

Well-known member
I am having some luck now hopefully he can find them. But I spoke to the lady who answers the phone to check their system. She told me they have two in the back. Then called the guy on the floor to find them.
Some say in stock and others say limited availability.


Well-known member
If it isnt too much trouble, I would say drop in. Most stores did not have these out yet, so chances are calling them might not give an idea.
I went directly to one on Sunday, couldn't find anyone to help me. I stopped by one last night on my way home also and they claimed to be sold out. I then went home and started calling around. I plan on going into the last semi convenient store to me today and if I can't get them then I'm just going to say eff it as it's becoming a pain in the butt.

Dolly Snow

That's been my experience most places. They say they don't have it, but chances are you go in and they do - they were just too lazy to look.
Yup exactly! I've been in the store and called lol just yo see....and they usually just stand around and lie say they are in the aisle and they aren't!


Well-known member
Some of these workers are just lazy. They never want to check for anything. Some are nice though.
That was the online result. I've called around and gone into some stores that say in stock or limited and still haven't found them. I'll go to one more today and if that's a failure, then I'm just going to take it as a sign that I don't need them.

Dolly Snow

That was the online result. I've called around and gone into some stores that say in stock or limited and still haven't found them. I'll go to one more today and if that's a failure, then I'm just going to take it as a sign that I don't need them.
Same for me. I can't go anywhere at the moment. But my sister has to go to target today anyways so if she finds them for me then yay.


Well-known member
I'm already thinking I should back up Glam. It's such a comfortable color to wear and dare I say timid little me could wear this even on a weekday afternoon and feel comfortable. Should I?


Well-known member
Same for me. I can't go anywhere at the moment. But my sister has to go to target today anyways so if she finds them for me then yay.
It's also too hot to be driving all around town with no ac which is deterring me from going to the farther out stores at the moment. Le sigh.


Well-known member
Should I?
Asking this group if you should back something up is most certainly going to get you a "YES" as your answer. LOL.
I love Glam so much though that I'm really contemplating backing it up as well, it's just a perfect lipstick.


Well-known member
It's also too hot to be driving all around town with no ac which is deterring me from going to the farther out stores at the moment. Le sigh. 
I've given up on going anywhere in this heat and am camping in my bedroom on my phone. It's the only room in the apartment with A/C. I need fall nooooooow.