Well-known member
HerGreyness, I also appreciate all the advance info, but it does make sense why it needs to stop. Hopefully it will calm the frenzy at release time--at least, I hope it will! I feel really sorry for people who might like to try VV collection items and don't have a way to get them--because it is SOLD OUT even BEFORE the official release date! An average consumer who sees this collection will say, "oh, the 30th? Okay, I'll go there after I get home from work on the 30th," only to find out it was sold out DAYS before! For some items, even if they were released that day, I'm guessing that getting on in the evening after work might even be too late (did Stereo Rose &/or Marine Life go that fast?) I know it will still be at counters, but even then; limited supplies won't help, and it only helps those who are near the counters/stores.