early early early pregnancy signs??


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for 2 yrs my hubby and i quit "preventing" pregnancy, with no little surprises. im on the verge of giving up. no we have not gone to a doctor ( i know i know) im just scared to hear bad news, like i may be infertile. anyway we took a hollistic approach and started a vitamin regimin to aid us both in fertility. my ovulation was the 8th, we had sex every other night from the 3rd to the 9th as advised. today ive noticed some very low abdominal cramping, but not like pms, it feels like a dull burning sensation and some lower back pain. im kinda emo but i have no tenderness in the breast which usually starts a week before my period, which should start the 21st. ive done some digging on the net and many women say they felt like they were getting their periods before finding out they were pregnant, my question is, could you feel "different" a week after ovulation if conception occurred?


Well-known member
If you are really in tune with your body you could, but it could also be your body reacting to your mental stress about getting pregnant. I know that I haver been scared about being pregnant and I started feeling symptoms but I wasn't pregnant. Stay calm, you will find out soon enough. I hope that you are pregnant though!


Well-known member
I've had 5 babies and that didnt ever happen to me. I first knew at about 4 weeks - tender breasts, moody, crying, sickly feeling - not vomity or queasy, just unsettled tummy I guess... most women dont know until they are somewhere between 4-6 (or even 8 weeks) gestation, but thats not to say it cant happen - everyone is different!

I was in a similar situation to you - I had my first child at 17 naturally, but was in clinical menopause at 22 and underwent a regime of fertility treatment to have my son, then again to have my second son. we tried for a another baby but after more treatment failed we decided IVF was not for us. 7 years later I now have two more babies naturally - HUGE suprise to me!! Dont give up sweetie - your time will come, and when it does you are going to appreciate it so much more


Well-known member
i didn't even begin to think i was pregnant until 5 weeks had already gone by.. i didn't have any low ab/menstrual-feeling cramping during the weeks leading up to taking the home pregnancy tests. i think it would be really hard to feel physical symptoms so early, but of course everyone's body is different! take a HPT in a few days and see what happens
good luck!!


Well-known member
^^HPT can cause MUCH heartache with false results ~ especially so early on, in fact they arent recommended at this stage...
10-14 days post ovulation is the earliest time anyone is recommended to use them, many dont recommend you start until after you have a confirmed missed period. False test results are common if you use them before this time.

The ONLY reliable way to tell at this super early stage would be a HCG (blood test) taken by a dr.


Well-known member
i think a lot of it is that we are definatly trying so ive become so in tune to everything going on with my body. like if we werent actively trying i would chalk these feelings up to working to hard, bad diet, stress, on coming flu, whatever. but now its like im looking for those symptoms to be there. i know its still way to early to test, but im really hoping for a postive this month!! fingers crossed...


Well-known member
Everyone's body is different but with my first pregnancy, I KNEW i was pregnant. I felt a tightening feeling in my abdomen but more than what I was physically feeling, intuitively, I just knew I was pregnant. My hubby thought I was nuts but I was right, I was preggo.

Whatever happens, good luck and I hope you are!!


Well-known member
when i was 19, i was almost 3 months pregnant and had NO CLUE.

but here were my symptoms that prompted me to go visit the doc:

i was crying over everything. i remember i had over-toasted some Toaster Strudels, and wanted them so bad i burst into tears. WTF??? then i was watching The Lion King (which always made me emotional) but i was crying like it was MY dad who died. whoa.......

^^speaking of toaster strudels, for like 2 weeks thats ALL i wanted to eat and thats all i did eat.

i slept for HOURS. i mean, dead ass tired. peeing like a race horse.

i went to my mom and was like "I dont feel good" she was like "I bet you're pregnant"

caught me off guard. i took a test, and wow...she was right..

(note: that pregnancy, sadly, did not work out

but anyhoo, yes, early abdominal cramping and pretty much every sign of your period coming CAN be pregnancy. and if you are pregnant, this could be your very last period lol. just wait it out and see what happens.


Well-known member
The fact you almost stopped obsessing over the pressure of getting pregnant is a great sign- relaxing your system is a great start.

I know this may sound strange but i knew almost within days to a week that i was pregnant:

  • My husband is a smoker and all of a sudden his cigerettes smelt vile- i couldnt be in the same room as him
  • i had period like syptoms- sweating, some constipation
  • tender breasts
  • and i was very very fatiqued

have you done a pregnancy test yet?


Well-known member
You could feel different...if you're very in tune with your body, it's possible that you're feeling implantation...generally it happens somewhere between 6 and 10 days after ovulation, I believe. I had a little bit of cramping and some light spotting (which I thought was just breakthrough bleeding, at the time) around the time implantation would've been happening for me...but because I hadn't been trying, I just wrote it off as my body being stupid again...hehe. Although like one of the PPs said, I KNEW I was pregnant before I even took the test...for some reason my heart started doing some strange things, skipping beats here and there, odd fibrillation, etc. I'd never had any of that happen to me before, and something about it just told me I was preggo.
Best advice I have is just to relax and try not to think about it too much (I know it's easier said than done)...if things don't go your way this time (I've got my fingers crossed for you!), don't get discouraged...you can throw your cycle off, keep yourself from ovulating at all, and make it difficult to allow your body to create that ideal environment to become pregnant. Enjoy your hubby, and try to keep your "attempts" fun and light, rather than a mission...it'll happen for you.
Much luck..


Well-known member
When I was 18, I got pregnant. I actually figured I was right before my missed period, the signs were so strong.

For me my sense of smell heightened like no other, I still can't deal with the old shampoo/conditioner I loved before then.. The scent just started getting on my nerves!!

All I wanted was tater tots with nacho cheese or chicken nuggets. Man in that month my mother made a lot of mcdonalds runs.

I cramped a whole lot during the process.

I actually finally dragged my ass to a doctor after I lost control of my bladder. If I didn't get to a washroom within 10 minutes, it wouldn't give a damn.

Tired? Heck I slept all day given the chance.

Like MissReesha, mine didn't work out either. I worked in a hair salon, chemical straighteners are baaaddd news.

So in the end, yes. You can know before hand. I sure did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
You could feel different...if you're very in tune with your body, it's possible that you're feeling implantation...generally it happens somewhere between 6 and 10 days after ovulation, I believe. I had a little bit of cramping and some light spotting (which I thought was just breakthrough bleeding, at the time) around the time implantation would've been happening for me...but because I hadn't been trying, I just wrote it off as my body being stupid again...hehe. Although like one of the PPs said, I KNEW I was pregnant before I even took the test...for some reason my heart started doing some strange things, skipping beats here and there, odd fibrillation, etc. I'd never had any of that happen to me before, and something about it just told me I was preggo.
Best advice I have is just to relax and try not to think about it too much (I know it's easier said than done)...if things don't go your way this time (I've got my fingers crossed for you!), don't get discouraged...you can throw your cycle off, keep yourself from ovulating at all, and make it difficult to allow your body to create that ideal environment to become pregnant. Enjoy your hubby, and try to keep your "attempts" fun and light, rather than a mission...it'll happen for you.
Much luck..

jeeeez... i must be pregnant, cuz reading this i was tearing up!! im so emo right now!

but really geoff and i kept it fun during what we called sex week a thon 2009. i never wanted it to be a chore, we said that from the beginning, we took our vitamins and just had fun enjoying each others bodies. hes so cute, everyday he sends me texts from working saying "feel pregnant yet?" when i was young, 19 like the some of you i did get pregnant (was not ment to be as was with you guys) i remember cigarette smoke making me want to vomit and though i never got morning sickness i felt like i had a sour tummy, and i knew then. but that was 10 yrs ago, and since i want it so bad i dont want my mind to trick myself into thinking "yes those are pregnancy symptoms you feel". i have not tested yet because its still to soon, my period is due the 21st so i will test then if it doesnt come.


Well-known member
We women are a funny breed! I noticed something was awry because I could not stomach my morning cup of coffee or the very smell of it. OP are right, pay close attention to any differences you notice no matter how small!
Good thoughts go out to you and your husband.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
but really geoff and i kept it fun during what we called sex week a thon 2009. i never wanted it to be a chore, we said that from the beginning, we took our vitamins and just had fun enjoying each others bodies. hes so cute, everyday he sends me texts from working saying "feel pregnant yet?"

sex week a thon 2009...I love it! ...and that's adorable that he's sending you those texts...haha. You're right about over-thinking it, though, you definitely don't want to have your mind play tricks on you...it's scary how the power of suggestion can affect you physically. I know the wait for the 21st is probably killing you right now...but you can always get one of the early test kits and test now (since they usually come with two..) if you're really itching to know.

Speaking of HPTs...can I just say how amused I am at the commercial I always see for the "most advanced piece of technology you will ever pee on" LMAO That damn commercial makes me wanna pee...but not on their technology.

Anyway, GL hunnie, and whether you decide to test early, or on the 21st, let us know, we're all rooting for you!


Well-known member
Good luck babe. I had super easy pregnancies and in all three cases, I just knew. I'm no help on this.

I will tell you that maybe to jump start the ol' system...every woman I know who's gotten pregnant did so when she was looking to lose a little bit of weight. Lose like 8 lbs (healthy of course) and whoa. The little plus sign shows up EVERYWHERE.


Well-known member
^^^ That is true....Loose weight and then get fat...so funny how that happens...every person I know that went on a diet / or lost weight before they tried got pregnant so fast


Well-known member
My first clue was that I was ravenous. That first month I was eating 6 meals a day. Then I just stopped eating cause I was sick the next 8 months.
Good luck.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Hi i had a feeling i was pregnant before i could test, i felt yukky in the morning had mega sore boobs and a few restless nights, also felt a bit heartburny. I tested positive 10 days post ovulation!!!

Pregnancy symptoms can be exactly like PMT symptoms though!!! Fingers crossed this time was a lucky one xx


Well-known member
ugh!! i was wrong about my period due date. its actually due the 24th. i took an early test anyway but it was negative :/. im crampy and my boobs hurt but im also nauseous and been that way for a week now. i dont think i am though, im sure its just pms. why would this time be any different. im so mad right now, at the circumstance.... like i wanna cry and scream and hit things, im so frustrated... why us???


Well-known member
mmm, sweetie, there is no real answer to that question
I know its hard, I was gutted being in menopause at 22 - I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. I took fertility treatment for over 12 months before my first son was conceived and I was about ready to give up... in fact in my heart I think I already had. Then there he was and I was eccstatic!! Now my little boy - the one we tried so hard to conceive - died when he was one... and I nearly died too. I asked the same thing - why us??? wtf deal was this that I went through so much to get him, only to have him taken from me again, and it damn near destroyed me. But then I was blessed with another son after more treatment, then 7 years later another son and a daughter naturally conceived!! I never did find the answer to my why either, but sometimes you just have to go with the blows, even if they seem too hard to deal with at the time. I am sorry about your neg, I know that pain really well, but dig deep, take some time out, and then try again. Sooner or later you're going to be a mum, and its going to be so very worth it

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