Dumped by text message, by fiance of 5years!!!!


Well-known member
Oh, girl, I feel your pain. Maybe not as badly, as my fiance and I were together 2 1/2 years and not 5. ): But I was cheated on all the same and I know how bad it hurts, and how stressful it is being "paranoid" 24/7. It takes a lot of energy just worrying and worrying about what he could be up to, it will be a load off your shoulders now that you don't have to. I don't want to go on rambling about how I know it sucks, the last thing I want to do is depress you. Just know that you're not alone, you're not the only one that has gone through this, though it is clearly a shitty situation for anyone. That was truly disgusting of him to do, and especially to tell you through a text, but I guess at least he told you instead of leading you on longer. Seriously, you deserve so much better than that fool, I'm sure you're a beautiful girl and you'll eventually find someone who will treat you as such. Until then, be strong! Not to sound cheesy, but just hold on. You'll get through it, you can move on from this, though it will take time. Things will get better. I hope you can cheer up soon. :]

And definitely, don't take him back. Trust me, you don't need someone like that in your life. Don't give in. He's a schmuck, be glad you're not with him!


Well-known member
Jackass cockroach coward! :/

I won't repeat what the posters have posted so just.. stay strong and keep being positive!!!! We're always here to help if/when you do need us!!!!

Keep your friends close. There'll always be a few shoulders for you to cry on if needed.

Loads of hugs!! xoxo


Well-known member
I am so so sorry, I wish there was something I could say that would make this easier! I do echo Shimmer though, good on you for using condoms, but you should probably still be tested. Other than that, hold your head high, it hurts now, but every day it will get a little easier, and you'll make it...one step at a time.


Well-known member
I know it sucks right now. But -- honey, you dodged a bullet.

Just thank God you didn't end up marrying this cowardly bastard.


New member
i'm sorry to hear about this. but time will heal all wounds. you should learn to forgive, and look at the bright side, imagine if this happened when you guys are already married?? always remember that the best revenge, is for you to have a happy, successful & content life without him.


Well-known member
that's absolutely horrible!!!
like everyone said... its probably for the best. he was a cowardly jerk and probably would'nt have been good husband.
i hope you're okay!


Well-known member
im so sorry.
i can totally understand how you would feel awkward being single again because it's so unfamiliar.
i went through the same feeling when my boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up.
and also... how much time i wasted on this @$$hole!

I hope he gets what he deserves and never finds the love of his life, and I hope that you do.

Keep yourself busy.


[unless you SERIOUSLY feel you need some sense of closure]!!!

my friend is going through the same thing, and her talking to him only makes things worse and harder for her.

distance yourself as much as possible.

hang out with the girls.

this is the time you need them most, and this is what they are here for.

I hope you feel better, and dont think bad about yourself.

dont wonder what you did wrong.

You didn't do anything wrong, unless you consider trusting your soon to be husband while he's away.

There is nothing you could have done to prevent this, and just be happy that this happened before you tied the knot and not after the fact.

I wish you the best and lots of happiness!

Love Life, and try not to let him steal too much of your sunshine!



Well-known member
I know everyone totally already said this and more, but it needs to be said again: WHAT A JACKASS.

Good luck getting through this. If you can afford it, I'd suggest that you treat yourself to a vacation somewhere you've always wanted to go but never did. You're already in Europe, so going somewhere exciting and cultural is probably cheaper for you than it would be for someone in the states. Hell, you could probably just have a road trip all across your own country and take those silly cheesy tourist tours and discover all kinds of things you never knew were in your own back yard. Have a great time, learn some fun cultural history, and leave absolutely no time between sightseeing and eating yummy local foods to think about your jackass ex. Nothing says "Well in THAT case, I don't need your stupid ass anyway" more than going off to have fun without them.


Well-known member
Well he is a jerk for doing it by a text. I understand it may be hard to do something like that to someone you have been with for 5 years, but since it was his decission he needs to man up. And give you time to think? Think about what. You didn't do anything wrong. He is the one who wasn't faithful. But you have alot of time invested, and if it were me I wouldn't give up so easily. Stress and alot of time apart can weaken your relationship. And maybe he needed some attention and got the wrong kind from a female,and cheated. He also may feel that since he cheated on you that your relationship is just over with. But a relationship can work after infedelity as long as you are able to move past it and begin a new life together. Good Luck!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry that happened to you.... I wish there was something I could say that would perform some miracle to make it all go away.

My mom just got dumped by her fiance on Valentine's Day

The best advice I can give you is don't make yourself feel that this is your fault and there is something you could've done to prevent it. Because its not your fault he was an asshole and did that to you.

little teaser

Well-known member
it would of been nice if he was honest sooner, but at least he did have the balls to tell you and you not find out some other way, people fall in and out of love all the time and as bad as this sounds they cant help if they fall out of love, at least he realize his true feelings before you guys got married.
im sorry your going through this..


Well-known member
hey thanx for all your replies, its made me feel better.
I keep waking up every morning and wondering what he was thinking when he was doing her and whether he thought of me.
It really hurts.
My brother has told me to stop thinking of him and pretend he doesnt exist anymore,lol.
its been 3days now and it gets abit better, but when im on my own in the house i feel scared and start thinking and crying.
iv lost weight from all the stress hes put me through these last few weeks, iv gone from 7.5st to 6.5st and i look terrible and am finding it hard to eat meals.
i actually just looked at some pictures of him on facebook at some party he went to a few weeks back and i looked at him and actually realized how ugly he looks.
i think i need an older better looking guy who'll put me 1st instead of his career.

weird thing is 6weeks ago he was alright, i colored my hair red as he kinda liked red heads and he came home to see my red hair, and he'd also gone and had his hair cut like patrick dempsey coz i fancy him. he'd taken a picture of him to the hair dressers and asked for that cut. even though he said that the spanish girl didnt like it, which i was piss*d about, as i wondered what it had to do with her.
i think he hadnt done anything back then, but she was influencing him and seducing him at that point.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear about this. You deserve so much better, no one deserves to be treated like that honey.
You'll be better off in the long run.

Originally Posted by xandee
always remember that the best revenge, is for you to have a happy, successful & content life without him.

^ i agree.
I know it's hard after so long and such an investment in the relationship, but you can move on.

Girl about town

Well-known member
im so sorry you are feeling sad, but anyone who doesn't mind making you feel so bad is not worth bothering about and not the person you thought he was. The same thing happened to me and im so glad it did now as i now have a lovely fiance. Its likely he has had his head turned by this spanish girl and it will fizzle out and he will back grovelling but make sure when the time comes you are getting on with your life and enjoying it and can tell him to take a jump xxxxx good luck


Well-known member
thanks again for all ur kind words, dunno how id get up in the morning without all these words, i think of what u all say and try to be strong, though im scared il break and fall apart any minute.

I thought that if a relationship wasnt working it would go on for months and months of unhappiness, but he just changed over 4weeks.
Ive been getting thoughts in my head today like "what was he thinking and feeling when he was sat on the bed with her putting a condom on and the first time he penetrated her" horrible stuff like that and it kills me.
it was only january that he was calling me by his surname and saying he's love me forever and i was his forever and him mine.
its really weird, and has confused me like mad.
but the thoughts of him doing her, really hurt, more than anything i've ever felt before.


Well-known member
What a shit. I was dumped by text message once and it pissed me off no end. I only felt sad about the fact he'd actually dumped me an hour after I got the text lol.

It's balls that someone so cowardly would put you through that. IT sounds to me like that hoesbeast has been turning on the charm just to get in his pants. It'll end up going wrong in a few weeks when she does it to the next lad that comes along. But she'll get hers in the end and so will he.

All you can do now lovely is throw yourself intot hings and try to stay positive. Remind yourself of all the wonderful things and oppertunities you have in your life and concentrate on them.

I'm always about if you want a chat or need to vent some spleen.


Men like that are always suspicious to me so i rather work and get my degree to make shitload of money so i don't depend on a man. It's nice when a guy treats you but when he is totally cheaP EGH



Well-known member
You're right chistina - a man that'll send you a text message to break it off has no balls. I'm so sorry; it's never easy to be dumped but that he didn't or wouldn't even take the time to tell you this to your face? What a piece of sh*t. Geez, remember when a division of Radio Shack laid off a bunch of people via email? Also a distinct lack of cajones. It'll be difficult to get over, I'm sorry you have to go through this.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh hun!! I'm so sorry.

Take your time to get over this. 5 years is a long time to be with someone.

*sending hugs from the USA*