Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in 2011 - Discussion

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Well-known member
Those are soo pretty!Oooh I can't wait for this to come out,I love mineralize products.Thanks for the pics,very much appreciated!


Well-known member
Thank you so much, bbgillian!

Love the pictures! Love the watermarks! I especially love the last line: "From Specktra.com Do Not Steal!!!!" It's big and bold. Easy to read. You're sending a clear message.


Specktra Bestie
OK, I'm in trouble. Of the shadows, there are three that look like ones I already have, but I even want those (since I don't have back-ups for the ones I already have...) Seriously, I'm floored. The burgindy-coloured one is amazing and that acid green/ blue mix is... Well, you can see the emoticon at the beginning of this message.
Some wierd looking MSF.. the pink one is my favorite.. Wish my watermark stratgey would work..

I have to say, bbgillian, I'm sad that you had to mark the photos like that just because people are obnoxious, but the stamps you put on them did make me laugh...


Well-known member
bbgillian that is so nice of you to put up the pictures!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! :D

No idea which ones I love most yet, still staring! ;)


Well-known member
I know how to make watermarks. I have to put them on my photography since I had a few pictures stolen once before. You have to use photoshop. It's actually pretty easy. I love that deep red/black MES!!!


Well-known member
Some wierd looking MSF.. the pink one is my favorite.. Wish my watermark stratgey would work..
oh my goodness!!!! the shadows look freaking amazing! and the msf's are so random looking! wow!!! thank you so much for sharing these with us! i guess these will be in our july collections!


Well-known member
ok so after staring at the picture for ages my faves are the blackened red, blue and green mes and the pink msf! :)


Well-known member
Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for the pics bbgillian

I love the pink MSF and the blue,green,darkgreen and blackend red MES


Well-known member
i am also loving the bright pink shadow on the lower left. the blackened green is also stunning but i feel like my disney mes with the green is good enough for now! :) the mes dont usually interest me but i feel like mac are going back to their roots with these babies! the best kind of mes!


Well-known member
These MES remind me of the Flashtronic Collection :) That was my favourite bunch of mineralize eyeshadows that they have come out with yet.

Love the dark green and the red!


Well-known member
And... I'm excited for makeup again. Haha- it was bound to happen sooner or later. Thank you so much bbgillian!

I am completely in love with at least three of the MES and those MSFs look like things I may need.


Well-known member
bbgillian, thanks a lot for the sneak and the messages on the pictures. That will show them :) Teresita, happy very belated birthday, hope you like being over the 3-0 line :winkiss: liba, layla, great to see you back, although now that liba is back my wallet is already complaining ;)


Well-known member
Love the watermark
. Those MSF's are very strange but somehow I must have them, MSF's are my loves. I'm totally aasking for them for my birthday. I really want to see how the top left and bottom right swatch. The pink one is bought seen and unswatched....baby pink MSF? hell yeah!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Thank you so much for posting the pics! Everything looks gorgeous, I want it all, LOL.

And I like the watermarks, made me smile, especially the shame on you part. So true.


Well-known member
Thanks bbgillian for the pics! Hihi the watermarks are so funny

That green looks so cool!! But if these msf's are from the july collection... then... that means... no lightscapade!!!

Soul Unique

Well-known member
bbgillian - you're a STAR! Many thanks for sharing your pics.....

Due to this, I know want the Gold, Deep Red and Lime/Blue MES' for certain! Anyone notice the top right corner [dark green] mes, bares a cunning resemblance to the green part of She Who Dares?


I am also loving the Pink MSF like everyone else -- go figure, huh!? lol
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