Early Buzz Regarding MAC Collections/Products Coming in 2011 - Discussion

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Well-known member
i love the msfs and mes bt i really need to see swatches before i buy anything cause it looks like a mess in the pot.. bt im a huge msf fan so ill definitely be buying at least 1..

thanks for the pictures!


Well-known member
Thanks for the pictures, bbgillian!
I am LOVING the gold/black mse...

Quite curious/excited to see how it will swatch! :D


Well-known member
OMG thanks for the pictures!!! Those MSF look amazing- and they will come home with me fo'sure!:)

I found some more pictures of the amazing mineralize eye shadows...There are more close-up and detailed pics at the source...

Source: Allglam


Well-known member
pretty! im finding it so hard to keep up with all of the collection threads, and since my local mac counter is closed due to an earthquake, and prob closed until before xmas, i really cant keep up!


Well-known member
Oh my gosh, so many new things to drool over. The shadows & msf's look great, of course I will have to see if any are dupes of my huge stash of e/s. The foundation peaks my interest, hopefully MAC has one pale enough. I have a hard time getting a good match.


Well-known member
WOH! The mes looks amazing! I'm kinda over MSF, dunno why lol Unless they are really unique
I hope the mes are better than the perm duos. I swatched them the other day and they just didnt do it for me, seemed pretty chalky. The blue one is gorg though. And are they glittery? I love those but want something diffferent as glitter can sometimes irritate my eyes so I only use them on special events.


Well-known member
ooooohhhhhh...i think i want!!!! for me, over the right base mes are great and i absolutely love danger zone mes even though i have never used the wierd silver glitter strip down the middle...but they blend so well for softer smoky looks...there are a few there that i will def be looking into after we get some better pics and swatches!!!


Well-known member
The pink mineralize blush bbgillian posted reminds me a lot of Moon River just that the parts are split in another way.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link! I'll definitely be buying all of these MESs, I collect them and these ones look really nice and colourful! yay!

OMG thanks for the pictures!!! Those MSF look amazing- and they will come home with me fo'sure!:)

I found some more pictures of the amazing mineralize eye shadows...There are more close-up and detailed pics at the source...

Source: Allglam


Well-known member
I've been looking for an true dark red for years! I bought the red paint in 2006..It's nice but a little bit hard to work with. I hope this MES works as nice as it looks!

i'm excited for the red mes for sure! i have danger zone which is also an awesome red but it's only a small part of the mes!


Well-known member
I wonder if we are getting the Mineralize blushes with this collection too? I'm sure the past couple of years the've done the split MB.
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