and if mentioned, most Germans seem unsure of how to discuss the topic

Originally Posted by armi
Even though Hitler is dead now, he isn't gone. There is still, for example, a war in Israel that has roots to WWII. There is still people alive that are affected by the horrors of Hitler's terrible aims.
I completely understand why some people get offended by your avatar. I have heard that in Germany Hitler is very serious topic, they don't make jokes about the Holocaust and so.
There's always been jokes about the dictators, like Stalin and Mao Zedong, but there is right place and time for those jokes - and it's not somewhere where ANYONE can get offended by them.

Oh also, for about, my seventh post here!!

There are some people, granted, they are quite old now; that were so traumatised and brainwashed by Hitler, the Nazi Germany, and the Hilter Youth that thye kind of, love Hitler, yes you may not understand but after thorough studies of the life in Hitler's Germany, Hitler's foregin policy and very minute details about almost everything he did and why, or at least, why one thinks, i think its safe to say these people are right to feel that way, i know a Polish woman who was in the Hitler youth, bare in mind most living in Germany, after a certain time, 1936 i believe, were forced to joining Hitler Jugend, obviously if they were a youth!

Anyway, said woman actually still sort of, i don't know how to describe it, but still feels affection toward him, and thus, this would probably upset here.

In conclusion thus i think there are two, and many more reasons why people may be upset; namely, those who have lost lives to Hitler and his fascist regime, and his expansion and aggresion into Eastern Europe, then also, the people that were so brainwashed that they were upset to hear of him dying.

This is similar with when milosevic caused many to be upset when he died, even though he did many bad things


Well-known member
I rarely get involved in threads like these but here goes.....

Maybe I have no sense of humor but I don't see why putting his picture (in makeup or otherwise) on your myspace or other blog is in anyway appropriate.

If I saw that picture on a myspace I wouldn't e-mail nasty things to them or even comment but I would think twice about that persons character. To each their own but one has to realize why it would offend so many people. And if one doesn't see why people would be offended than maybe it is time to do some reading to brush up on what evil and inhumane things this man did.


Well-known member
I am not personally offended, but I believe it is tasteless.... I love family guy & south park and have laughed at episodes that involve Hitler. But after all these posts about ppl's families being affected, I think it is pretty harsh to tell ppl to "lighten up" and I understand how ppl might be offended...


Well-known member
for one. its a picture making fun of Hitler. Im not offended in the least..

Its not a picture of Hitler with a thumbs up next to it, or a heart around his head. She isn't worshiping him..

Southpark spoofs Hitler all the time "Pineapple up the ass?" "whose my creampuff ??" anyone remember that? Does that offend you as well ??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
for one. its a picture making fun of Hitler. Im not offended in the least..

Its not a picture of Hitler with a thumbs up next to it, or a heart around his head. She isn't worshiping him..

Southpark spoofs Hitler all the time "Pineapple up the ass?" "whose my creampuff ??" anyone remember that? Does that offend you as well ??

Actually, Yes.